Be able to talk and understand animals What about you? :)
Reading minds... XD Life would be so much easier...
OR Stopping Time... YES! XDDD That would be awesome~~ ^0^

herojjsachiko wrote: Teleportation!! ^^

That is nice~~
[U][/U]Invincibilityso i dont need to pay for airticket and ill just visit u baram lol
Ej101 wrote: [U][/U]Invincibilityso i dont need to pay for airticket and ill just visit u baram lol

Please do that~~ XDDD Then I'll stop time and we can marathon dramas~~ XDDD (cause my computer doesn't care about time either~~ XDDD)
baranamtara wrote: Please do that~~ XDDD Then I'll stop time and we can marathon dramas~~ XDDD (cause my computer doesn't care about time either~~ XDDD)

then we can just use telepathy to call the pizza delivery guy lol
Ej101 wrote: then we can just use telepathy to call the pizza delivery guy lol

That will be very very awesome... Me loves Pizza~~ XDDD We use teleport to get the pizza and persuade him with mind control that we don't need to pay~~

So that will add a few more super powers to my list.
and we can just use some magic to wash all our dishes and let it throw all the garbages by itself [we need magic and sorcery too] lol
were losing it.. where are sanity gone lol
If i could have any super power it's will be moving things without touch them only by my mind ,u know hw .
ill probably want absorb ur power
Super hearing ability~~ XDDD Because I hate when people talk so silten that you can't actually hear them... (I'm working at a bakery... XDDD)

Ej101 wrote: and we can just use some magic to wash all our dishes and let it throw all the garbages by itself [we need magic and sorcery too] lol
were losing it.. where are sanity gone lol

We don't need sanity in dramaland, where people cross a whole city by running faster than by taking a Taxi...
baranamtara wrote: Super hearing ability~~ XDDD Because I hate when people talk so silten that you can't actually hear them... (I'm working at a bakery... XDDD)

We don't need sanity in dramaland, where people cross a whole city by running faster than by taking a Taxi...

i probably still wants a super power that allowed me to absorb othes power & manipulate the weather....
ability to rewind and fast forward life ..
The ability to procrastinate everything in my life to marathon drama for a week. Oh wait i already have that and it might be more of a sickness than a power
ability to walk on or float on water....