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A Journey to Love
52 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 18, 2023
40 di 40 episodi visti
Completo 5
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
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A Journey Through Life

Many people have been saying that for them this is the drama of the year, but for me, it has solidified its place as my favorite cdrama of all time.

A Journey to Love is a story about brotherhood, friendship, romance, loyalty, and growth. The two leads, assassin Ren Xin and spy Ning Yuanzhou despite having started as two players on opposite ends of the playing field, met under the unlikeliest of circumstances and joined hands in helping each other seek justice for themselves and their loved ones from being wrongly accused by their own states. Together along with naive Princess Yang Ying and Yuanzhou's former brothers in arms, they embark on a journey that as cheesy as it sounds teaches them all about life, love, and death.

The acting here is phenomenal and was executed perfectly by everyone from main leads to supporting and side characters. As a long time fan of Liu Shi Shi I have no doubt in her acting abilities and she had been one of the main reasons I had started this drama. But despite knowing how great she is, she really surprised me with her portrayal of Ren Ruyi and blew me out of the water with her performance and solidifying this character as one of my top two FLs of all time alongside Go Aeshin from Mr. Sunshine. The nuances she brought to Ruyi's character and the switch from her being cold-hearted and deadly assassin Ren Xin to someone who has learned to love and follow her own heart is just so wonderfully portrayed. She was such a bold and powerful character but she also had grace, beauty, and intelligence. Her scenes and moments of vulnerability were executed perfectly and well accordingly to her character and not overdone or overdramatic. I have watched Liu Yuning in The Long Ballad and The Legend of Anle, and I never doubted his acting ability. He had made such a impressive portrayal of such a formidable and cunning character that pairs alongside wonderfully with Liu Shi Shi. His manliness and charisma exudes in every scene, and he was a great choice for the role. This is one of those rare dramas where both of the leads are equal in terms of strength and intelligence. They were both supportive and respectful of each other, and neither character's skills or intelligence were diminished at the expense of the other. The romance had also grown gradually and it wasn't superficial or happened abruptly in the slightest. It grew from initial attraction, to admiration and mutual respect, to becoming friends and allies, to accepting that they had grown to care for each other, and to finally realizing that they had completely fallen for each other without knowing it. Again both leads have portrayed each moment and interaction seamlessly and effortlessly in their gazes and in their affections and physicality with each other. Alen Feng and He Lan Dou had both been pleasant surprises for me in this drama. I have watched Alen in The Long Ballad but while his character was forgettable there, in this drama he became one of the most unforgettable ones. I am surprised by his range and ability to bring to life such a lovable and charming character. This is my first time watching He Lan Dou and wow she is a great actress. She had the best character growth within this drama and she was able to execute these moments of growth perfectly and authentically.

From the beginning, I had continuously raved about how great this drama is at fleshing out all of their characters and actually shows the viewers the different dynamics between the differing relationships they all had with each other. It's shown in a way where we can really feel that they are a family and that they truly care and love each other. It is actually believable that they would die for each other. For a drama that's centered around a group of characters, there's always some that kind of fall flat or are forgotten compared to others because the writers tend to gloss over small details. However, in this drama, every character has their own distinctive personality and it really shows in how they act and interact with one another. Unlike other dramas, where viewers are expected to fill in the blanks themselves or were just told how close the characters are, this drama takes it time to introduce us to each character and allow us to connect with them. The characters are written properly and their choices and actions are true to their character from beginning until the very end. The writers here just don't mention details in passing and never touch upon it again. The characters are consistent and are true to how they are initially portrayed. Qian Zhao who was known for his loyalty to his country and brothers had planned to kill the person responsible for their deaths. Yet, in the end he had died protecting that very emperor. Sun Lang known for his empathy and love for animals had died by sacrificing himself to shield his brothers. Yuan Lu who although was born with a ticking time bomb in his chest, was the most optimistic and persevering character who died after pushing through and delivering one final important message requesting military back up for his brother. And Shisan who is known to be a playboy and love beautiful things in life, died by making sure the woman he loves is safe, and making a final stand to fend off the enemies. I love tragedies, but this had been a drama where I desperately wanted a happy ending, even if it's just for the main leads. But despite everyone dying, I am not dissatisfied. Everyone died for a cause and their deaths had been foreshadowed throughout the drama. Nothing happened out of nowhere nor was i glazed over. Their deaths were true to their characters and had given each of them justice along with an honorable and memorable farewell. The story revolves around the familial love and loyalty between the Liudao Hall gang. For the majority of the drama they had rarely been separated from each other, and had went through many trials of life and death alongside each other. It completely made sense that Yuanzhou would follow his brothers in death and Ruyi following the man she had grown to love and the family she had gained to death as well.

