ott 17, 2021

What's going on?! ?

Oh...A lot of revelations together!I'm a bit overwhelmed... ?Ji-woo is having an even rougher few days! All her life has been rough, but these last few days... Damn! Give her a break!I'm not sure who killed her father, things seems to be pushing in the direction of the organization, and I' m not totally against it, but I don't think it was on MooJin's hand, maybe it was TaeJoo?!I'm probably wrong, and just delusional, but I can't believe it was on MooJin...Really loving PilDo in this episode, really want to hug him right now! ??❤️
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ott 15, 2021


OH MY GOD THIS FREAKING EPISOOOODE!Even though the previous episodes felt to rushed, this one was quick in a good way. It has a good rytm that match perfectly with the fight scenes that I really enjoyed!The things are getting even more interesting, new mysteries the solve, old "friends" coming back from the past, new risks!Love it!
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ott 15, 2021

Too quick...

Oh well...Things are going down quickly!If I have to find a thing that I'm not liking about tgis drama, it is probably that things seem to happen too quickly!Maybe it is just a feeling I'm getting, I don't know...Besides that I'm enjoying this drama a lot!
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ott 15, 2021


Why is everyone underestimating her, when she exudes succh a powerful aura?!She's such a badass. I love her!I'm sad we goy to see little about her life in the organization, she demonstrated to be capable in many aspects at such a young age being unexperienced, have I already said that I love her?!She is demonstrating to be capable as a cop too!It is amazing to see the guys faces whenever she does something!I'm so freaking hyped! ???
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ott 15, 2021

I love it!

YES! I already know that's the show for me!It felt kinda cathartic the bit in witch she fought her bullies. That's a thing I wish I had the courage to do for myself when I was a kid...She was like "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! You, gonna get your phone back! And... Fuck you!" and I loved it!Her father's death, made me tear up a bit and I regret I couldn't wait to be home to watch the first episode, because watching it in public, was not a great idea!Her new life seems interesting and I really want to know how she's going to make everything work, she is already a badass, but it is quite clear that she is going to be as BAMF as possible! And I'm already in love!There are so many things I'm curious about right now!

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ott 12, 2021

Poor little Tanwa... ?

I'm not a psychology expert, so what I'm saying, may or may not be correct, but honestly force your son to live the rest of his life in the basement, to prevent him from becoming a monster, doesn't sound like the best of the options to me!If anyone more qualified has something to say about it, I'll gladly listen and learn, vut as it is put in the show, seems unhealthy to me, and a little traumatic...Poor little Tanwa!I loved to learn a little bit more about his story and the different connections he has, really interesting!I enjoyed the flashbacks, but if I may be totally honest, I don't particularly like how they were "executed" I find it difficult to determine when a scene is located in time!Or when to characters are really in the same room together or it is just showing two different scene in the same place, but apart from the other in time...Maybe that's just a problem for me!Not sure yet...

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ott 10, 2021


Living in a small town in which everyone knows everyone, I totally get what that feeling is especially because I know none and I'm always seen as the strange(r) one!Whatever she is doing, she is doing it the wrong way, living in a big city apply following totally different rules and dynamics, she is not a totally bad person, she is a normal human being with her fouls and lack of understanding of the situation, but the residents have that too in a different (if not opposite) way!The one who has a better understanding of the whole situation is surely Doo Shik, who's trying to mediate between the to sides in his own way.I like it, because they are all humans and you can totally see that! The way they act is natural!I love Hye Jin's best friend, and I'm happy we'll get to see her more, even if the reason is a bad breakup...The last few minutes of the episode surprised me again!I'm so sad I'll have to wait a week for Netflix to upload the next two episodes...I need more now... ?I like how things are going!

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ott 10, 2021


Finally Netflix Italia is uploading this drama, two episodes each week, so I can finally watch it more comfortably with subs in my own language!I just finished to watch this first episode and I can totally see why everyone is talking about it, I'm already deeply in love with the vibes thia drama gives me.It takes a few elements from classical dramaland, but in my opinion it add something new to the mix!I don't know what it is, but I like it a lot!I also enjoy the lead couples. The protagonist is super invested in her work, but in the right way. She likes what she do, and she doesn't just want to achieve money, she is just and I love that about her!The male lead is a mystery to me, that's probably the kind of person that you love if you know him, but might scares you a bit if you don't know him...He looks really invested in his community well-being, he seems to know everyone, and everyone seems to love and respect him!Whole watching I didn't really know how to feel about him. Didn't know whether I wanted to hug him or trow a rock at his head...I think this couple might turn into something adorable at some point!I'm curious now!The last few minutes of the episode melted my heart, I feel so genuinely happy at the moment...I'm also happy for her decision to open a clinic one her own! You go girl! ?

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ott 7, 2021

Why is this so damn funny?!

