I wish that i can capture everyone's heart...
become invisible and can stop the time
I wish to read people;s minds
i wish to make someone fall in love with me LOL
chibiladychoi lol me too.. Needing love from a handsome man in this cold November month xD

I wish I could eat a lot without gaining weight.. ^^
I qish to have the power to be friends with people i want.
I wish I could turn back time. Or maybe control time in general.
I wish I could be able to control what age I turn. Like I could turn into a thirty-three year old right now, then turn back into my actual age whenever I wanted!
I wish  I could have a super power machine that could grant me all kinds of superpowers like controlling time, becoming invisible,reading minds etc at the press of a button.. So i wud b able 2 enjoy all powers;)
I wish to fly to the places i want.
always wanted the ''Healing Power''  .. wish can heal both the physical n emotional wounds ..
that would be the power to vanish all the heartaches of every people
If I could have a super power, it would be being able to read peoples auras.
I wish to have a power to erase peoples memory xD