This episode felt so short and kinda SAD(?!)…

This episode felt so short and kinda SAD(?!) Until the last part of last episode everything was going ok, what the hell happened?! At least I got to see two of my favorite characters ever! Fah and Kluen's mom (does she have a name? I need a name!) best characters ever! The second half of the episode was a bit of a mess?! I didn't dislike that, also really happy we finally got the true about Gia (poor baby I want to hug her!)The end was... Interesting I would say?! I hope it all will go well!
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Four Stars

DAMN... They really are all in love with Nuea! WTF?! My girl... I don't think anyone of you whose name is not Kluen is going to really have a chance here! No matter how the episode ended, it is not going to happen for you! I'm sorry! (or maybe I'm not not...) Kluen and Nuea are so damn sweet!I'm so damn happy that the Kuafa situation has been cleared. It took a while but they did it! It was so hilarious to watch Phoon interact with him before knowing who he was! It never fails to make me laugh, no matter how many times I re-watch that bit. So so happy we got to see one of my favorite characters again! Kluen's mom! I LOVE HER SO MUCH! She's working for all of us! And it is thanks to her we've got the market scene! Bless her! I want to T-shirts now! The fourth part of the episode kinda broke me though...

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giu 1, 2022

I- I didn't expect to enjoy this first…

I- I didn't expect to enjoy this first episode so much?! "The woman was too stunned to speak!" From the trailer I thought it was cute and seemed interesting, but I was really not expecting to be this invested from the start! That's a really pleasant surprise! I think I'll enjoy this drama quite a bit if they keep it that way, it feels relatable to me, and I want to know how it will evolve! I already love the characters even though I came here only for Off (and later for Davika) I'm already impatient for next episode!
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mag 14, 2022

Four Stars

Damn...I'm so late to this party! I manage to watch this ep just in time to watch the last one this evening. I didn't manage to dodge all the spoilers, but I think it was for the best considering it gave me time to "prepare" myself for this episode!First of all I would like to thank Sym, Nuea, Yi, Diao, (love of my life) Jay, Foei, Yi's secretary, and Kuea's group of friends! For giving me joy and positivity through all of this very trying episode!Kuea and Lian killed me!That ending, even though I already knew it was coming, absolutely destroyed me!They are so complicated and they are both self destructive in a way that reminds me so much of myself...It was difficult to watch this episode... 💔

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mag 13, 2022

Four Stars

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAI'M SAD NOW!Yes we finally had the YiDiao moments we were all waiting for, and our cuties Nuea and Sym are taking steps, but Kuea and Lian collapsed?!Damn! We knew it was coming and I kinda like how it has been developed even though I'm suffering, but damn...During this episode I suffered for Kuea so much! He will have to demolish himself in order to reach what he will become, that's nit gonna be easy...
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mag 13, 2022

Oh my God! Kuea and Lian are basically having…

Oh my God! Kuea and Lian are basically having an honeymoon before being married... I love it!They talk! They discuss about important things for their relationship and spend quality times together. Loved it!Issues are still there, you can't change the behavior of an entire life in just a days or two, those kind of things require efforts, courage and constant dedication! Relapse are always behind the corner!We finally get to know something more about Diao, we see him talk with his dad and we discover what pressure both Diao and Yi are under. Living under that kind of pressure for too much time, I understand a bit more about their behavior!We also see a few scenes of my favorite cuties! Syn and Nuea gives me joy and I love to watch them makes little steps towards each other! I really hope to see more of them!There are a few things I disliked, but not much. I overall really enjoyed this episode!

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apr 23, 2022

Three Stars

Chaotic conclusion for a chaotic drama! I kinda liked it... It could have been better, but it also could have been worse! I liked the fact that when Aioun finally take a decision and left Chanjao, she handled it graciously. She really just wanted an answer, I felt bad for her... A thing that hoped for but didn't happen was for Nawee to punch Thawin in the face. Actually I'm not really sure about this part, I want Thawin to receive a punch, but I was totally willing to do it myself. Nawee deserve so much better! Hopefully he will get what he deserves now, staying with Aioun!
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apr 23, 2022

There's a lot about this episode that…

There's a lot about this episode that I don't understand and that I will probably never understand... But I decided to stop thinking about it and just enjoy whatever I find enjoyable and leave aside whatever doesn't please me!I'm once again here crying for Nawee, even though I "disliked" him at the start, I think with the way he is been forced to live until now, is just a miracle he haven't gone on a killing spree yet!Aioun has to understand what he want to do and stop toying with the feelings of two people, because I really think neither of them deserve that!
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apr 23, 2022

