mar 15, 2022

Yes! We finally got the bonus episode at the beach!

Yes! We finally got the bonus episode at the beach!It is a must!We've also been officially introduced to Mickey's sister. I already love her! She gives me protecting older sister vibes, extremely scary and super sweet at the same time! AMAZING! I'm scared for my life and I'm not even part of that universe!Kevin has to consider himself lucky he only met Zeyne, when he invited himself to the trip, imagine him meeting the whole squad he would be already dead...Kinda mad I liked his song... 😒The whole squad is hilarious, I feel represented! Their song was relatable! HAHAHAHAAlso KEVIN AND MALIK YES PLEASE!I already love this couple, been shipping them since their first meeting! I really want to see it happen!

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Ooooh~ it looks like every episode is going to get more and more interesting as we go on!I like that! 👀We are getting to know our boy Shiro and his relationship with his sister Rion a little better, their scenes were so cute. I loved the children who played their younger counterparts!We will probably discover something more about Ichiro too, especially thanks to the appearance of Chika, I don't know how important she'll be as a character, but I really like her. She seems really sweet, but is she really?!I have trust issue!Her stalker surely helped are understand how different Shiro and Ichiro works and the possible difficulties this could create in the future.See them actually getting to work on the case together was amazing, I think I'm gonna love this part of their relationship, as much as the more sentimental one!Those scenes the have together in which Shiro takes care of Ichiro and the emotions he portrayed and the one in which Ichiro nearly touched Shiro' tattooed back...WOW!LOVE EVERYTHING!

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mar 9, 2022

An unexpectedly pleasant surprise!

I started watching this drama just because I needed something to fill up the hole Bad Buddy had left after ending, so I wasn't really expecting anything other than some "relief" but I have to be honest guys, I actually enjoyed this first episode quite a lot!I wasn't expecting the episode to be like this from the plot (Yes! This is the first time I read the plot before starting to watch the drama) I loved the fact that before starting with the part of the plot that gave the name to this drama we get to know a little more about Theo and Akk which IS (or at least I really hope he will be) Theo's endgame!I already love both of them, and also Akk's sisters! They are so iconic!Don't really know what to think about Theo's parents... They looked very sweet when he was a kid, but I don't really know, we'll see! I would have loved to meet his grandmother... 💔I swear you if Theo and Akk at the end of the drama won't get together, I will start a riot! That whole ice-cream shop scene is so fucking obvious that it pains me to watch it! They are already married and they don't even know...It is so clear that Akk is in love with Theo, you can't watch the ice-cream shop scene and the ending of this episode and disagree with this!Well... This was an expected surprise, gonna continue this drama for sure!

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mar 8, 2022

Can I please hug Oab?! 🥺❤️

Got to be honest, the only disappointment this drama made me feel (atm) is that it is too short! What do you mean it is going to be just 8, 20 minutes long, episodes?!It is just not enough, I need more!I dived in without any knowledge of the plot, so it was a bit confusing, but it is just because I'm stupid. I'm already in love with the characters, especially Oab (A BABY™) and Sichol he is such a mood, he made me laugh so much!I will wait for next episode to come out. Obviously this episode wasn't enough to het to properly know the characters, but I liked the way they were introduced.It seems really interesting!
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mar 3, 2022

Some back story!

Ooooh~ we got the back story in here! Finally we know hiw we got to the point where we are now.Not a big fan of the queen's acting skills I have to be honest, but that scene at the start with her and the prince crying... Damn I nearly cried too!Mickey's friends and his mom too are amazing and I want to hug them, as I want to hug the prince protectiom squad!A little scared about Malik sudden appearance but I want him and Ken (BI KING) to be the side couple!Can we please have them as the side couple?! 🙏🏻🥺Also the song of this episode is probably my favorite one until now! I love Mickey's mom actress singing! And the two of them together... JIST LOVED IT! 👌🏻❤️

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mar 3, 2022

Chaotic mess I love!

This drama is such a chaos and I love it even more!This is so funny and lighthearted to watch atm I really needed something like this! There's nothing serious about it, it is so stupid and that's what made me love it so much!I really needed something lighter to watch!I love the characters, I want to hug them all!
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gen 23, 2022

I loved this roller-coaster!

