set 3, 2021

This is so good! ???

Things are finally moving forward! ?I like this! I like this a lot! ?I don't think I've said that before, but I really love the music, the soundtrack really hits me! I don't know the technical term in English, but it is not also amazing to listen to, it is amazing to watch! Everything about it looks so good!We are finally discovering more about Nian Qin, but... Damn... At what cost! Thta was painful!I really really loved the rain scene though! And that part about the aloe vera plant as well...That ending was hilarious!Everything is already amazing! ???
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ago 22, 2021

It is the "significant annoyance" for me!

I think I finally found what's my favorite trope ever in romance...The significant annoyance one! It would explain why I find this two kinda cute.Both of them are a gigantic disaster, but they kinda clicked together. The moment he smiled when she brought him the umbrella was so damn cute...She is extremely embarrassing and make me feel an uncomfortable second hand embarrassment, but honestly I get that. I'm a little bit like that too!When she realized that Su Nian Qin is Yi Jin, i laughed so much.This episode was so freaking cute, but I nearly cried when poor Xiao Wei thought she had been left alone and started crying!It broke my heart! She's so sweet protect her! ???❤️

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ago 15, 2021

Tutto bello, ma il finale...

Adoro il genere drama studenteschi. Soprattutto rimango stupita dal verificare in un secondo momento le reali età dei protagonisti. Beati i cinesi che posseggono l'elisir di lunga vita. Detto ciò l'ho trovato bello ma non bellissimo. Come ogni drama che si rispetti ha un inizio scoppiettante e allegro, una fase centrale di difficoltà, ed un finale che delle volte è positivo, delle altre è negativo (dipende dai drama ma quelli studenteschi di solito finiscono bene, eccheccavolo!). La parte iniziale di questo drama fa letteralmente schiattare dalle risate, ricordo alcune scene che mi facevano piegare in due dalle risate, e certe battute che mi ripetevo per giorni per la comicità con cui venivano pronunciate da Lu Zhaohua che interpreta la protagonista Gu Xiaoman. Zuo An (interpretato da Liu Yuhan) è un personaggio ben riuscito, il solito nerd tutto casa e scuola che si lascerà tentare dalla pazzia della protagonista. Ed esilarante Liu Yinjun nel ruolo dell'antagonista e amico di sempre di Gu Xiaoman, ovvero Zhan Yue. L'ho ritrovato in un nuovo drama "Stop! Miss Hua" con un ruolo decisamente diverso e devo dire che come attore sa farsi notare per l'interpretazione. Tutto molto bello ma il finale mi ha lasciata un po' così... né carne né pesce... un po' troppo tirato, un po' troppo esagerato, un po' troppo... E vabbè non tutte le ciambelle escono col buco!

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ago 15, 2021

E' una storia davvero "keai"

Keai in cinese significa "amorevole" e questo drama lo è dall'inizio alla fine. Da quel "我不喜欢你" (non mi piaci, non sono innamorato) della prima puntata fino alla fine, la dolcezza non manca mai. Non esistono vere scene angoscianti, perché il personaggio severo di Jiang Chen in realtà è molto affezionato fin dalle prime battute a Chen Xiaoxi. E gli amici che ruotano attorno alla coppia e che crescono con essa sono tutti personaggi molto positivi, anche l'antagonista. Quindi il drama risulta essere molto leggero, divertente soprattutto nella parte iniziale dove sono ancora tutti studenti, e mai troppo pesante. La storia prende, è uno di quei drama che si guardano restando svegli la notte. Hu Yitian lo conoscevo già e mi pare essere proprio un bravo attore con la faccia da eterno ragazzino. Shen Yue è un fiore che sta sbocciando, ho sentito molte critiche nei suoi confronti mentre secondo me è un'attrice che si discosta un po' dalle fate pure e intoccabili cui siamo abituati. E in questo drama dimostra tutta la sua simpatia un po' rozza. Fantastica! La seconda coppia protagonista ha nel personaggio femminile Wang Ziwei che l'ho trovata di una bellezza pura e disarmante, e sicuramente la cercherò in altri drama.Il mio consiglio quindi è di guardarlo senza troppe pretese, ma per vivere una dolcissima storia d'amore.

