Favorite Dramas

HwaiXin mar 5, 2017
28 Titles Loves
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  • Itaewon Class

    1. Itaewon Class

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes



    This drama is literally perfect, no flaws, just 200% perfect. The story was SO well written, every character was interesting and their backstories were illustrated very well. There was not a single dull moment, EVERY episode left me wanting to see the next one right away.  

    I loved how the main lead didn't always win, in fact he was always on the losing end compared to the Chairman. But even after all the suffering that Saeroyi has went through, he never fails to get back up, I LOVE HIM. He was such a respectable, likeable, cool and handsome character; there was no way not to absolutely love him from the beginning. PARK SEO JOON DOES IT AGAIN. 

    JO YI SEO MY GIRL. Complete respect and admiration towards her character. Yes she was a bit annoying in that she was a bit of a sociopath and was often quite selfish in the way she didn't care about others' feelings, but I love how after meeting Saeroyi, she changes and eventually becomes the greatest, most savage female lead ever. The two main leads complemented each other so FKN WELLLL.

    I loved all the members of DanBam, ESPECIALLY Choi Seung Kwon, I LOVE HIS CHARACTER SO MUCH AHHHH. The way he flexed his "Director" title at his old gang member, UGH SO GOOD.  Also loved the subtle romance between Seung Kwon and Ma Hyun Yi, so cute >.<

    NEXT HONOURABLE MENTION IS MY NAME AHN BO HYUN, he played villain Jang Geun Soo PERFECTLY, his FACIAL EXPRESSIONS DAMN. Not to mention his face is also a piece of artwork. His face-offs with Park Saeroyi were epic (especially at the end where they straight out just started fist fighting each other in the middle of no where). 

    Overall, INFINITY/10! OSTs were BOMB, binged listened to the whole ost album for like 2 weeks straight. THIS IS THE FIRST DRAMA I WOULD RECOMMEND TO ANYONE

  • Crash Landing on You

    2. Crash Landing on You

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    Best drama I've seen in my 5~6 years of watching kdrama. This love story is different from the others. It is a refreshing story line that portrays a forbidden love as a result of political issues between South Korea and North Korea. So many heartbreaking scenes in this drama, especially nearing the end when the reality that Ri Jeong Hyuk and Yoon Se Ri had to eventually separate started to set in. The most memorable scene in this whole drama is the border scene in the last episode; it was one of the most heartbreaking scenes I've every witnessed, so much emotion......Also Seo Dan and Gu Seung Jun.....MAAANNN would've been nice if they had a happy ending, even though it was nice that Seo Dan ended up becoming a *strong independent WOMAN*! The supporting characters made the drama 1000000x more enjoyable and sometimes takes away the underlying sadness in the plot. Pyo Chi Su.....my favourite one out of all the soldiers....although he acts mean towards Se Ri, he really cared for her....REEEEEEE

    I CANT MOVE ON AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH I've already rewatched the last episode at least 5 times I can't stop. I'm not sure if i'll ever watch another drama that can top this one.......

    Overall, 10000/10 

  • Queen In Hyun's Man

    3. Queen In Hyun's Man

    Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes


    OH.MY.GOODNESS. I can't believe I almost decided to never watch this drama. I'm always skeptical about watching drama's with unbelievable plots like time-travelling , and on top of that this drama is quite old, probably why I put this drama off for so long despite its high ratings. This drama had me hooked from the beginning, the chemistry between the two leads was one of the best I've seen, ever. 

    I LOVED Gim Bung Do's character, he was smart and charming, watching the character learn the ways of modern Korea was so funny and enjoyable. (*He even knows martial arts, PERFECT MAN*) Choi Hui Jin was cute, her slightly clueless and vulnerable personality complimented Gim Bung Do very well, hence the unbelievable chemistry they had. 

    Every episode is filled with cute romantic scenes between the two leads in modern Korea, and the other half is filled with heavy plot regarding the villain who is trying to eliminate the male lead, and the mysteries behind the talisman; the plot balance was perfect. 

    Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na's acting were just phenomenal, especially towards the end where we could see both characters facing grief over not being able to see each other anymore because of the broken talisman. Although it was not clear how Gim Bung Do was able to return to modern Korea, the ending was just so sweet AND THE KISS AHHHHHHH. 

    This is the first time I've felt like I wanted to re-watch a kdrama, usually I never have the desire to re-watch dramas despite how good they are, BUT THIS DRAMA. No wonder I've seen so many comments saying they were re-watching for the __ time. I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS DRAMA OMG there's just something about historical dramas damn

    If anyone were to ask me to recommend them a drama, this would be the one I'd recommend. OVERALL 1000000000000000/10!!!! I FINISHED THIS DRAMA SO QUICK I'M GOING TO HAVE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS

  • Hotel del Luna

    4. Hotel del Luna

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    Hands down the. best. drama. I've. ever. watched.  Such a well written story, 10/10 acting, music, visuals....EVERYTHING. so many tears ;-;-;-;-; By far the best fantasy drama I've seen. The drama revolves a lot around the theme of death, and it did kind of scare me but at the same time everything was portrayed so well. WASN'T EXPECTING SOME SCENES TO BE THAT SCARY, GOOD JOB MAKEUP ARTISTS. I can watch this drama over and over and over again.....not sure if there will ever be a drama that tops this...good job to the production team and actors!! <3

  • Because This is My First Life

    5. Because This is My First Life

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    I FFFKFKFKFNNNNN LOVEEEEE THIS DRAAAAMMAAA REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. This drama gives me so much Go Back Couple vibes, even though they have quite a different storyline; but both teach life lessons about marriage. Everything about this drama is truly perfect and is DEFINITELY NOT cliché. It portrays a very refreshing perspective on marriage, and how love and marriage are two different things. This story was very poetic, so many wisdomful words conveyed every episode which i loved. 

    SE HEE OMG. He may seem cold but DAMN this man cares a lot about the people around him. I LOVED THE SLOW BURN ROMANCE. Loved that Se Hee only truly recognised his feelings when he realised he had forgotten the harsh words his ex said to him, even though he had kept it with him for 12 years RREEEEEE. THE WAY HE CRIED WHEN JI HO LEFT AAAAHHHHHHHH. 

    I love the three main couples, they're all in different stages of dating and they all have different views on marriage; loved how the drama told three different different couples and their struggles in life and marriage. The CEO, Sang Goo, is VERY HUSBAND MATERIAL PLSSS

    This is the type of drama is can over and over again, I had actually already watched the majority of this drama from YouTube clips even before starting this drama XD AND ILL DO IT AGAIN

    I think rom com is definitely my cup of tea. Serious and tragic love stories are also great but really nothing else can beat a light-hearted, funny and touching love story like this one. I LOVED THIS DRAMA SO MUCH. Overall ALOT/10  WOULD 100% RECOMMEND

  • Amanti della Luna: Scarlet Heart Ryeo

    6. Amanti della Luna: Scarlet Heart Ryeo

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    This is one of my FAV FAVS. I was kinda reluctant to watch this drama at first cause the poster looked kinda serious and like very heavy....... you know? But I ended watching it and that was the best decision of my life. And like WHY DAFUQ did this get not so high ratings in Korea?? Someone explain?? The only questionable thing was the ending, it didn't feel complete. I know romance dramas usually end with a kiss or like a resolved issue but this one just left the viewers hanging, you could only imagine what happened to the main leads. This drama lost 0.5 starts just cause of the ending. But everything else? Perfect.

  • The King: The Eternal Monarch

    7. The King: The Eternal Monarch

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    WOW!!! I am blown away by the production of this drama!!! The visuals of this drama was beyond amazing. The only other parallel-world type of drama I've watched would probably be W, which isn't much of a parallel world, since it was a comic.

