While you both are arguing, I will sneak and steal the cookie.

And you'll gonna bump into me & drop the cookie & i snatched it away

Even if you are one with the carpet, I locate you and with my HP wand, cast you freeze and I steal the cookie.

I retire!!! I demand my pension.


I retire!!! I demand my pension.

LOL no! Not allowed!


Alfa, we have already analysed this freeze situation. 

When the cookie is in the hand of the person , to whom u gonna freeze, simultaneously that cookie will also get frozen, n all u will get is those cookie crumbs, because  u just can not thaw it separately.

( btw, it’s not carpet , but the curtains……lol )

But, I give u to  your HP wand thing,  idea was the kewl one…..

I have a proposal. Freeze one half of the holder. They cannot move unless you give you the cookie. Once you are far away, you can unfreeze them and run. :D

In this way I have become the holder of the cookie.

Speaking of delivery, I send some food your way but turns out it is extra spicy. While you run to get the water, I swoop in through your window and steal the cookie.

I'll give you a massage coupon and it relaxes you so much that you forget all your troubles including the existence of the cookie temporarily. Just enough time for me to steal!

Okay so I still have the cookie. lol. It looks and smells so gooooood. :P

I disguise myself as a ninja and perform a stealthy backflip while juggling rubber ducks. The person above is so captivated by this impressive display that I swipe the cookie while they're still in awe of my ninja rubber duck skills. ???

LOL! Thanks for making my job easier.

You have forgotten your window open and I send in a drone which successfully collects the cookie while you sleep. :)

I release a horde of adorable puppies wearing cookie-shaped hats, overwhelming you with cuteness and allowing me to snatch the cookie while you're busy cuddling the puppies.

Why don't we join forces and steal from ColourMePurple ?

sohonee : I agree, let's join forces and become a dynamic cookie-stealing duo! Together, we'll create the ultimate distraction:

me: I don a disguise as a gourmet chef, and you become the health inspector. We burst into the room with an emergency cookie inspection, causing chaos and confusion.

sohonee : While everyone is scrambling to comply with our fake inspection, we seize the opportunity to swipe the cookie and escape undetected.

haha exactly. 

You cannot join forces because you cannot share the cookie. So while that debate is going on between the both of you, I steal the cookie.

Okay, since you are making it this easy, I have stolen the cookie. Thank you astral sohonee!


And why do you feel , it would be easy to steal from sohonee’s astral body?

Infact , astral body will have more (entire) energy, that sohonee was having.

These astral bodies are quite dangerous…..not anybody but only the concerned person can see them

Because the cookie doesn't have a soul. The cookie was left with the body. :P

I make some lovely pancakes and pour some delicious maple syrup on it. Top it with some blueberries. You can't resist and dig in. After having so much sweet food, you no longer care about the cookie and fall into a food coma. I steal.