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ago 11, 2021


I really liked the first episode, but this one... This one, I loved it! I love the female lead because she is like me in some ways, she fell in love with the male lead and she suddenly became stupid! AMAZING!I'm really curious about what their life are, we are now seeing just a few details here and there, important details fir sure, but currently out of context. I hope we'll get to see the context too!I'm also curious about the few other characters we are currently been introduced to. They all seem interesting! ?
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ago 10, 2021

Pleasantly surprised

Started to watch this drama after watching AvenueX first impression video. It was already on my list, but I didn't know whether to wait for it to end before starting it or not...Well considering that I'm here right now, it is quite clear I couldn't wait!I really enjoyed this episode, it may be not the more complicated plot ever created, but it really does have good qualities.I really can't wait to watch more episodes, fortunately, there are a few already available!
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lug 24, 2021

Five Stars

This drama is giving me everything I wished for and even thing that I didn't know I was wishing for!AMAZING!This drama is giving me so many emotions!I love the siblings love! All the siblings relationships we saw in this episode are so damn precious and I'm crying.How the hell did they got to the point we see in the present?!DAMN! I already know this is gonna hurt so bad...Another thing that I know is gonna hurt, will be the plot about the Jin guy! (Jin Ling's father if I'm not wrong) I currently want to punch him in the face so bad!Yes! I'm part of the Jiang Yanli protection squad along with Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng if you were wondering!She is just perfect! How dare you treat her like that?!Your future wife...I HATE YOU!Another precious older sibling is surely Lan Xichen! Captain of the ship! We are with you sweetie, you are doing amazingly!OTHER amazing siblings of the episode is surely Wen Qing protecting her little brother while also being a total badass and I only saw her talking and nothing more...Damn...I already love her!We also met another one of the characters that I know I'm gonna love, because I already know everything about him!Xue Yang!I'm gonna cry so fucking much! I already know!Can we talk about the Wangxian please because! What the fuck was that scene?!It is basically all I want from my life and even more!I NEED THAT!

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lug 24, 2021

Four Stars

I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS EPISODE!I can’t- just- WOW!The more we see about Wei Wuxian the more I love him. He is brilliant!Even though I’m still mostly confused about what is going on, I’m starting to (very slowly) understand things, and that allows me, to fall in love with the other characters too! ??There are a lot of emotional scenes in this episode too, and that’s exactly what I search in stories normally, so this is perfect for me.The flute scene is just amazing! I don’t even know how to express my feelings…Thinking about it… I really want to know more about that Wen Ning. I don’t know I feel like he could be someone I would like…

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giu 30, 2021

Game Over

Top ??????????????????? Il miglior Game Over di sempre''''
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giu 26, 2021

I'm confused

I'm enjoying the drama overall but I can't really stand the main male character omg, I really hate people like him I can't help it ㅠ I'm trying to understand the character because the drama seems OK but he's giving me the hardest time of my life like I hate the arrogance and I hate it even more when he FINALLY UNDERSTANDS HOW DUMB HE ACTS I really really hope the situation will get better. I don't even talk about the whole character because yeah he do some real good GOOD things but the "relationship" part that we need to get omg I'm freaking out lol
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giu 7, 2021

Finisce il diploma

Emozionanti i sentimenti contrastanti di lui, ma ora che comincerà l'università cominceranno i problemi in amori, si prevedono anni universitari interessanti stile play full kiss e good morning call. ???
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apr 6, 2021

Storia avvincente, drammatica ma anche scanzonata…

Storia avvincente, drammatica ma anche scanzonata per certi versi. Ambientazione storica . Recitazione del protagonista credibile.
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set 16, 2020


cioèèèèèèè, Fight e Tutor che si limonano, l'uccello di Saifah alzato e lo sketch del bar ADORO
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sinceramente mi aspettavo ben altro dal primo episodio. Tin è ritornato il ragazzo freddo come all'inizio della prima stagione e non mi convince molto e spero che almeno nei prossimi episodi Ae troverà la felicità.
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YYY Episode 1
0 people found this review helpful
apr 28, 2020

Great start!

I really enjoyed this first episode. It was funny and interesting and the acting was cool. I hope the series will have a lot more to offer in the next episodes.
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