    A huge amount of people thought this drama was quite mediocre because if its "bad writing" filled with plot holes; I can agree that towards the end where all the time-travelling stuff happened, it did get a bit confusing with different versions of the King and the villain. However, the plot shouldn't have to be flawless for me to absolutely get hooked right from the beginning xD

    Woo Do Hwan playing Jo Yeong and Eun Seop, best thing that ever happened in this drama honestly. AND KANG SHIN JAE OMG. A good looking man AND an amazing actor. I just loved all the side characters ^.^

    Not gonna lie the romance started out a bit weird, like the first kiss just came out of nowhere; But their love for each other definitely proved itself mid-drama; it was so heartbreaking everytime they separated and eventually come back together, and the way Lee Gon always ran to her and embraces her tightly......SIIIGGHHH! Their ending was the sweetest, I felt satisfied and complete.

    I really really really loved the story line and the plot twists didn't disappoint!! Overall 10/10 ^_^ Would recommend!

  • I’m Not a Robot

    8. I’m Not a Robot

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


    EVERYTHING about this drama was just perfect. At first the main lead seemed super dumb like how did he not realise that the girl wasn't a robot? But then you would realise that there were many things that kind of confirmed she was a robot: her metal cast thing around her waist, how she could tell the weather and stuff etc. Ofc everyone would doubt the story line at first since it seems a little weird considering he was gonna fall in love with a robot which is kinda weird. BUT LIKE Yoo Seung Ho's acting and Chae Soo Bin's acting were both SO FKN GOOD like how?? The romance was just so great and the sad moments were portrayed so perfectly i cri everytime. ALSO leads were so good-looking, thats a plus. AND the ost, what dafuquqqqq its too good??????????????/// 20 out of 10 for this drama WHY DAFUQ DID IT HAVE LOW RATINGS IN KOREA FIGHT ME. Also I'm a sucker for cute love stories. So yeah. 

  • While You Were Sleeping

    9. While You Were Sleeping

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


    I just finished watching this and like, MY WIG WAS SNATCHED, like i didn't even get to put it on IT GOT TAKEN FROM ME AS SOON AS THE FIRST EPISODE. I have to say this is the BEST written drama I've EVER seen. As a person who has watched like over 50 dramas, I could at least guess and predict what might happen, BUT LIKE NOT EVEN IN THIS DRAMA. All the plot twists were just so unexpected and like I don't even think I predicted anything in this drama, especially for a crime solving drama, everything is just so unexpected I FKN LOVED IT WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW WHERE WILL I FIND ANOTHER WORTHY DRAMA

  • The Tale of Nokdu

    10. The Tale of Nokdu

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    Loved this drama. I decided to watch it because I was intrigued by the male-acting-as-female part of the story. Usually in gender-benders it's always the female disguising as a male; in this drama it's both, and I loved that. The romance between the leads were so genuine and cute, *kiss scenes were great too*. I think the story of this drama is quite different to other historical dramas out there, since usually the villain doesn't get their way and fail to take the throne and end up dying or suffering in some confinement for the rest of their lives. Although I wished Nok Du and his real rather (the king) could have met each other again to clear their misunderstandings (since Nok Du sarcastically lied and criticised the King in their last encounter in the drama); I believe both of them truly loved each other as father and son. ;-; However it is a relief that the Queen was able to join Nok Du in the end and live a happy life. :D 

    Even though he was the villain, I feel bad for Yul Mu (Grand Prince NeungYang). He truly loved Dong Joo, and he showed that countless time in the drama; and it was most obvious in the last episode of the drama, where he finally accepts the reality and decides to let her go as he knows that will make her happy. ;-;-;-;-; In the end, he got what he wanted and became the king, however I see it as a sort of punishment for his actions; like the previous King said, the throne is a lonely place, and that as long as he holds his position as king, Yul Mu will be lonely. And you could see this in one of the last scenes were Yul Mu stands alone in the throne room, realising that what the King said was true. 