The soundtrack in a drama could make or break it for me because it plays such an important role in creating the tone and emotions within the story. The soundtrack here was absolutely phenomenal and every song and bgm score had brought so many scenes to life and invoked so many emotions in me while I watched.

A Journey to Love has everything and it amazes me how such a drama could exist. A great plot, compelling characters and villains, amazing fight choreography which is some of the best I've seen in a while, a beautiful, mature, and healthy relationship between the leads, beautiful cinematography, and even comedy. Even during its air I have continuously rewatched several episodes and scenes and I will no doubt be doing the same thing in the future.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
15 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 30, 2022
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0

A drama with great potential ruined by controversy…


Snowdrop’s story revolves around Lim Sooho, a North Korean spy who was used, manipulated, and betrayed by his own country. The story follows his journey to accomplish his mission and return home that had been intercepted by fate, causing his red string to intertwine with that of ANSP’s director’s daughter Eun Youngro, a lively and compassionate college student at Hosu University. Due to a series of unfortunate coincidences that unravels into a much more twisted scheme of the South and North Korean government, Sooho and Youngro face tribulation after tribulation both together and alone. Two people who face an incredible amount of suffering that is too much for any one person to bear. Despite being marketed as a romance, Snowdrop is predominantly an action/thriller drama with splashes of satire and black comedy interwoven with a tragical romance. Opposite of the tragedy that is depicted in Shakespeare’s original screenplay, however, Snowdrop’s twist of Romeo and Juliet veers away from the tragical epic love story and shows its audience a love story that had bloomed through innocence and purity against storms of hardships and suffering.

Snowdrop is a drama that promises a multitude of themes that draw in viewers from every genre, which unfortunately falls short as the drama’s multiple plot lines and characters offsets the balance of the drama as a whole. Snowdrop had convoluted plot lines that ensure plot twists through every episode, but at the same time leads to many other underdeveloped stories. Amidst a satirical black comedy, a tragical romance seems out of place and at times appear unnecessary. Besides Sooho, every other main character within the plot although start off with promise and depth, end up in disappointment due to underdevelopment.


Snowdrop’s cast is a stellar cast with actors and actresses who bring the characters they play to life, allowing its audience to connect with their characters on a much deeper level than what we were given.

Lim Sooho is the only character that is properly developed which allows the audience to emphasize with his actions, inner turmoils, and tragic back story. Jung Haein was the perfect fit for the role and had incredible control and nuance in his micro expressions that tugs at the viewer’s heartstrings. His unmatched presence and charisma is exuded whenever he was on screen which brought to life a dynamic and tortured male lead. My heart ached for Sooho as I watched him through Jung Haein's eyes. He had too much that he wanted to protect. He carries so much pressure and guilt to not only save his comrades, but also to protect Youngro and his beloved sister. Haein left no room for criticism as he executed his role flawlessly. I am not kidding when I say that this is his best performance to date, and I will be disappointed if he doesn't win a Baeksang for this role.

The essence of Snowdrop's title is in the character of Eun Youngro herself, a flower that bloomed through hardship. Eun Youngro starts off as a character with great potential, equipped with an interesting back story that unfortunately was left undeveloped as her character is shifted towards the background in the later episodes in order to make room for the development of Sooho’s character and his redemption arc. Contrary to many people’s thoughts on Youngro’s one dimensional character, I thought that her character did have depth and multidimensional aspects that just weren’t explored enough to fully capture the audience’s attention. However, thanks to Jisoo’s acting, I personally was able to feel connected with Youngro’s character and was able to emphasize with her actions and thoughts. For a rookie, Jisoo had indeed proven herself in this drama with what she was given and showed great promise for a more successful acting career somewhere down the line. She definitely needs improvement, but for a rookie, I think that she has definitely set the standard for rookie idols actresses/actors. As her fan, I had been completely in awe and proud of her performance as well as grateful that she had the chance to work together with such a talented team for her first drama.

