Sympa et bien joué, mieux que la première version
Love Mechanics est le reboot en 10 épisodes de la mini-série "En of Love : Love Mechanics", elle-même série dérivée prenant place dans le même univers de "En of Love : Tossara". Les critiques étaient très négatives sur Tossara, donc c'est la seule série de l'anthologie En of Love que je n'avais pas vue, mais j'avais trouvé les deux autres plutôt sympas au vu du court format, à défaut de voler très haut.Pour l'instant Love Mechanics, qui était donc une "side story", semble être le seul reboot tourné (à voir si cela évolue dans les prochains mois). L'histoire tourne autour de deux personnages secondaires de Tossara, Vee et Mark. Ces deux-là sont ennemis car Vee fait tout pour empêcher Mark de traîner sa face d'amoureux transi devant son ami Bar (le protagoniste de Tossara), qui est en couple depuis la fin de la première saison. Alors qu'ils sont tous deux saouls, ils couchent ensemble et c'est le démarrage de leur romance.
Les deux acteurs sont à l'aise, crédibles, ils jouent de manière relativement naturelle et juste. Les personnages évitent tout manichéisme, par exemple la petite amie de Vee n'est pas décrite comme une evil bitch qu'on a envie de claquer, au contraire elle est dépeinte de façon réaliste et sensible. Ensuite, cette romance étant plus conséquente que sa version d'origine, elle a davantage le temps de se développer, abordant différents stades d'une relation et les problèmes que l'on peut rencontrer, sans les édulcorer : la confiance, l'adultère (Vee étant déjà en couple depuis 3 ans avec une autre étudiante au début de l'histoire) etc...., tout ceci de façon assez concrète. D'ailleurs, contrairement à de nombreux BL, l'intrigue ne fait pas disparaître comme par magie l'homophobie ambiante et l'importance de l'acceptation familiale. En outre, l'histoire est suffisamment bien construite pour qu'on n'ait nul besoin de se taper les En of Love pour tout comprendre. La romance entre Vee et Mark est la seule réellement développée dans cette série (bien sûr le couple formé par Bar et Tossakan est montré, mais ils font davantage partie du décor pour donner un cadre de compréhension à Love Mechanics, puisque c'est à cause d'eux - ou grâce à eux - que Mark finit dans le lit de Vee), donc l'histoire ne s'éparpille pas dans tous les sens et évite les longueurs inutiles. Dix épisodes suffisent donc à nous raconter cette intrigue, ce qui pour moi était paradoxalement une bonne chose et une mauvaise chose en même temps. Je m'explique : autant on arrive assez vite au bout du drama, il n'y a pas vraiment de temps mort et il se passe toujours quelque chose de logique dans la mesure où le scénario se concentre sur le développement de leur romance et des obstacles qu'ils rencontrent, autant j'ai trouvé que 10 épisodes étaient un poil trop longs... En ce qui me concerne, je ne suis pas très intéressée par les hauts et les bas d'une relation. Je préfère largement les histoires qui se concentrent sur "l'avant", la tension amoureuse qui aboutit à la concrétisation et à leur prise de conscience que les sentiments sont mutuels. Cela m'a donc assez vite lassée de visionner leurs rapprochements et leurs ruptures successives, et pour en rajouter une couche j'ai trouvé que Mark était assez dur et antipathique à certains moments du drama (sans vouloir spoiler, lors d'un malentendu il va se montrer un peu trop rancunier envers Vee qui a pourtant des circonstances atténuantes dans ce cas précis). Mais ces derniers points relèvent principalement de goûts et de préférences personnelles, et les spectateurs qui s'intéressent aux difficultés d'une histoire d'amour, même quand les personnages sont clairs sur leurs sentiments, apprécieront très certainement ce BL.
En conclusion, c'était une bonne idée de remanier l'histoire d'origine et de prendre le temps de la développer. Pour ma part elle est vite oubliable, parce que je me suis un peu ennuyée à partir du 8ème épisode, mais c'est vraiment personnel et quoi qu'il en soit, ça n'enlève rien au jeu naturel des acteurs, leurs personnages sont attachants, leur romance est crédible, l'intrigue est construite intelligemment. Elle se concentre sur leur relation, du coup elle se développe de manière logique sans nous ennuyer avec des digressions inutiles. Donc même si c'est loin d'être un coup de cœur pour moi, objectivement cela reste une bonne série et je me demande ce que pourrait donner une nouvelle version de la romance de Nuea (un perso secondaire qui trouve lui aussi son bonheur dans le 3ème opus de "En of Love"). Et bien qu'elle aurait mérité d'être un chouïa plus courte puisqu'on s'intéresse uniquement à Vee et Mark, elle reste quand même agréable et sympathique à suivre.
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Why was this considered 18+?