This episode was pure fluff and fucking terrifying in equal parts! Let's start with the beginning of the episode... We already new it was gonna be a test, but I felt scared and confused anyway, by the way things go we see how unhinged the gang is, to much for White who's completely out of his comfort zone.His brother's friends don't recognize him, because he is in fact a totally different person, but they can't know this, so it is normal they grow concerned, if someone start to act strange and you don't know he has an identical twin, you don't immediately think that it might be his (not) evil twin!And that comes back clearly when White goes to the room he now share with Sean and he (completely wasted) start to talk openly about this thing! He is more open, less aggressive, more gentle with the one who he believes to be Black. He is growing somewhat affectionate at this moment of the story. And White feels in this moment he can be his true self, he can say what he really thinks without being too concerned of the consequences, probably because of the state Sean is in, in that moment. The little playful fight they had, before Sean basically fainted on White was really sweet, I side of Sean we haven't had many chance to witness. Today we got to see again his more vulnerable side, while asleep he can't put on his mask, he is completely defenseless. I would like to thank Off for the amazing acting in particular during the dream/memory. I could really feel all those emotions and I could feel them even through his present self. White get turned into a teddy bear once again, but he put not so much resistance he just let himself be hugged because he is truly concerned about Sean mental state and he tries to be of comfort in this way.The scene in which they wake up is both similar and completely different from the previous one, because they way they interact has changed, I loved the fact that White gives Sean his space "If you wanted to tell, you'd have done it already." I think that it's coherent for his character. He can't show much of himself at the moment, so he will not put other in the same position unless it may be relevant to find who nearly killed his brother. And I think it surprise Sean someway, but I'm not sure about it! And that's when he kinda gets back to the side of him we are more used about!Now we get to the less fluffy part! The plan!There are so many wrong things in there honestly depending on which side you stand by! Me being more on White side I totally get why he took the decision we saw, even though his decision were risky too! Showing your whole face while committing crimes, not the best move ever! But as @wadprem pointed out in this post ( the idea of pouring random chemicals into something you don't know the exact chemical composition it could have been so much worse, considering it was something that people could have drunk! Also this post too ( they totally crazy... 🙈In the middle of the chaos White and Sean had going on, we had another sweet moment between Yok and Gram, I really loved to see more about their friendship in this episode. They shared a moment so pure it made me cry. And it works so damn fine because it were those two, if there would have been other two characters it wouldn't have worked as well in my opinion. Because it is clear they are just two friends openly talking about theirs respective crush on two ther people who are not there in that moment. I love that they choose to film a scene like this one, it makes things even better.The end is a big chaotic mess I'm not sure a even remember all of it, one thing that I surely remember is White trying to pull a UNAR/Dan move. I think that's why he took a pic instead of actually proceeding with the plan as it was. Yok being completely and amazingly crazy with fireworks in his hands while being chased by the security, with Gram having no idea what's going on and running for his life!Then everything is confusing until Sean start to chock White and White interior monolog while basically dying...Woooo~ what a roller-coaster!I'm not even sure I've said everything I wanted to say about the episode, but I think it is enough for now!

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Me am hooked! *^*

Not gonna lie, this was a bit confusing because of the time jumps, but even before getting used to it, I already loved this drama!Both the characters and the story seems quite interesting and mysterious... I haven't seen anything and I already feel hooked!They seem interesting as a couple too! 🌚We've seen a few scenes already and I'm really impatient to see more!
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gen 16, 2022

Send help!

Soooo...What do you mean I have to wait until next Sunday to watch next episode?!I don't think I'll be able to do it after today's episode...A lot of things have been said, a lot of unsaid things have been cleared, and a lot of emotions have been caused, to me!How the fuck do I live now?Please can anybody find me a Gumpha to help me understand how to live! He seems a pretty great life coach!
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gen 15, 2022

First contact!

This is my first time ever watching something from Philippines, so that's a first contact for me, I'm mostly confused at the moment, wasn't expecting so many changes of language, is it something usual? I enjoyed it, but it was a surprise!The story seems cute, and I like the actorsI overall enjoyed quiet a lot, I will wait for the next episode to come out! 🙏🏻
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gen 14, 2022

"A dream, perhaps a fairy tale!"

What the fuck even was this episode?!It gave me joy and pain in equal measure and I'm finding myself in a state of perpetual tortuous bliss...I don't know what to say, I feel empty and full at the same time! A dream suspended in time, before the inevitable return to reality!This episode gave us so much...
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gen 14, 2022

I'm in Spain without the S!

Oh dear...Just finished to watch the episode, and everything is just, too much! How do people deal with all of this usually?!The start was so cute, the mystery so interesting and the end so heartbreaking...I'm crying!The last scene got to me!
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gen 13, 2022

Domestic couple!

Is it legal, for them to be this cute together?!They are so domestic, they are married in secret, my precious precious idiots in love!Talking about idiots in love, we also have the sapphic version now, it seems. All of them are extremely chaotic. There are a few of very important comfort scenes from this episode, that I will probably re-watch every time I'm having a bad day! I'm really hating Wai and the parents in here... Everyone is so stupid and adorable and cute, and these fuckers have to ruin everything! They makes me so angry! That ending scares me...I don't know what to expect from the future.
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gen 13, 2022

Idiots in love

The time skip confused me a bit, because I did not expect it, but as someone on Tumblr made me notice, it was just (at most) a few months, not much!They are more in love and more idiots than ever, I like their intricate rituals, I find them funny!It balances a good dose of humor, with some incredibly painful moments of light angst.Perfection! 🙏🏻The time skip also brought with him a more important role for my love Pa, which is obviously already in love with Ink, even though she hasn't realized it yet... Is this a family trait, like hotness and all of that?!I'm really curious to see where all this is going! 👀
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gen 13, 2022


My man Pat actively searched for death in this episode, just to get a chanche to stay with Pran, and even though it was very stupid of him, I loved it!My man Pran is running away from him at any possible time, until it is impossible for him to continue do so, and in that moment things happen!There were a few scenes that I'll probably re-watch multiple times until the day I'll die! And then I'll request them to be played at my funeral!The scene at the market was great, but the next one at the beach, and then THE LAST ONE AT THE BEACH?!For fucks sake!Perfect depiction of aesthetically pleasing pain caused by #Idiots in Love!✨Fantastic!✨Wai scares me and I hate their parents, but not even that could take away my happiness!

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