    Overall, this drama was very enjoyable all throughout, and a nice ending where most of the good characters got to live happily ever after. One of my favourite historical dramas :)

  • Go Back Couple

    11. Go Back Couple

    Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    Just 10/10. Only 12 episodes but everything was narrated perfectly. So many important life lessons in this drama. So much tears as well. This drama taught me many things about life; youth, friendship, family, and marriage. The most important lesson I learnt from this drama is to not take the people who care about us for granted, because at some point we get comfortable and consider that the happiness and kindness that we have is something that we deserve (Ep. 10) ;-; I am only 18 right now, and this drama uncovered for me the reality of life, things don't always turn out the way we want them, and I am kind of scared. I'll watch this again when I'm 25 or something, maybe i'll need to re-realise these important lessons when life gets harder as I grow into independence. :) 1000000000000/10

  • Our Beloved Summer

    12. Our Beloved Summer

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    Finished this at 3am in the morning cause I COULDN'T wait to watch it. This is an absolute masterpiece. HOW could something be so possibly PERFECT?? ACTORS?? STORY?? OST?? CHRACTERS?? **actual perfection**

    I could relate to Kook Yeon Su (main girl), I feel like her personality is very similar to mine (always pretending to be unbothered and being okay with anything just so people wouldn't see her struggling). I love realistic dramas like this, its just so much more immersive. 

    Choi Ung (main guy) is one CUTE ASS BOI. Acting was top notch by Choi Woo Shik i literally have no words i love it i love him. His character is seemingly very care-free and simple, but his backstory on why he is the way he is CRUSHED MY HEART. This honestly the same with every other character in this drama. Everyone had their own struggles. 

    Honestly one of the best endings I've seen in a drama. Not all resolutions were the happiest, but it was realistic and still put my heart at ease (IM TALKING ABOUT U CHOI JI UNG ahhhh cries), i wish things could've been better between him and his mom :( There was so much growth in all the characters, especially the main couple clearning misunderstandings and learning to love each other better <3 

    It's so fitting that I watched this in summer, good vibes :) Will be thinking about this drama for a while and also will be listening to the OST everyday on repeat until im absolutely sick of it. Overall 9999/10, mega recommend to anyone anywhere. LOVED IT <3

  • Memories of the Alhambra

    13. Memories of the Alhambra

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    This was the first Augmented Reality (AR) kdrama i've seen so far. I was very intruiging and I loved every second of it. I loved the gaming elements and the romance. The actors were soooooo good looking and talented. There was a good balance of sadness and happiness. I rated it in 9.5 just because of the ending, i wished they at least met in the end. However, I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS DRAMA DEFINITELY IN MY TOP 10 DRAMAS. EVERYTHING WAS SO SATISFYING AND JUST GOOD.

  • Goblin

    14. Goblin

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Like honestly I'm that kind of light-hearted romance drama watcher. Whenever I see a kdrama poster with bright pastel colours and a cute couple on it and its a rom com, I'd click right away. Dramas like Moon Lovers, Goblin, While You Were Sleeping, Kill Me Heal Me, it usually took me a while to decide to watch because I always get kinda scared wacthing the more high production and complicated dramas. BUT they always end up becoming my favs. lol. And GOBLIN is one of them. My second ever fantasy drama after My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho and like this EXCEEDED its expectations. The story was perfect and I do agree to a lot of viewers that the Reaper couple story was more interesting but like thats even better, a drama that actually focuses on not only one main couple, there's just so much to focus on it makes everything so interesting and once again, never a dull moment. LOVED IT

  • Something in the Rain

    15. Something in the Rain

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    By far the REALEST drama I've seen. It was a simple love story with not too many complications, but it still took 16 episodes because every single moment of love was carefully portrayed. The chemistry between the two leads were so strong. Towards the end it seemed that Joon Hee was more devoted and loved Jin Ah more in the relationship, but in the end both of them still couldn't live without each other. I guess people started to hate this drama when things started to reflect relationships in reality. This drama was so refreshing, slow, and beautiful. Oh and also, the OSTs............I've never been so in love with vintage songs....... "Stand By Your Man" by Tammy Wynette was the best. Overall, 10/10.

  • Into The Ring

    16. Into The Ring

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    I THINK I FOUND AN UNDERRATED GEM. This is the IDEAL rom-com. 

    An interesting plot that keeps me coming back but not too serious with comedic characters. One thing special about this drama are the first-person camera angles, they add a nice touch to the whole drama, getting to see handsome male lead's face so up-close is something I WONT complain about. AND THE ROMANCE. WTTFFFFFFF.

