mar 31, 2022

Four Stars

Dude! What the fuck?!They didn't even know each others' names and were already acting lile that, what the hell are they going to act like when they'll eventually be together for real?!This drama is like that meme of that ship shipping ship shipp-... There are so many possible couple and they all look fine!What a dream! But it is also a painful dream, because, THAT END!My baby Mork fell so hard, in so little time! Bro... you have to protect your fragile heart!
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mar 31, 2022

Four Stars

Ooooh~Mark me down as confused and intrigued!In this first episode we meet so many people in such a rapid succession, I don't think I grasped all the characters and dynamics perfectly, but I really want to know what story they will inact!I'm feeling so much sorrow for Mork right now...He seems such a sweet and caring guy, I want to hug him! 😭This drama is a mystery right now, I think I'l love it, but I'm a bit confused right now!
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mar 29, 2022

Three Stars

6 years later?!WHAT DO YOU MEAN "6 YEARS LATER"?!They left their misunderstanding over the break up hanging on for all that time?!Damn!This drama confuses me, but I couldn't help but watch it all!I'm amazed!
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mar 29, 2022

I'm sorry for being an insensitive asshole…

I'm sorry for being an insensitive asshole but... the start of this episode made me laugh so much!Guys! From the moment he woke up he fainted multiple times, TAKE HIM BACK HOME! PLEASE!I see this helped to break his shell, though!Nawee went from asshole extraordinaire to little thing scared of everything, it was kinda sweet (?!) someway!The way he hugged Aioun as soon as he woke up! AAAAA~! 🥺So sweet!Aioun is in love! YES!And is brothers' shenanigans are going to make them meet again veeeery soon!Seems like next episode will be an important one! 👀
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mar 26, 2022

Five Stars

For fucks sake... This episode tried so hard to unalive me, I think it actually succeeded for a few seconds here and there... DAMN!Let's just talk about it following a "chronological" (?!) order, because if I start screaming about the last scene now, I'll never be able to talk about anything other than that!The episode starts exactly where the previous one left us, and Kuea make it pretty clear to Nuer that he is not really interested in his flirt attempt.But little nuisance apparently exists to create problems on purpose, so he just insert himself in his work group!He is making Syn loose his shit and I'm enjoying it so much, I know I shouldn't but I really want to witness the moment things between Nuer and Syn will start! 👀I think they will try to kill each other before that moment happens, so it is going to be an experience!It was fun to watch Kuea getting "abducted" by his friends to go talk about Nuer somewhere else. They are all such good friends, the moment in which they tried to help Kuea with Lian was so funny I had to stop multiple times not to die of laughter, nearly lost a lung! PUHAHAHAHAThey are such a mess, but they all love each other ao dearly it is cute! Lian and Foei were so damn amused.Well... Speaking of those two... That scene were Lian is in office and remembered the kiss he gave to Kuea and touched his lips and generally being in such a good mood, was so sweet! Foei adding his craziness to the moment made it even more special, I couldn't stop laughing and experience tender feelings!Another thing that made me feel so tender was the scene between Diao and Yi! That's the only scene we see of them together in this episode, but it was so sweet. Diao is ok with not cutting Yi out of his life, but he wants something in return. He wants Yi to be more present in his life, he was a little of his time, which seems pretty reasonable.Yi does not take it so well, considering the fact that next time we see him, he is drunk at Pentagon... We see a little more of his and Lian's friendship. I really loved to see that! I'm scared to know all the true about what happened between him and Diao, but I also want to know so bad, it has been inted a few times now, but I don't know how much it will take them to reveal it!Between Lian and Kuea things started going a little better every time they see them together, it was a crescendo!An amazing crescendo, that found its climax in the final scene.I watched that scene 3 times now and I think I will watch it at least another time before going to sleep!It starts so lovely with Lian's preparing breakfast and Kuea wanting to help him, so domestic and cute and then Kuea messes up which, as a person who doesn't know how to cook, understandable! And Lian's being tge mess that he is yells at him out of preoccupations alone, no anger or anything. He is just part of that percentage of the population of the world that yells at you when they are scared for your safety which, (again) as part of that percentage too, understandable!Kuea obviously read it wrongly because he doesn't have the right information to read Lian's behavior, as it is clear from the start of the story, and think he messed up and that he is not perfect enough and shows all his insecurities in vulnerability, using Diao's technique. He start crying and sais that now he gets why Lian does not love him, which we perfectly know is not the true, not at all.Lian panic! He is the one who thinks he messed up now, and react in the way we've already seen him react once when Kuea sais he doesn't love him, which is kiss him.He has no idea how to properly express himself with words, so he lets actions speak for him. I've seen that kiss scene 3 times amd for 3 times I cried, I will probably cry every time I'll watch it. It is just too perfect. I've seen many analysis om Tumblr that explains how important it is much better than I feel I would be able to express right now, so I will leave you to them until I get enough rational to talk about it with the right eyes and words!I'm so excited for next episode to air!

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mar 25, 2022

It seems like I will not be able to catch…

It seems like I will not be able to catch breath while watching this drama... So many things in one episode, it is so great! I actually hope they'll continue this way. 🤞🏻Am I wrong or Lian's house (which is amazing by the way) is the same house used in "Don’t say no!", I haven't watched that drama yet, but I've seen many GIF and edits, and it seems the same to me!In this episode we see Kuea getting a little bolder while interacting with Lian, and Lian being warmer towards Kuea and he tease him a lot!He is pushing him so much to reveal his true self!That security cam scene made me laugh so much! PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAThings seem to go a lot better also between Diao and Yi! 🥺❤️This all things they all have going on about "responsibility vs. feelings" is so damn frustrating, but I like it a lot too!My boy Jay is playing matchmaker and he so successful at that, he is also having the time of his life and making important deals! I want to be like him!The ending of this episode pissed me off, but not in a bad way, if you know what I mean! I loved the fact that it ended that way, I like how things are going, but I also want to throw hands with Nuea SO BAD!What is he trying to achieve?!I NEED TO KNOW!