DUDE! The emotional damage this episode caused…

DUDE! The emotional damage this episode caused me...This episode is basically "Nawee is having a bad, terrible, horrible day!" i wanted to have faith in his dad, but he is a shit. He is unredeemable! I wanted to kick him and those other people!Want to fucking kick them all!I'm so proud of Nawee for finding the courage to go outside of his home, this time willingly, and trying his best even though this whole day is being very trying for him!Aioun has to clear some things with himself!Discovering he apparently has a girlfriend was a surprise, was it really for love or just because he had to?! I'm curious about it!
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Five Stars

Oh my Lord...With this episode I've been provided with so much joy, you have no idea!Forst thing first I would like to say that I love this drama's opening, I kept forgetting about it while talking about the previous two episodes, but it is time to say it! It is so sweet and the drawings makes my eyes tear up a bit! I love how Nuea and Fah were seen in the same room for a few seconds and became the new hottest ship of the University, with photos to testimony the moment! I really like they relationship. They are so sweet together and I'm really curious now about the part of the drama dedicated to Fah! It is also hilarious how Nuea found himself an harem, even though he just want Kluen! AND KLUE WANT HIM TOO! The jealousy and low key death threats, that were going on in that room before Nuea finally came back to their room... Loved it! Also him not realizing Fah is Nuea's brother even after he said that out loud! Hilarious! I honestly think that besides Nuea and Kluen, the highlights of this episode have been Fah and Kluen's mom! DAMN! I LOVE THAT WOMAN! I want to hug her! It is clear she really wants Nuea as his son in law! She was so happy and so I am! I'm so excited for next episode too... I want next week to be here faster! I'm probably going to re-watch this episode a thousand times more meanwhile!

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Five Stars

This series has been such an amazing surprise for me. I didn't know anything about it and I started it just a few days before the release of the third episode (which will be released today🎉🎉) but it really captivated me!I found this episode even better than the previous one, the last scene of that episode was "fortunately" just a dream! It was too quick to be true! Even though it's pretty clear it could be! They are both in love, your honor!It is the chaotic mutual pining for me!I can't stop watching this episode over and over again! I think I even watched it more than once in A SINGLE DAY! The level of obsession this drama created...I'm really impatient to see the start of next episode, considering how this one ended! 🙃🙏🏻

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Wait! What?!I'm confused...It was all…

Wait! What?!I'm confused...It was all just a dream right?! There's no possibility of it being real, right?! TOO SOON!It seems like a nice drama, I want to continue it! I'm a bit confused about all the characters, but I'll get to know them better soon! I mostly like them.If I was in DaonueaI would have left Thailand for good as soon as Khabkhluen reappeared, Germany is not that bad, it was nice meeting you all but I have to go back there! Goodbye!
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apr 21, 2022

I had to wait two weeks to actually get to…

I had to wait two weeks to actually get to write something about this episode, but here I am!I'm still not really sure if I'm actually ready to say anything, but I'm better than two weeks ago for sure!I felt like I was intruding most of the time while watching this episode, when I read it was going to be a 18+ episode, I didn't know what to expect but I really liked it in the end.The scenes were intimate, but I kinda felt they were shot in a sweet and gentle (?!) way. They were obviously spicy and 18+, but they felt so important and not just fanservice...The way it all was consensual, that was so precious to me, and the fact they stopped to actually talk about important matters in their relationship before doing the do...I loved it!I've read spoilers about the whole thing about the document and Kuea's property being transferred to Lian, so I'm not concerned about that part as much as I would be if I didn't know anything at all. I loved the scene with Foei and knowing that it was "improvised" makes it even more fun to watch for me! Kuea is still a little wary of everything, he still has his fears, it is not easy to change your perspective rapidly, so it is normal, but I'm so happy he has Jay and Diao to bring him back to reality when he need it! Speaking of Diao... I love him! I'm so sorry he is in pain right now, but I love the way he knows what he want and what he deserves and expres it to Yi. Yi has no idea what to do and how to deal with the situation, he is clearly in pain. He can't go on with his relationship with Diao, he is stuck in whatever incident happened in the past. Hopefully we will get to know more about it! They left me in pain... The phone call between Diao and Nuea and the conversation Lian and Yi had is important to show their different friendship's dynamic, I really loved it! But now let's talk about the other two people who brought me immense joy in this episode! Syn and Nuer! Nuer fell first, Syn as no idea he already fell! They were so precious im this episode! It was great to discover something more about Syn, I always found him interesting! It is cute to see their interaction! I really can't wait anymore for the next episode to be out... These two weeks have been unbearable!