Lee Kang Moo originally was a character that I had despised for his self-righteousness and arrogance. However, as the drama moved forward, I began to like him more and more as his character came to accept the corruption of the ANSP and was no longer blinded by his obsession to capture Sooho. One of the reasons that Kang Moo was able to become one of my favorite characters by the end of this drama was because of the incredible performance of Jang Seungjo. The actor had great chemistry with literally every person he interacted with. He was able to portray the frustrations and resentment the character had for his higher ups as he eventually swallowed his own pride to work with the person he had dedicated his entire career to capture in order to do what he believed was right in the end. Kang Moo and Sooho’s bromance dynamic was definitely one of my favorite things to come from this drama.

Jang Hanna initially portrayed as a reckless, hot-tempered, and confident agent was what drew me to her character from the beginning. However, after the first few episodes, I grew disappointed by her character who lost her cool and rationality whenever Kang Moo’s safety was involved. I blame this on the writing which could’ve given us more background on their love story which would help explain her strong feelings for him and help us emphasize with her. It was such relief to see the shift in her character towards the end when she finally put her sense of duty over her love for Kang Moo. Jung Eugene did the best with her role, and it was unfortunate that her character was yet another character that suffered from being underdeveloped.

Pi Seunghee, better know as Ms. Pi and Kang Chungya are my two favorite characters by the end of this drama. Ms. Pi’s character is one tortured with guilt and self-resentment due to the tragedy of her past that had turned her into the person that she was now. Despite not knowing where her loyalties lie for the first half of the drama, it was clear that she had a strong sense of protectiveness over the students in the dorm and never hesitates to protect them in her own way. Her dynamic with Boon Ok’s character was intriguing to watch unfold as you try to guess the underlying relationship they had with each other. Yoon Se Ah portrayed this character with class and elegance, but never failing to influence the audience to feel for her character. Yoo In Ah also did not disappoint in her role, portraying multiple layers of a character who was first only seen as a mistress to the main antagonist of the drama. Chungya was a character you would hate but also feel for as you see her emotional side peak through when she is in the presence of the man she loves. Her character's ending was one of the very few had left me satisfied.

Gye Boon Ok is the antiheroine of the story and starts off with great promise to be one of the best and most complex characters on the show. Unfortunately, her character’s arc later on suffers as the writer turned her character down a path that I personally thought made her iredeemable. Boon Ok was initially portrayed as a selfish opportunist who is willing to do anything to ensure her survival. I emphasized with her character knowing that she was only doing what she could in order to survive given the unfortunate cards she was dealt with in life. However, there was a point where her character took a drastic turn and lost all sense of morality and rationality which made her impossible to root for. Kim Hye Yoon’s performance of Boon Ok though, was phenomenal and proves that she is one of the best new actresses of her generation.


If there was one thing the drama did right, it would be the soundtrack and scoring. Every episode ended with a cliffhanger that was accompanied by powerful and moving OSTs that had me at the edge of my seat. There were also heartfelt OSTs that convey Sooho and Youngro’s doomed romance and that pulled at my heartstrings. Every single OST and bgm was beautifully weaved into the scenes that made the drama much more enjoyable.

Overall/Rewatch Value:

What I wish could've been explored more:
- Dorm/college life set during the 80's
- Jang Hanna's back story
- Eun Youngro's back story
- Kang Moo's backstory
- Room 207's friendship dynamics
- Sooho and Youngro's love story (I was quite satisfied with what was shown, but since they marketed it as a romance, I was hoping for a much more epic tale)
- Hanna and Kang Moo's love story
- Kang Chungya's back story

Snowdrop is far from being a masterpiece, but it is not the worst drama out there. The ending although left me emotionally scarred, also left me incredibly unsatisfied. There was no closure and many characters' endings didn't feel right. There were questions left unanswered and so much wasted potential. However, If one were to ignore the flaws and plot holes, it is an enjoyable watch with interesting characters that help push the story through. The symbolism, cinematography, and plot twists within the drama were enough to pull me in and keep me engaged with the drama. Snowdrop could’ve been great if there wasn’t such an offset of balance in the number of characters and plot lines. The writer was too ambitious and tried to fit too many themes into one drama that didn’t didn’t quite convey what kind of tone the drama had. I came into this drama expecting far too much. My expectations were too high knowing that the drama was helmed by Sky Castle's writer and director. I had ended the drama with disappointment. Had I walked into this drama with no expectations in place, I would've had a less underwhelming experience. Overall though, I had enjoyed it and would watch it again.


