Also, who can resist pancakes? :P

So we are still on the scooter, your hands are on the handles, as soon as you stop at a traffic stop, I steal and run into the underground.

lol. Glad you weren't going to hit me with that bowling ball.

I gift you a lovely scented bath bomb. You're busy soaking in it and I steal the cookie. :D

Oh so you were more excited to see the cookie return than to see me, huh?

Well, while you were helping me put the luggage into the car, I gently remove the cookie back into my pocket.

I'm not the sort who will hug someone they are breaking up with. Because if you are a good friend, I'll keep fighting. Or if we are done, it's a clean break. But we will go with your story. :P

Since we are done, I will release a few insects into your home. I'll get dressed as an exterminator so you won't be able to recognize me. I'll pretend I have to fumigate the house and you need to leave quickly. You'll leave the cookie behind and I'll steal!

I'm passing by in my truck and see you both walking along, having a lively discussion... about a cookie????? I stop, a little ahead of you two... step out of my truck, got my Gray  Man gear on,baseball cap on and gray hoodie on....and years old black covid-19 facemask......I whip out my pistol (actually it's a water gun.. but you guys don't know that! ; )) One of you, the kite flyer, takes a step towards me, and sure it's the cookie you want... not something else, teasingly... I'm is with this lady??... but I say, Lady... just the cookie, ma'am.... suddenly the other one in the purple bug spray suit says.. while grabbing the other lady's hand, shouts !!!, it's not a real gun...both of you start running, BUT, the lady hands me her cookie in an instant.....her friend asks her as they're running away....I hear...why you gave him the cookie?...he has nice eyes was her response...


I'm passing by in my truck and see you both walking along, having a lively discussion... about a cookie????? I stop, a little ahead of you two... step out of my truck, got my Gray  Man gear on,baseball cap on and gray hoodie on....and years old black covid-19 facemask......I whip out my pistol (actually it's a water gun.. but you guys don't know that! ; )) One of you, the kite flyer, takes a step towards me, and sure it's the cookie you want... not something else, teasingly... I'm is with this lady??... but I say, Lady... just the cookie, ma'am.... suddenly the other one in the purple bug spray suit says.. while grabbing the other lady's hand, shouts !!!, it's not a real gun...both of you start running, BUT, the lady hands me her cookie in an instant.....her friend asks her as they're running away....I hear...why you gave him the cookie?...he has nice eyes was her response...

purple bug spray suit *shots fired* *dead*

When I come back alive, I decide to pursue you. I watch you as you stop along with a crowd to watch a band playing. I pretend to bend down and tie my laces but instead I tie yours. As the song completes, you start to move but instead trip and fall on another by stander. I pretend to help you up along with others but I'm really stealing the cookie from your pocket. In the commotion, you don't realize that both me and the cookie are gone. Of course you didn't know it was me because when you last saw me I was in a bug spray suit. :P

haha I sense some sarcasm. XD

Aww thanks. I thought maybe it was too cliche. I'm still holding the **~**CoOkIe**~** :P

Oh God. LOL. 

I buy you a fruit flower basket. You are so fascinated by it, you forget the cookie and start eating the fruits shaped as different coloured flowers. I take the cookie and slip out without you ever noticing. :D

I counter your distraction by seamlessly transitioning the conversation to an enthralling discussion about the wonders of space and the mysteries of the universe, capturing your attention and leaving you momentarily mesmerized. In that moment of cosmic contemplation, I deftly grab the cookie and make a graceful exit.


You're quite the romantic aren't you?

I place a recorder by a window/balcony which plays a loud crash and then people shouting and crying. You think an accident happened outside your house so you run to the window/balcony to look out and I steal the cookie.  By the time you find the hidden recorder, I'm already gone.

I'm hiking along a trail,.... actually a wash,...... in the high rocky desert (my friends are at a campsite just on the other side of the hill)....and along comes a "flash flood," sweeping me away down the trail, falling down causing me to "go with the flow" and bumping  my head on a boulder, knocking me out.....

When I come to...a woman, a goddess,,,,is holding my head, and taking her lips off mine......she tells me "I had to do CPR on you,.....I found you, unconscious,....are you alright?"

I'm okay I say, as my stomach growls...loudly,....."hungry?" I nod yes, and you give me a cookie, Yummm!

@awesome, thanks

Well, just before you can bring the cookie to your mouth, I take it from you and say, "he's cold and wet. Let him sit by the fire and dry off and I'll make him a nice hot bowl of noodle soup so he doesn't catch a cold."

Before you can protest, I throw a blanket around you and cover your mouth as well.

I throw a pot of noodles over the fire and suggest I need some more wood for a bigger fire. Well, that was the last you both saw of me and the cookie. :)