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apr 21, 2022

Three Stars

Oooh~ we finally got to meet Nawee's dad!I'm not sure how to feel about him right now, I still have to figure out, if he is totally evil or he is just not capable of being a decent man...Guess we will understand more about it in the next episode! One thing is sure, bothe Nawee and Aioun are in love! They fell for each other at first sight basically!I think the one who's currently having more fun is Aioun, while Nawee keep malfunctioning every time they are in the same room together.That's kinda fun!
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apr 2, 2022

This episode! This fucking episode!It killed…

This episode! This fucking episode!It killed me from the start to the end!Well... It starts from the last scene we saw last episode, just in case anyone forgot about, like I haven't rewatched it thousands of times this week while waiting for this ep to come out! Anyway, they found a way to make me scream even more, because they gave us different angles, more details a change of score and sounds. SOUNDS!We are not even full 5 minutes into the episode and you already killed me! WTF?!For a second when that alarm went off I thought it was an alarm clock and it was everything a dream and I was this close 👌🏻to go on a killing spree... It was not a dream, but the moment was "ruined" anyway, so they were on thin fucking ice!Then they kinda come back with their normal back and forth of teasing, because a kiss can't resolve years of whatever the fuck they have going on! But the seeds are there we only have to wait for them to grow, in this episode they make a lot of steps, very important steps. They go out on actual dates, spend quality time together, start to know each others better. Kuea is still denying everything but I understand that, he's been hiding everything for so long it actually became a part of what he is. When you get to that point it's hard to come back, and I'm not even sure if there's actually something before that... Seeing the way both, he and Lian have been raised, the pressure both of them received for different reasons, I see the reason why both of them went on with their acts. They truly love each others despite the arranged marriage, but they've never been free to be who they are bothe as individuals and as a couple!It is really interesting!Going on with the episode I loved the scenes between Yi and Diao, and not only because of the kiss.When Yi wake up and immediately regret all of his life choices and Diao is right there by his side teasing him by mirroring in a more confrontational, talkative and sweet way, the way we saw Yi act towards Diao in the 2nd episode,when he came back slightly drunk after comforting Kuea. In that occasion Yi was waiting for him sitting on the couch in his dominant (?!) way. And Diao is doing something similar in this episode, he is teasing him, he seems more confident, he seems to have more power now in whatever their relationship is.Then he switch briefly to the way we are more used to see him act, his posture changes and his tone of voice too, when he gives the glass of water he was holding, to Yi, and tries to offer him comfort. Their relationship is really interesting to me, because we lack of informations and every little detail could mean something even if we don't know yet!Yi always tries to act cool and confident and always in perfect control, similar to Lian, but in this episode in particular we can see that when this is towards Diao it is an act. He is fragile and full of doubts and not at all in control of things, in fact I believe that unknowingly the one who has power in here is Diao. And this is suggested by the kiss too. Yi started it after Diao confirms that he feels lonely, but when he ends it saying "I'm sorry!" it is Diao that implicitly says him to keep kissing him. And the more we see that kiss go on, the more it is Diao who's in control, gives direction and set the pace. And when things start to escalate a little bit to quickly, it is Yi who flees the scene, probably because of that something in the past we know nothing about right now. Really loved it!Moving on to the next couple... Nuer and Syn are a joy to watch. Not having a history and previous relationship before, they are interesting to watch for totally different reasons. Especially to see the way Nuer perceive Syn and the way he slowly falling for him. He might have come to cause problems on purpose with Kuea, but the one who got his attention is Syn and I totally understand him. There's something in his personality, his behavior, his selflessness, his honesty that his truly fascinating and he carries it in such an effortless way that clearly baffled him. They has probably the most genuine and straightforward relationship at the moment, and there isn't even anything yet! LOVE IT!The fourth part of this episode is so amazing I don't even know where to start to talk about it...Kuea and Lian are right in front of Pentagon and Kuea is hesitant, so Lian start to tease him into committing. He wanted Pentagon, he wanted to be there! The only way he is currently capable of achieving things with Kuea is by teasing him, so that's what he does.And when they finally get inside and we meet Lian's friends (there are other people in his life besides the one we already knew... AMAZING!) we see even more how important this moment is!The never have I ever game is always interesting to discover things about people, I do it often at parties, I think it is one of the funniest way to learn things about people you know and people you are starting to know! And it serves its purpose brilliantly there's also Yi being a little shit/amazing best friend, I couldn't have asked for more. Throughout the entire scene we sees how important this date its for their relationship and the way it is perceived by others around them. Lian being the one to pour wine for Kuea is talked about because it is important, it is not meaningless.I love that their engagement is used about to talk about a relevant and actual issue in Thailand about the laws for the equality marriage. I loved it! It is important to talk about it!The episode then finished the way it started, but better because now the kiss will make Kuea understand Lian's true feelings considering the words he said before it! In this case too the main lead of the kiss is Kuea, he is the one deciding! And Lian is totally caught in it, so much that he forgot the world around him, in particular his friends who are still there watching them. When he realizes it he is flustered, but instead of stopping it he cut he and Kuea out by hiding behind a menu. That was cute!I'm really in love with this drama! It will be a torture having to wait until next week...

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