Why is this so damn funny?!PUHAHAHAHAHAHAI didn't expect it to be this funny, at the end I started rolling on the ground because of how loud I was laughing!I'm torn between wanting this to happen to me, and fearing all of this... Damn it is crazy!I had to stop the episode a few times, because I was laughing to hard!The protagonist is amazing and her friend too, I want to hug them!I think I might have found my two new crushes of the week!The prince and his friend are something else! I fell in love immediately!
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ott 7, 2021

Ready for a new adventure! ?

This is my first ever Thailandese Drama! It is quite exciting for me to discover a new side of dramaland! I've watched/I'm watching a few drama from Korea, Taiwan, Japan and China, but never one from Thailand! In fact I'm struggling a bit wit the sound of the Thailandese language, but I think I 'll manage at some point. The plot seems intriguing and I already like the characters. It is quite a mysterious story, we' ve been revealed something, but they basically threw at as some piece of information in a confused order, and we are left here with three pieces of a 1000 pieces puzzle, that we don't really know where to put right now!I'm a little confused but I'm enjoying it!

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ott 5, 2021

LOVE IT! ?❤️

Oh my God!I love this show so freaking much!It has some great plot twist, it doesn't feel as linear as other shows do. I enjoy the idea of this twisted free will, that this show portrays. They are choosing willingly whether they want to be there or not. They are choosing their fate! They are choosing which hell they prefer to live in.An hell without possibilities or an hell with two possibilities, one is death, the other ends in money which may or may not, turn the hell without possibilities into something better!It is fascinating!
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ott 5, 2021


This show was already on my list, but I didn't have time to watch it when it first came out. Then everyone started talking about it, ANYWHERE, and I couldn't wait any longer. I can totally see the reason because as soon as it came out, it became this popular all around the world. It really was not in question for me, since I was rooting for this show since it has been announced, but it still was kinda surprising, even though in some ways I already knew it was going to be this good.It is good in a cruel, twisted, and masochistic way. It appeals to the cruelest part of every human being, it sublimates all our darkest thoughts in some ways, like a few other shows already did. But this one as something different, the free will, a twisted kind of free will, but it surely is there. What people desperate for something, are ready to give up willingly, and what the people who can change their destiny are going to ask. And how twisted these kinds of situations, these kinds of games, can turn.Amazing!

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set 13, 2021

Families are a mess...

I'm experiencing contrasting feelings for Wu Yang's mother! I know she really wants the best for her daughter, and maybe it is just a cultural difference, but I would really not tolerate any of that! If my mom was even the slightest like her, I wouldn't have or even want a relationship with her.That thing about not calling her about what happened to her dad... I don't exactly get why she really did not call her, I have a few ideas, but right now I can't say which one is the correct one. i really hope everything will get better, I'm really anxious about it!I'm so damn sad for Nian Qin... DAMN! It was his birthday! I had a chance to have a nice birthday for once, but it ended that way...I really want to know more about his family, because it looks like a mess right now, and I need to know!Maybe it is just because I'm the daughter of a pianist, and I've been raised listening to my mom play the piano, but the scenes Nian Qin and Wu Yan share that revolve around piano really do something for my tender heart.That's basically what I dream to have in the future with my significant other, and it makes me cry a little...They are an extremely lovely couple!Speaking about couples... Xu Qian and Wei Hao need happiness!Particularly, Xu Qian, she deserves nice things and some rest too! Please Wei Hao take care of her! I'm really worried about her health she deserves something better...

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set 7, 2021

Everything is amazing!

Oh my God! I can't stand Wu Yan's mom! I know she really just wants the best for her daughter, but... DAMN! If I had to endure half of what she had to I would have gone mad years ago! Talking about enduring in terms of family, in Xu Qian place I would have already turned into a serial killer! My God her familiar dynamic is a total mess! I think it is really cute the way Xu Qian and Wu Yan found this new balance in their friendship after a hard time. I really hope her situation would get better. All those scenes about drinking and her overall psychological state don't seem reassuring to me, though...I'm really wishing for the best here! I kinda want Wei Hao and the other members of the band to give her more support! Wei Hao is really cute, but he is kinda stuck at the moment, he doesn't really know how to move in this situation. Understandable! Another thing that is making me feel anxious is whatever is going on with Nie Xi... Is she that jealous or something else is going on, maybe something about families and this kind of stuff I don't know...I NEED TO KNOW! Enough with the anxiety now! CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT PRECIOUS WU YAN AND NIAN QIN ARE AS A COUPLE?! Because they are! They really are! I'd like to write an essay about this, but there's not enough space in here!The level of intimacy they have, even when they are only talking is amazing. It is not perfect, but they are getting there. Everything is amazing!

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set 3, 2021

This is so good! ???

Things are finally moving forward! ?I like this! I like this a lot! ?I don't think I've said that before, but I really love the music, the soundtrack really hits me! I don't know the technical term in English, but it is not also amazing to listen to, it is amazing to watch! Everything about it looks so good!We are finally discovering more about Nian Qin, but... Damn... At what cost! Thta was painful!I really really loved the rain scene though! And that part about the aloe vera plant as well...That ending was hilarious!Everything is already amazing! ???
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