I'll  pretend to stick gum in your hair and while you're trying to find it, I'll run away with the cookie.

While you are picking your hairstyle, I take the cookie back and walk out. :P

And I am definitely jealous of that purple hair.

haha it's sad that flash mobs have become a thing of the past. So it was interesting joining one with my two left feet. I "accidentally" trip and fall on you and while we are laughing about my terrible dance skills, I sneak the cookie back and place it into my secret pocket.

I'm a big fan of the Wonder Girls and I secretly join in, dancing with my limited skills....."Like This," dancing along with everyone and I see two lovely ladies trip and fall in front of me, as I lend a hand, a cookie falls on the ground and I pick it up, before anyone notices. As you both are up and fine.....I dance and move away....:Like This...."

Oh boy. An extraterrestrial. :o

I decide to show you the classic ET running in a theatre. While we you are reaching for the popcorn, I reach for the cookie then excuse myself saying I need the restroom.

Well the rest as you know is history. :p

While I distract you with a drama truck of doom..

..I’ll steal the cookie