After having thought about the drama for a bit longer now, as well as engaging in some thoughtful discussions with other viewers, I’ve decided to come back and sort of take back my harsh criticisms for the drama and writer. Although my criticisms still hold true, I also understand that this was the best that the team could do amidst the controversy. Although the plot and characters were underdeveloped, one cannot deny that there was some clever dialogue and symbolism throughout the drama that I now feel like could’ve been very prominent had it not been for the controversy. The writer and director probably had to revise the script several times in order to be able to put the drama in air. They made sacrifices in order to make sure that everyone’s hard work did not go to waste.

It just didn’t make sense how the characters all started off with such great promise but ended up being underdeveloped despite the depth that each character had. One of my complaints for the drama was Youngro’s relationship with her grandma not being explored. But someone had pointed out that the sponsors of the rice cakes seen from Youngro’s grandma in episode 2 had pulled out of the drama which is probably why we got no substance from Youngro’s grandma and she hence why she was never shown throughout the drama.

With these thoughts in mind, all that I feel for the Snowdrop and its team now is gratitude. Despite the hardships and unfair criticism they received, they were able to stay strong until the end and blessed us with such a great drama considering the multiple rewrites. Like I had stated previously, this is not a masterpiece but it is not a bad drama. The fact that Snowdrop is still a much better drama than so many others out there despite the multiple revisions of the script really says how truly amazing and dedicated the Snowdrop team is. Like the flower and Youngro’s character, Snowdrop and its team was able to bloom through the hardships and tribulations. Here’s to the hope that they will one day get the recognition and good karma they deserve. Thank you to the Snowdrop team for not giving up on this beautiful story.

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The Long Ballad
20 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 4, 2021
49 di 49 episodi visti
Completo 3
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

The Long Ballad is an EPIC and ARTISTIC tale of growth and finding one's own path.

The Long Ballad is by far the best Chinese drama I have ever watched. It has everything I could hope for in a good drama, and had even went beyond my expectations.

The actors and actresses were well chosen and were literally made for their roles. There wasn't a single person who I felt could've been played by another actor/actress. The characterization of every character is exceptional, and each character have their own flaws and strengths making them very 3 dimensional and well written. In a way, I found myself unable to truly hate anyone in the drama, even the villains themselves. Each character has a back story or reason as to why they chose the path that they did. The pacing was, and there wasn't a single filler episode. I felt like the last episode was a bit rushed, but I will be discussing that later on.

I have been a long time fan of Dilireba, and this role is her best one yet. She has truly improved from her past dramas and had brought Li Chang Ge to life. Chang Ge is a character that I adore greatly and will forever remain as one of my most favorite female leads. Her journey to find her Tao is so touching, and inspirational that it had made me feel for her so much, as well as wanting to find my own Tao. The people she encounters on her journey all played a purpose in helping her find her Tao. Each one taught her something different that she could look back and learn from. Raba's acting as Chang Ge was so amazing, and I absolutely loved her crying scenes. Episodes 14 and 15 especially were her greatest performances throughout the drama in my opinion. Those were also the saddest episodes and had literally left me with no tears left to cry.

Wu Lei as Ashile Sun, is the best choice anyone can make in finding an actor to perfectly portray this amazing character. Despite the doubts surrounding his ability to play such a manly and fierce character because of his age and appearance, Wu Lei had definitely proven to the world that he was born to act. The way he portrays his emotions even just by his eyes is such a sight to see, he really knows how to bring Ashile Sun's character to life and make us all fall in love with him. This character is definitely my most favorite male lead out of all the dramas I have ever watched. The most memorable scenes of Wu Lei's performance for me would have to be the scene where he drank the wine after deciding to let Chang Ge stay with the Wolf Division, along with the scene where he got on his knees for his mother. Both scenes included so much emotion and heartbreak despite having very little words uttered. Wu Lei had portrayed them exceptionally, and might I say even better than some veteran actors could've. This MAN is really going far in his career.

Next up is Liu Yuning as Hao Du. I like him a lot and his acting is great, although I can't say the same for his character. I was truly not fond of Hao Du at first and even hated him at one point for his obsession with killing Chang Ge. But, as the drama went on, Yuning's portrayal of Hao Du was so good that I ended up falling for him and all his flaws as well. Liu Yuning brings a touch of vulnerability in Hao Du by just the emotion in his eyes. His struggle in trying to do the right thing by his heart versus wanting to not disappoint his father, was so wonderfully portrayed by Yuning. His love for Leyan is also so pure that I want to protect him from the heartbreak I knew he was bound to face. A plot whole that I found was how and when Hao Du had fallen for Leyan. It felt as if he had fallen for her out of nowhere. One moment he was obsessed with Chang Ge and the next he was traveling day and night to find Leyan. Where did his love start? How did it start?