    I was not expecting to love this drama as much as i do. The romance in this drama is really............................................................... CHEF'S KISS MUAH. 

    I really don't have much to write about this drama because it really has such a NORMAL plot, BUT I STILL LOVE IT SO MUCH IDK WHY. DEFINITELY 10/10. <3

  • Tale of the Nine-Tailed

    17. Tale of the Nine-Tailed

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    WOW! This was a great drama. I just know that I absolutely love a drama when I finish it in less than a week. I really loved this drama. The story was spectacular and I LOVE these kinds of stories about Korean mythology. :)

    Lee Yeon's character is the best, I loved his easy-going, relaxed, and his unserious-even-in-serious-situations personality. His personality really added that extra charm into the plot twists, making them even more exciting and slightly comedic. Speaking of plot twists, the plot twists in this drama were INSANE, they kept getting better and better. 

    I really loved Ji Ah's character in the beginning, she really was the cool, smart and strong independent woman character of my dreams. Obviously her independence slowly wilted away as the story went on and she needed saving most the time, but that wasn't completely disappointing since she was technically a human going up against non-humans with powers.  

    LEE RANG MY BOI. They painted him as the bad guy in the starting episodes and I really couldn't stand him. But after finding out more about his story, THE BOY MUST BE PROTECTED OMG. He's your typical hurt villain with a tragic past, and thank god he realised the misunderstandings and stopped being bad; I really would've been really sad if he stayed evil throughout the whole drama. WHYD THEY HAVE TO SACRIFICE MY BOI NOOOOOOOO come back

    The romance was nice too, a fox waiting for his love for 600 years, how romantic ^0^ Yeah I have to admit their chemistry isn't the best I've seen but it was enough to keep me squealing at the romance scenes. Lee Dong Wook's face really is a masterpiece goddamn

    Overall, 10/10!!! 100% RECOMMEND TO ANYONE.

  • Mr. Sunshine

    18. Mr. Sunshine

    Korean Drama - 2018, 24 episodes


    Absolutely beautiful story. Amazing production. Wonderful acting. I am lost for words, I am so sad WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYY
    The slow start was worth it because it all built up into a CRISP  story. Everything just came together, so many unexpected identities and relationships unravelled, plot twists coming in left right and center. All bastard characters got what they deserved which was SATISFYING.
    BUT MY BOI GU DONG MAE WHYYYYY im gonna cry he did not deserve it.
    Wished there was more physical romance between the leads, although there was an overflowing amount of soul-touching romantic scenes between the two I CRRRYYY
    I thought 24 episodes was a lot, BUT NO THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE!
    The way the drama portrayed the real-life Righteous Army was beautiful, I had learned about them for the first time and I am very touched.
    9.9999999/10 because im sad everyone died, but then again that is the realistic story of those real-life people the characters were based on.
    Would 10000% recommend to anyone. Just. so. good.

  • Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

    19. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    I know this cant even be compared to all the dramas with intricate and exciting plot lines, but like this drama was just AMAZING FANTASTIC AWESOME SO CUTE and honestly there was not one dull moment the whole thing was just completely cute and the balance between friendship and romance was perfect. And the main leads YYYYYYYAAAAASSSSSSS. I just love the moments when the girl main lead starts to fall in love with the male main lead, I feel so satisfied and happy. Everything I want from a school drama I LOVED IT.

  • Are You Human Too?

    20. Are You Human Too?

    Korean Drama - 2018, 36 episodes


    Definitely was not expecting a human-robot romance. After watching "I'm Not A Robot" I was expecting the main girl to pair up with the human Nam Sin in the end, however I got a shock when the girl actually falls in love with the robot. Was not disappointed at all though. Even I loved NamSin3. Seo Kang Joon has outdone himself once again, pulling off two completely different characters and excelling at both. Imagining a relationship with a robot is quite weird, but I think the writers did a great job and didn't make the romance awkward. Everything played out well and THANK GOD the human Nam Sin didn't stay bad till the very end. I felt very bad for him, poor guy. OVERALL 10/10 THIS DRAMA IS VERY GOOD

  • Kill Me, Heal Me

    21. Kill Me, Heal Me

    Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes


    This drama was my first and only multiple-personality drama that I've watched so far. When the idea of 'multiple personalities' first came up, I didn't know how to feel about it. "How is she gonna fall in love with a person that have different personalities?" Thoughts like that ran through my mind as I first started watching this drama. To be honest, I was SUPER reluctant to watch this because I felt the story would be too much for me. I only got motivation to watch it because of how well it was received among kdrama fans. I don't regret it one bit. Let me just say, Ji Sung SLAYED, he executed all 7 personalities. 

