Love Next Door Episode 4
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22 giorni fa

L'autocitazione di un film in cui ha recitato…

L'autocitazione di un film in cui ha recitato lui ("Something in the rain") troppo simpatica!
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apr 20, 2024


Sono al 4 episodio, ma non mi ha "preso," ancora... Continuo sperando che succeda ;) Gli attori mi piacciono, anche se non sono tra i miei preferiti, ma trovo assurdo la speranza di lui che lei muoia. Capisco che odi la sua famiglia, ma... Vedremo!
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gen 11, 2024


E' stato un episodio bellissimo, mi ha colpito nel profondo e ho pianto come una bamabina...questa coppia è davvero stupenda e affiatata.
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set 17, 2023

Three Stars

Ho cringiato tantissimo vedendo questo episodio. Pensavo visti i primi episodi mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere i due protagonisti iniseme ma, forse per le cose che fanno in questo episodio, non mi sono piaciuti insieme?
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7 Project Episode 4
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ago 14, 2023

non ho capito il cambio dei capelli

Da fan di Boun e Prem non potevo perdermi questo episodio Film, però non mi è chiaro perché il personaggio di Ballon un pò era biondo e un pò castano... ho pensato inizialmente che erano flash back ma no perché erano il continuo delle scene precedenti, detto questo la loro chimica è davvero ineguagliabile, mi è piaciuto vederli in questa nuova veste la trama carina, finale inaspettato, mi raccomando attenzione che la scena conclusiva è dopo i titoli di coda
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ago 14, 2023

solo per Boun e Prem

Ho provato a guardare la serie per questo episodio con Boun e Prem, ma la trama ed i personaggi non mi hanno preso per nulla. Mentre questo episodio con la chimica e Talento di Boun e Prem la visione è stata gradevole. la serie invece va nei drop non mi piace proprio, ci ho provato.Sempre più innamorata di Boun
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mag 10, 2023

Five Stars

I have many words right now... most of them are very heavy curse, so I don't know what I'll end up saying! Being so late in my binge-watching of this series I already knew something like this was going to happen, but knowing it would have happened at some point in the series and actually watching it happen are two totally different feeling that also varies in intensity. Of the rest of the episode I love almost everything. I cried a bit while Puen was saying goodbye to Tun's parents, and to all the friends, fully knowing his time was coming to an end... I got angry because he decided to say to Talay his name too late and then the ending stroke me... I hate it!

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apr 27, 2023

Five Stars

I'm gonna miss being disgustingly in love so much... I love them so much, but if I was part of that group I'd probably kill myself! They are stronger than I'll ever be! PUHAHAHAHAHA. I loved this conclusion for their story! The only thing I'm sad about is that we didn't get to see some characters in these two episodes, but it was inevitable. After these two episodes I will not need fluff for a while...
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apr 20, 2023

Five Stars

It is so sad to get parted from these two... They just gave us so many things in two episodes and I wasn't really prepared for this... I'm gonna miss these idiots! ?❤️
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apr 19, 2023

Five Stars

If last episode was a roller-coaster I can't even start to describe what the fuck this even is... It was packed with action and emotions. ALL kinds of emotions! Palm pulling a UNO reverse card and leaving the place with just a note behind him was sad and funny in equal measure! He just want Nueng to experience the same thing he did. As a KinnPorsche fan I also found it funny that at the end of the series they are basically living Porsche's dream life.I'm thankful for Palm finally dropping the Khun and moving on with their relationship. Keeping the Khun meant continuing to have an unbalanced relationship and we don't want that for the future, thanks! Also very very happy about Nueng and Chopper fixing their relationship and Chopper finally getting with Ben! I was rooting for them so much. Hope their life will be bright!

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apr 18, 2023

FUCKING FINALLY! We did it guys! They are…

FUCKING FINALLY! We did it guys! They are finally together. ? The influence of another gay couple, the lift of pressions from family, situations and society, and the forced proximity really did wonders. These two are a mess, but a truly adorable one for sure!Meanwhile things in Bangkok are going on, unfortunately not as good and sweet as our adorable couple is doing. Our Queen Tanya is fortunately still alive. Palm's father has been framed and Nueng's uncle is an horrible person as always. Poor Chopper and his (mostly) gentle heart, just found themselves stuck in this horrible mess. He is also suffering for love... When will my poor sweetheart Chopper get the happy life he deserves?!

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apr 18, 2023

Five Stars

Oh my God... Honestly if I was Korn I would have probably took the gun to go shoot the dad! I think that when they were isolated even though they knew their family and situations were abnormal, they didn't have a real perception of how really fucked up it was. They started realizing it for real when they started connecting with Rhung family. And that was even more painful, because even though everyone where they lived kinda knew what was going on, at some level, none really cared enough to do something about it, they actually thought it was right, but Rhung family doesn't believe so. The way they end up cover Korn with the police and managing to create some really believable lies starting from the truths they had at hand in that moment make you realize how much all of them are traumatized by the abused from that man. Even though it was physically directed towards Korn, it impacted them all. But this is slowly starting to crack and they used that occasion to discretely make the situation know to the police, even though it was not enough to take some more concrete actions. This story definitely caught my attention!

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apr 17, 2023

This isn't even really started and it…

This isn't even really started and it is already so painful! I'm a little confused about all these time jumps back and forth, but after a few of them I got used to it. We've been given a lot more context than what I was expecting at first, which is actually a really great thing, do even if I was a little cobfused at first, I think it will be a lot more helpful in the long run. I already know this family is going to make me suffer a lot... They are all trying their best expect for the father, who in my opinion shouldn't get a chance to redeem himself. And I don't even think this story will ever go that way honestly, if anything things will just get increasingly worse and I'm already so sad for the mother and the older sister who really loves those two! I'm preparing to have my heart shattered!

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apr 13, 2023

A bit sad I had to wait so much to finally…

A bit sad I had to wait so much to finally watch this episode, but do excited now that I got to watch it! I like the creepy vibes this series has, it is still lighthearted and funny, but it as those few scenes that managed to scare me a bit. The relationships between all the characters are very enjoyable. There are a lot of different kind of friendships and love portrayed. They are not the same exact relationship forced to different characters, they all jave their own, and this makes the show even more enjoyable for me. They are a bit of a scooby-gang! They solved this episode's mystery, but based on the post credit scene there's already a new one waiting!

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apr 12, 2023

Really sad I had to wait so much to finally…

Really sad I had to wait so much to finally watch this video, vut happy because now I will not have to wait much to watch the next one! I'm really liking this drama! ? I love the fact that Cher and Gun are trying to officialise their relationship but first to themselves and only after to everyone else, because this is a first for Cher and he needs things to go slow, is adorable. I like this about this relationship. Gun giving space and time to Cher to get used to things as they are evolving, also consent seems to be a thing, which is a big yes for me!Another thing I liked is the exploration, even if at the moment a little superficial, of Jack character. I love him since he first appeared, but now that we got to know more about him, and we saw him interact with a variety of other people, I just confirmed my feelings. There were a lot of things in this episode. Thup appeared again, and Time made a more consistent appearence too, Aoi is a queen and just saw through Cher and Gun's lies and seems supportive, Zo and Three are the way they are... A lot of things! ?

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