Then we have our second female lead, Zhao Lusi as Leyan. I like her. Although I do wish that her character wasn't written in as it adds nothing to the main plot, and takes away parts of Chang Ge's story from the manhua, it wasn't all too bad. Her type of character is typically the type that I hate in dramas. I prefer the strong badass lead like Chang Ge. However, Zhao Lusi's portrayal of Leyan was pretty good. I enjoyed her character growth although it was predictable and followed typical drama cliches. The way that she went from a timid and naive princess into a strong-willed and capable one who cares for her people was so portrayed pretty well, however. Although she can't fight or can plan out battle strategies like Chang Ge, her own strengths was still able to make her stand out as a character. I liked her compassion for others, and genuinely kind heart that had eventually warmed the hearts of everyone she encounters. Zhao Lusi like everyone else was perfect for her role, and I enjoyed watching her.

Lastly, we have Alen Fang as Wei Shuyu. No joke, I literally almost forgot about his character while writing this review. I only remembered once I had neared the end LOL. No hate to the actor, because I loved his acting and portrayal of the character with what he was given. The character itself was pretty much useless for most of the drama. I felt like while everyone was contributing to the plot and had character growth, Shuyu was just there and remained the same throughout. He did have some character growth towards the end tho, and eventually realized the mistakes in his past choices. But besides that, that was pretty much it. I appreciate Alen Fang, and wished he would've gotten the chance to show more of his ability.

Okay, now let me talk about GeSun and their dynamic which is one of the most healthiest relationships I have ever seen portrayed in a drama. They both love and respect each other, and instead of holding each other back, they support and understand one another's goals and path. They see each other as equals and would do anything to protect each other even at the cost of their own lives. There is no toxicity, roundabout misunderstanding, jealous second leads that make you want to rip your hair out, or the typical noble idiocy trope that most dramas love doing. This is a mature relationship that makes you route for the more you see them interact and fall for each other. It's a slow burn romance that allows you to understand from both leads' perspectives and how they grew to respect and fall for one another. It's the type of love that doesn't need kissing or make out scenes to see the yearning, love, and care that the two leads have for each other. (Even though I say this, I'm still mad that there was not a single kiss scene for our main couple :,() Wu Lei and Dilireba's chemistry was off the charts both on screen and off screen! I loved their dynamic and how well they get along with each other. Wu Lei is my most favorite Male Lead for Raba and I love how gentlemanly and protective he is towards her in real life. He just seems to match her energy and quirkiness and adds in some of his own that most of her past co-stars weren't able to do. Not only is he an amazing actor, he is also a genuinely great person from what I've seen! I really hope I will be able to see these two reunite in another drama one day :,)

Now we have HaoYan, the typical cold bodyguard falls for cute, innocent princess trope. Despite the few plot holes and clicheness of it all, I still enjoyed this couple. They also had great chemistry from the little interactions they had and are visually attractive together. I understand that the writers were trying to show Leyan coming to a realization that the person she truly loves, the one who had always been there for her and protected her was Hao Du. However, the execution of it all was lacking and seemed as if she had just fallen for Hao Du when she couldn't have Shuyu. Up until the duel for her hand in marriage, Leyan was still hoping for Shuyu to step up and fight for her. Not once did she think of Hao Du. Because of this, it made it seem as if he was just a second option to her. After they got together though, despite the ambiguity of it all, the two were a sweet and adorable pair. What I also liked, was how selfless Hao Du was in his love. He was willing to do anything for Leyan's happiness even at the cost of his own. The scene where he was willing to fight for her despite knowing that she might not return his affections was just so touching and beautiful, and perfectly conveys his love for her.

And of course we have Mujin and Mimi, our tragic lovebirds. I absolutely loved these two as a couple and was really hoping for their happy ending. But if one of our couples were going to have a tragic ending, I'd prefer it to be them instead of our two main couples... okay maybe I might think about sacrificing Haoyan's happy ending for Mijin's lol. Mujin and Mimi also had great chemistry and I adored the love that they had which had surpassed Mimi's hate for the Ashile Tribe. Their build up from enemies to lovers was great and I enjoyed their constant bickering. Honestly speaking tho, if someone close to Chang Ge was supposed to die, I'd prefer it to be Wei Shuyu instead of Mimi. Again, no hate to the actor, it's just he really in my opinion didn't provide anything to the plot, and I wouldn't have been as sad to see him go. I also felt like his death would've created a bigger impact for his character. However, that is also just my opinion.