  • What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

    22. What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    I always love Park Seo Joon in comedy dramas. I love his facial expressions. This was a very nice light-hearted drama to watch that still had an interesting plot line to keep me watching, and also the fantastic actors. This drama definitely belongs to one of my top k-dramas  of all time!

  • The Secret Life of My Secretary

    23. The Secret Life of My Secretary

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes



    This deserves to be in my top dramas list because of how enjoyable it is and how happy it made me while watching it, despite its not-so-intricate-or-impressive story line. I actually loved the story, it flowed very well along with THE CHARACTERS. 

    DO MI NIK IS THE CUTEST MOST PUPPY-LIKE MALE CHARACTER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN ANY DRAMA, **THAT DANG SMILE**. Kim Young Kwang's acting was spot on, I loved everything about his character. Next, Jeong Gal Hee, also such a cute but brave female character; Gal Hee and Mi Nik had PHENOMENAL CHEMISTRY. 

    VERONICA PARK IS OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE'S FAV CHARACTER, just everything about her bossiness, sassiness, and awesomeness captured every viewers hearts ^0^ I have to say her romance with Gi Dae Ju is maybe even better than the main couple - I LOVED how innocent Dae Ju was while Veronica kept pushing herself onto him XD Definitely the best and most memorable second couple!! 

    Overall, 1000/10, very very adorable and satisfying ending (that kiss went for so long!), would definitely re-watch MANY scenes just to look at Do Mi Nik's smile. KYYYYYAYAAY

  • 100 Days My Prince

    24. 100 Days My Prince

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    D.O.'s acting is phenomenal. He fit the role of a crown prince perfectly. The romance was so cute and the story was easy to follow. Loved all the characters. Everything was perfect. Many ups and downs, which I love. SOOOOO GOOOOODDD

  • Revolutionary Love

    25. Revolutionary Love

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT. This is such a feel-good drama????? Watching the main guy go from unknowledgable, trouble-making, careless man to a GREAT VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE, AMAZING, CONFIDENT MAN. I've watched many friendship dramas and I have to say, THIS is the most soothing and happy and great friendship stories, they both like the girl, but end up understanding each other and still become good friends like they always were. The romance was very cute too but like the plot was just the best. AND ALSO WHY LOW RATINGS...??? people need to appreciate this more. 

  • Boys Over Flowers

    26. Boys Over Flowers

    Korean Drama - 2009, 25 episodes


    The first ever drama that made me feel, "THIS IS MY FAVOURITE DRAMA." Out of all the older dramas that I've watched, THIS ONE hit the bulls eye. Definitely one of my favourite dramas!!!!

  • W

    27. W

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    There was never a dull or boring moment in this drama because of the intricate plot. My top dramas usually feature dramas that have an irresistibly cute couple. I would say that the couple in this story definitely wouldn't satisfy my criteria of a 'perfect couple' but the story made it for me. This drama is one of the few that sit in this list that isn't solely focused on the love story. I loved it.

  • Splash Splash LOVE

    28. Splash Splash LOVE

    Korean Special - 2015, 2 episodes


    This short drama is the definition of QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. How did they make a drama so perfect in just two episodes??? I remember downloading this drama for a plane ride, not thinking much of it. WHO KNEW IT'D BE THIS GOOD. The romance was so genuine, the two leads' parting was also very sad; both actors were PERFECT. 10/10 all day

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Myths and Legends of Asia Myths and Legends of Asia

Let's journey through mythological tales, legends and folktales of Asia that were featured in dramas and movies!