gen 13, 2022


Excuse me?! Was that a "mental breakdown for Pat" episode?! Because it sure looked like it!I just discovered that this is not only intense rage that van cause me to switch language, even an immense amount of joy can cause that!In fact, my first reaction (shock) to the kiss was to scream "SIGNORA! I LIMONI! SIGNORAAAAAAAA~!" If you are Italian you know!Damn! I already knew it was going to happen (because of spoilers) but I was so hyped that I nearly screamed anyway!This episode was so damn relatable because I've had some similar experience in the past and this brought back memories! I really loved all the emotions! Pat and Pran's chemistry is something out of the world... So many good things! 😭❤️

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gen 12, 2022


The rage the last scene made me feel, was so intense, that it caused me to switch language, because there's no better way to express your disdain if not through Italian meme!All this episode was on a very thin line between Everything is so perfect, I love it all, life is amazing, they’re basically a couple now!" and "They are trying to make me live again the pain and emotional damage Un Professore caused me! I know it!"I actually feel like I'm gonna live Ink quite a lot, and I also think, that another character I really like is gonna like her A LOT! Not me, looking at Pa! 👀My heart is currently shattered and I don't know if want to say anything other than quiet creative Italian insults at the moment!

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gen 12, 2022

*Pterodactyl Screech*

THIS IS JUST THE 3RD EPISODE... Can you please tune it down a little bit?! (No, please don't! You are perfect as you are!)If at episode 3 I'm this way what the hell is going to happen to me, when things will start to get (more) serious?! I'm not going to survive it, right?!I loved it! I watched it at night, so it had been pretty difficult for me not to wake up everyone with multiple pterodactyl screech...Their chemistry is even better, I didn't even know it was possible to make it even better...Damn!The last scene was so fucking good I started crying!LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!
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gen 11, 2022

It had no right to di this to me...

This episode had no fucking right to be so funny, then so sad, and so fucking funny again!Their chemistry is something amazing and I love them so much! 🥰I both love and fear, the fact that those two are the 90% of the impulse control of their respective groups of friends...What the fuck was that end?!They left for (I think) a few hours and they managed to create all that chaos and destruction...They do need a 24/7 babysitter!I really want to know more about their childhoods. What their parents have been doing is so damn bad, it made me feel so sad...Only good things for them!And for Pa, who is my queen! Love her so much! 🙏🏻❤️

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gen 11, 2022

I was planning to watch it all once finished, but I couldn't wait any longer!

This is just the first episode, but this drama already gave me so many good reasons to feel happy! 😍The chemistry between the two mains is fantastic. And also their story together seems really interesting. That's my second Thai BL and I'm feeling like I'm making very good choices at the moment. I want to see more about their friends, want to know more about them, why are they like this and all of that...And I want to know more about Pa! 😍 I've had her for less than an hour and I've already completely fell for her! Damn!
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gen 9, 2022

Oh my God...

This drama is just too good to be true... I'm late to the party and rushed through the first 3 episode something like 10 days ago and then had to wait until today, to watch this episode (I feel like I had to wait less than all of the people who followed it from before, how did you wait so long to get this episode? You guys are something amazing!) but, damn! It was worth the wait!I hadn't watched the preview so all of this episode was totally a surprise to me, even though I predicted part of what happened in the first few minutes!This episode left me with even more questions than I previously had, and it made me mpre suspicious of certain people! The person I'm more suspicious of is obvious Todd and I think he really has something to do with everything that happened to Black. I have some questions about whatever is going on between Eugene and Gram, I don’t know if they have anything to do with whatever happened to Black, but they surely has something else going on.Yok is totally fallen in love with Dan and Dan someway reciprocate the sentiment. It seems like we are going to see more of them soon! I'm impatient! These babies deserve good things!I know the wait for the next episode will be worth it, but I wish I didn't have to wait...It is going to be a long week...

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gen 3, 2022

If I taught last episode was intense, what the fuck even is this one?!

What the hell?I think it will become more intense as the episode will go on, I'm scared!Watching White slowly discovering he has privileges and ditching his dad because, now that he knows, he doesn't want that kind of life anymore. Having is final confirmation about that conversation with Sean and them becoming roommates was great!He is evolving! He is not oblivious anymore, he now knows the world is not just!I missed Gram in this episode, but it was good to see more about Yok! He is so damn sweet! I want to hug him! 😭I want to know more about the life of these boys, what makes them be the way they are?!I want to know it!I want to know more about the street artist too!Those two has chemistry, but I hope they'll leave guns out of it as much as possible!I like the themes portrayed, and I hope thy'll keep to talk about it in a serious way!