Another couple were my two awkward puppies, Xu Feng and Shiba. These two are downright ADORABLE and I loved all their scenes together. Their interactions were small but also sweet and lovely.

Not only were the romantic relationships amazingly portrayed, there were other relationships on the drama that were just as complex and touching. There was Chang Ge's love/hate relationship with her uncle and his unconditional love for her. Chang Ge's mentorship with A'duo who became a little brother figure to her. Leyan's sibling relationship with with Xiao Wu, and her sisterhood with the clothing ladies. Ashile Sun's brotherhood with the precious boys of his Eagle Division. The complex brotherhood between Ashile Sun and She'er. Chang Ge's friendship with Mimi. Another one that I absolutely adored was little Yuan's adoration for Sun and Chang Ge.

The soundtrack also plays a huge role in the extraordinariness of this drama. Every song has been on my playlist on repeat since they have been released. I don't think there was ever a drama where I absolutely enjoyed every single song. And when I say I love the soundtrack, I mean it. I played it in the shower, on my car drives, I set it as my ringtone, and alarm... I was literally obsessed haha. The bgm was no joke either. It was so epic and moving and were weaved very beautifully into the scenes. I loved every single one and had also added them to my playlist :)

The wardrobe was beautiful, especially Ashile Sun's luscious and gorgeous long, wavy hair. Cinematography was also amazing. One of my favorite scenes would have to be the scene where Chang Ge walks out of the gates to meet Ashlie Sun for the first time. The music just made the scene so epic yet melancholic at the same time. The fight scenes were beautifully executed, along with the cuju match from episode 1. The animations were a cool addition to the drama, although some parts were a bit funny and awkward to watch.

The only thing I was a bit disappointed by was the last episode. I kinda expected something a bit more epic? The final scene of Chang Ge and Ashile Sun would've been satisfactory if only they hadn't spoiled it earlier on. With the epic ness of this drama, I just felt like it was a bit underwhelming. Also towards the last few episodes, Chang Ge and A'Sun were separated until the last two, which broke my heart cause I was really hoping for more scenes of them together. Besides these minor issues, there is nothing else for me to nitpick about the drama. Overall it was an enjoyable watch that left me yearning for more each week. I was also able to meet some really amazing people on this forum and have enjoyed going through the journey with them.

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Good Bye, My Princess
7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 9, 2019
52 di 52 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
Despite it’s flaws, I am proud to say that this has been the best, most heartbreaking, tear jerking, tragic, drama I have ever watched. It will forever remain in my heart, and I am so thankful that I had stumbled upon it.

The depth of each character was wonderfully brought out, as well as each of their character development. I have to say that Xiaofeng has been the character with the most growth, and has won a special place in my heart as once of my most favorite female characters I have ever watched. Peng Xiao Ran had really done justice to Xiaofeng.

From every actors’ portrayal of their characters, to the beautiful settings and costumes, to the hauntingly beautiful OST. This drama will forever have a special place in my heart, and I’m afraid that no other one will be able to measure up to its place in my heart.

My most favorite scene, and the scene that I have repeated so many times over the past few days, is the scene of Xiaofeng’s death. It was beautifully and hauntingly tragic, and was portrayed with so much emotion from the leads that I cried till I had no tears left. What had made the scene so beautiful was...

1. The main leads’ acting/emotional portrayal of their characters. Peng Xiao Ran’s heartbreaking and moving speech to the soldiers and Chengyin was amazing. And Chen Xing Xu did an outstanding performance with his reactions to Xiaofeng’s death. It was so believable and emotional that you can practically feel his pain and heartbreak through the screen, especially when he had broke into a smile as Xiaofeng had touched his cheek in her last moments.

2. The leads’ chemistry was once again incomparable. No one could’ve played Xiaofeng and Chengyin the way that these two did.

3. The editing, from the scenes to music was beautiful and so well done. The flashbacks that fit in so perfectly with the music made the scene 10x better. It allows the viewers to reminiscence on Xiao feng’s and Chenyin’s happy/sorrow filled moments of when they were together, and how far they have both come in their journey.

4. The background music was PERFECT during this scene. From playing Love Hurts, to Little Fox, and finally First Encounter (Li-language) when Xiaofeng had taken her final breath. It showed that she was finally home, and is at last free and is at peace.

An amazing drama that can’t be compared. I’m praying so much for a season 2, or any other project of these 2 together. Despite their age difference, I am absolutely hooked and blown away by their on and off screen chemistry.

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