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mar 25, 2022

WOW! So many things happened in this episode…

WOW! So many things happened in this episode and niw I don't even know where to start...When I started watching this drama a knew nothing about, so I wasn't really expecting anything, but after watching the first episode my mind started creating expectations and with every episode it surpasses my expectations a little bit more, and it creates new ones! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! It has so many heartbreaking and cute moments at the same episode! Kuea's scene in the car where he start crying, kinda made me cry too... The flashbacks about the early birthday were cute and a little sad, but it got funny when I realized that when in episode 1 drunk Kuea was having that dream about Lian's going to his safe house (foreshadowing?!) he was hugging the one puppet that symbolizes Lian! It is cute to know the meaning now!Lian and Kuea are both having fun at each other expanses without fully realizing it and it is fun! Also... why is there always a secret room?!Going on, I really want to know what's Yi's deal, we've been said so little, but I think when everything will be out, under the light of the sun, it could potentially break me... Nice! 🙃 My boy Diao is so cute and unexpectedly proficient in martial arts and apparently teaching them to kids, which make me love him even more...HE PERFECT! 😍An interesting couple is the one with new boy Nuea and protective friends/jealous idiot who doesn't know he is in love Syn!They seem interesting! 👀Their friends and Lian's assistant are best characters! 👌🏻

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mar 25, 2022

Where I live it is 2 A.M. tomorrow I have…

Where I live it is 2 A.M. tomorrow I have to go to work at 9 and I'm here debating on whether or not to watch the next episode right now, because what the fuck was that ending...We finally saw more about Yi and Lian's friendship! 🎉🎉 They still confuse me, but I think I understood them, at least a little bit...They are the types of people who would rather try to break a wall with their head than confess that they actually love their partner.Unfortunately as a person that possess the same brand of idiocy I can relate to that part, but I tend to be more gentle, so I can't relate to their other behaviors!One thing is clear! They are soooo in love, in their own weird way and it is so funny to witness it!I think we will see more of Lian's jealousy soon because of that new guy Nuea!He basically entered the plot to cause problems on purpose, I'm sure!But I think he will somehow end up with that other guy! 👀I'm loving everything about this drama!That ending killed me! 🙃❤️

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mar 24, 2022

I'm very fond of Diao and Kuea's friendships!…

I'm very fond of Diao and Kuea's friendships! They looks adorable together and care for each other so much! The things Diao said when Kuea talked about changing himself became of the "breakup" where interesting, I'm curious about his views on the world, I want to know more!The scene in which he broke down in tears in front of Yi, made me cry too... HE SO TINY! 😭Yi and Lian are both bastards who cares! The would rather die than actually show it, for some reasons, it seems! The song and the car scene kinda broke me... Kuea asking for love and being so vulnerable and confused shattered my heart! Again I find him relatable on so many levels!I also want to say that I love Lian's assistant, PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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mar 24, 2022

Guess who just fell for another Thai BL?!Yup!…

Guess who just fell for another Thai BL?!Yup! That's ✨ME✨!Started this drama without expecting anything and fell in love with it... Great!I already love the characters!The story seems really interesting too!I honestly find Kuea's character extremely relatable, a lot of the things he does I do too. Those daydreaming (or actually dreaming) scene where he expresses all his feelings and desires feel so personal to me! Lian's character at this point is a mystery to me, I know he wants the Real Kuea, but I don't know how he (they) want to get there...Let's wait and see! 👀
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mar 24, 2022


Well...It turns out, my predictions were correct and now my brain is singing 🎶EMOTIONAL DAMAGE🎶 no stop!GREAT! 🙃💔Also, I thought this was going to be the last episode, but while checking the page of this drama on MDL, there's 5 apparently!Soo~ "there's more?"
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mar 22, 2022


This drama is going to make me go crazy! It is so damn funny! PUHAHAHAHAMy boy Sichol is just trying to survive, his boss is totally crazy and he has to deal with it somehow...Which is unfortunately totally understandable!Also idiot me thought he was going to be a love interest of some kind, turns out he just wants a job! RELATABLE!The scenes between Aioun and Nawee have been my reality check on the whole "Sichol is the love interest" situation.That bathtub scene confuses me... It doesn't follow any logic or science, it just exists. Which is great!Nawee acting like that to hide his shyness was both cute and absolutely annoying, Aioun is not having any of that!Older brother vibes!

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mar 22, 2022


I'm a little scared, because I sense that something really fucked up is about to happen, but I really don't know what it would be and this makes me anxious...There are a few interesting things going on in this episode and it make me want more!My mind kept singing/screaming 🎶JEALOUSY! JEALOUSY~!🎶Let's see what the last episode will bring! 👀
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mar 21, 2022

"You're confused? I'm fucking confused, bro."

Ypu know that TikTok trend that goes like-I'm extremely confused!+You're confused? I'm fucking confused, bro.That's me in this moment!Even though I'm this much confused I'm truly enjoying this drama. I'm surely going to read the webtoon to get a little bit of context to whatever is going on, on the screen, but considering how short are the episode I think it is kinda normal for people who doesn't know the whole story to get confused!I'm going to do a few research on this story! 👀
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mar 21, 2022

Probably going to read the webtoon

Well...Mark me down as confused and in love!I have no clear idea about what I just saw, but I felt something, and that something was enough to convince me to continue to watch!I think it just hit me the right way!Probably going to read the webtoon, considering how tgey made the episode start, I think it will be not only helpful, but necessary to do so, and I really do not mind! 👀
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