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gen 2, 2022

Woooo~ this episode is pretty damn intense!

The mood for this episode is scaroused!Sean is more and more suspicious of White disguised as Black, Yok found the love of his life while committing crimes, Gram is a cutie and I want to hug him and Tod is... I actually don't know what to think about him yet!White is trying is best, but it is quite obvious he has no idea at all what he should do, he nearly died (again) along with Black and I'm a bit scared about what will happen next...This series is so damn good!I'm loving it!We also see that girls exist! It is not a world composed by man alone, we already knew, but it is nice to be reminded in such a good looking way! 👀I'm even more interested now!

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gen 1, 2022

What a way to start 2022!

Wow!This is my first Thai BL and I'm already in love!I want to binge watch the other 3 episodes already out and wait impatiently for the others to be released!I think I've found a new obsession!NICE! 👌🏻
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Not Me Episode 1
1 people found this review helpful
dic 13, 2021


Already right away when the first few minutes started, it immediately caught my interest. Indeed, already from the trailer I was impatient to see this series. Finally we have another Thai series with a different theme than usual
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nov 16, 2021


I almost forgot how freaking hilarious this drama could be...It is the horrible special effects and cringe scenes for me!What the hell was that scene in the kitchen?! PUHAHAHAHAHAHAWang Chi Ang is the most insufferable human being ever created in the world! If I were in Soon Duk's place I would have already killed him... I just want to smak his face on the ground! I know that he has is problems too, and I can see why he acts that way, but that doesn't mean that I'm willing to forget about the way he acts!Even though I like Shi Woo more, this thing is for him too! He just "forgot where he came from" when he became famous, and has no idea how to deal with people normally!Both of them are going on a voyage to relearn how to properly act, and possibly discover more about their past (?!)It really intrigued me! It looks like both of them have something to do with Moorim School and the people who inhabit it... I want to know more about it!

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nov 10, 2021


Decided to rewatch it in late 2021, because I never actually got the chance to finish this drama, and I thought it might be a good idea to do it!Special Effect are not the best part of this drama, for sure, but it is nice to see how we progressed in that field.The story seemed interesting to me in 2016 and continued to do so in 2021 as well!I really missed the characters in these years and I was so happy to see them again.I especially love Shim Soon Duk. She's totally crazy, but she's also generous and brave and AMAZING in every aspects of life! A queen!The end of the episode showed a few of other interesting people! 👀I remember a few things from the last time I watched the drama, but it will be like getting to know them anew! Really excited about it! 🙏🏻😍

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nov 4, 2021


Longer episodes means I get to feel so many more emotions. Love it! 🙏🏻The way they got the killer, and how Tanwa exposed him and the fact that he is just a puppet in the hands of someone more capable was great. I loved the methods he used. It was really interesting!Poor Aye gonna get in trouble because of him and herself...I'm really impatient to know how the unexpected reunion between the brothers (it is now clear that the lawyer is his brother, you can't convince me, it is otherwise) is going to end up.I'm starting to get used to the sound of the Thailandese language, I'm starting to appreciate it now!Let's see what card Aye is going to pull about the reason why she knows where Tanwa live! I'm curious!Is she going to pull the "I've been a fan of your for some time" card?!

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ott 17, 2021

They don't even know, what a happy ending is... And that's fine!

Yooooo~ What the fuck was that?!I already knew this was the kind of story that doesn't end well, the one who doesn't even think about giving you anything but pain, tge one that doesn't even know what a happy ending is, but... Damn! Knowing it and watching it are two entirely different things!I started crying at PilDo's death and continued to cry for the rest of the episode...He died holding her hand, they were going to fight together and he DIED! HOLDING HER HAND!I hate you all!This felt already enough to me, but they had to continue...DAMN!
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ott 17, 2021

She went rogue in her own way!

She went rogue in her own way!She's not with the police nor with the organization anymore... She 's on her own side! And I need to know now what it will represent!How is she going to take them down?Possibilities!
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