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in both dramas the story begins with a convention wedding. in addition to the main story, other secondary couples are presented.
Raccomandato da alis89 - dic 25, 2021
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in both dramas there is a convention wedding. in exchange for the marriage, one of the two protagonists will receive a cash loan.
Raccomandato da alis89 - dic 25, 2021
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both stories of the two dramas start with a fake marriage, a marriage of convention between two completely opposite people.
Raccomandato da alis89 - dic 25, 2021
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Dont Say No seems to be based on the side couple from TharnType... Type Thiwat is a handsome freshman with a passion for football and spicy food. Although he’s a friendly boy, he hates gay people because, in his childhood, he was molested by a man. His life turns upside down when the new academic year of college brings along a charismatic roommate, Tharn Kirigun. Tharn is a gorgeous, compassionate music major, who is also openly gay. When Type learns this, he is determined to make Tharn leave the dorm, as he won't live with a gay person. Tharn is equally determined not to give into Type's homophobic tantrums. With a gay guy and a homophobic guy that have to share a small space together for the rest of the year — what can possibly be the outcome of their story? Hatred? Or maybe love?
Raccomandato da Dav - set 6, 2021
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Type and Tharn have been together for seven years and both are enjoying their mostly harmonious life. They do still bicker and meet up with university friends. Now both working adults, Type and Tharn face difficult issues, as they learn that life isn't always just flowers and candies. Can they overcome their challenges or will they be defeated by them?
Raccomandato da Dav - lug 28, 2021
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Type è una matricola scura, alta e bella. Anche se è un ragazzo affettuoso, è omofobo perché è stato molestato da un uomo da bambino. La sua vita è capovolta quando il nuovo anno del college porta con sé una persona molto interessante nella sua vita, un compagno di stanza gay, Tharn. Tharn, è un grande musicista molto bello con una pelle chiara e caratteristiche miste. È anche apertamente gay. Con un ragazzo gay e un ragazzo che odia i gay, che devono condividere un piccolo spazio insieme per il resto dell'anno - quale può essere forse il risultato della loro storia? Odio? O forse l'amore?
Raccomandato da Dav - lug 28, 2021
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In entrambi i drama possiamo trovare lo sport come argomento cardine e i personaggi principali perseguono la loro passione nonostante le diverse problematiche. Anche in My Unicorn Girl possiamo trovare tanta dolcezza nella coppia principale che è ben intervallata da scene comiche che strappano molti sorrisi e risate, infatti i due partono come "nemici. si avvicinano sempre di più. È inoltre presente un elemento fantasy che però non è esagerato e fa da filo conduttore della trama. Super consigliato per gli amanti della leggenda del filo rosso. Entrambi i drama mettono il buonumore e sono ideali per quei momenti in cui si ha bisogno di guardare qualcosa di leggero, dolce e zuccheroso.

- For "red thread of fate" lovers
- Both dramas are into sport
- Main couple are super sweet (enemies to lovers)
Raccomandato da MissLicia - lug 3, 2021
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The story of Knock and Korn continues after "Together With Me". This is the sequel of Together with me, also if producted before of that.
Raccomandato da Dav - feb 1, 2021
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It deals with the same theme, that is the theme of human fears, mistakes, social media, super recommended.
Raccomandato da yejixcute - ott 17, 2020
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Both teams have "good criminals" that use their skills of fraud and deception in order to stop some bad guys and criminal organizations.
Raccomandato da emmagucci - set 3, 2020
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Both are teams solving crimes that the police couldn't. They use extraordinary and sometimes illegal methods.
Raccomandato da emmagucci - set 3, 2020
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In both the protagonist works as police officer and suffers from discrimination, because his father is convicted for murder.
Raccomandato da emmagucci - lug 19, 2020
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In both dramas the protagonists fates are linked the way that then something good happens to one, something bad must happen to the other.
Raccomandato da emmagucci - mag 4, 2020
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In both one of the protagonists have a supernatural power to predict people's death in their dreams.
Raccomandato da emmagucci - mag 4, 2020
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- Time travel
- Save the couple
- Save the girl
- Plot twist

I liked a lot "One more time" and "Tomorrow with you", so if you liked the first then will be the same for you.
Raccomandato da Route24 - apr 2, 2020