Why was this drama considered "mature?" There wasn't anything really 18+ in it. It was cute, but a bit boring with no real story. The kiss scenes were weak and no NC scenes at all that were worth watching to even be considered as mature. It was just a very, basic BL series. I'm at a crossroads on whether I'd watch it again. If I'm looking for something soft and a bit boring, then maybe, but I have to be honest here; I don't recommend this BL to anyone, especially if you like BL'S with more spice, because this isn't it. It's more fluff. I'm more of a spicy BL fan with series that contain more NC scenes, with a good story too. That's why I loved Venus in The Sky. Good story and spicy scenes! Need more BL'S like it.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Definitely an Upgrade
I've watched both versions and can honestly say this is definitely an upgrade from the original. The chemistry between the 2 male leads is amazing and they play their respective characters well.As with all series in this trope, there are the clichéd moments and characters. The story could do with more polishing and of course you will find yourself talking to the screen, in various exclamations! Would really like to see what happens with some of the other pairings that happened along the way, not just Bar.
Will be watching out for new series with this duo, they are just that good together x
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Started this for yinwar and ended this for yinwar
PRO: DEFINITELY the acting and chemistry. Yinwar has one of the most or not the best natural chemistry out there. Uknow how sometimes BL couples do the extreme skinships/moments off screen just so that people Believe they’re in love on screen? With Yinwar, they don’t have to do all of that, the chemistry just felt so natural that I often watched some cute scenes over and over again just to see whether it’s the characters VeeMark or isit just yinwar. It’s just that natural, like not acting and it’s scary 😂. War always known for his great acting so I always know he’ll be good, he is more than good, he is great. But What surprised me is Yin. Yin improved by leaps, he wasnt jumping or running, he’s flying to the top. He made the flawed character so alive, relatable and loved. Super proud of him ! They deserve more opportunities in other series, I want romcom for them, they’re natural comedians with natural chemistry. Please make it happen 🙏🏻PRO: I loves all the soundtracks, especially Mist (The only rock song in here). The cute orchestra music of Aon Mae Geng (yinwar’s song) sometimes reminds me of Bridgeton’s soundtrack and I love it.
CON: PLOT. For me, up till ep3, I love it, nothing to complain about (even better after watching the Director’s cut). But ep4 starts going downhill. I don’t know why the writer pushed the character Ploy so much, as if shes a main character, as if her story, her reason to cheat, her troubled relationship with other man is important, like? No…I don’t want to see that, why we have to see that? Shes definitely the most irritating girl character I ever seen, so shameless. The writer really hated her, or love her so much idk, thats why they decided to put so much of her in the story. Some of the plot is predictable, and too dramatic sometimes. The writer also hate veemark being happy I guess, emphasizing so much on them in pain rather than the happy time that usually cut short. I know this is an angst genre, but still…do u have to be that cruel?? Well, it’s preference after all, for me thanks to this, I realized I can’t with angst, too painful. And because of that, I can’t fully enjoy the plot as I was hoping for. It’s not a bad plot, it’s just decent. It has so much potential to be much better.
In conclusion, whether i will rewatch, I will deff say I will, but only for the cute veemark’s parts, not the whole thing. Will I recommend people to watch? Yeah I will, but with disclaimer. Only watch if you want to be in pain and u don’t mind messiness.
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my 1 year waiting was finally paid off !
well ofc first thing it's better no lt me correct alot better than en of love !i waited 1 year for this and finally when It came out and I finished it was regretting as i had lot more other choices but , i was curious for this one ! Story is bit not to my expectation but not that bad aswell to the extent that you gotta drop this drama ofc actors are not to be blamed it's scriptwriter after all! romance was insanee ! I loved the chemistry between yinwar ! everything was well directed till the end ! I liked how they maintained the story level so that the viewers interest is not off lane ! well I highly recommend you if you want to go for something which is more realistic not always cute or fluffy !
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I liked it a lot, I thought that even involving adultery, a little dependence, the drama managed to develop a happy ending. I really enjoyed Vee's development and how he matured throughout the series. As for Mark, I think he suffered a lot from both heartbreak and Vee's fault of doing things wrong, but in the end I think that was how the two should end up.About the guys who were into Mark, Nuea was the only one that I really felt like I really liked Mark not only for his looks but for everything he was.
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romance, diversão, tristeza... essa série te oferece tudo da melhor forma!
não tem outro igual, é só ele mesmo! isso mesmo, to falando de love nem sei como explicar o amor que tenho por essa série... primeiro de tudo, sou muito grata por ela ter me apresentado o war (mark) e, claro, me mostrar uma história a qual fiquei completamente imersa até o último segundo.
love mechanics me apresentou uma sinopse simples que apesar dos atritos, não fez com que eu esperasse muita coisa, para ser sincera. pois foi aí que me enganei.
os olhares, a emoção e TODAS as cenas de romance entre o casal principal me conquistaram desde o primeiro momento, o que geralmente não acontece! a forma com que o war (mark) e o yin (vee) moldaram os personagens e o relacionamento deles me prendeu e me convenceram, fizeram com que eu torcesse para eles até o final, mesmo com tudo acontecendo rsrsrs
e, mesmo tendo uma história relativamente "simples", algumas cenas me tocaram de uma forma sem explicação, fez com que eu me identificasse e realmente entendesse os personagens e suas lutas internas. novamente preciso elogiar os atores e seu ótimo trabalho!
recomendo demais principalmente para quem ta iniciando (como eu), pois é leve e divertida, tendo seu lado sentimental também, e até mesmo pessoas não interessadas em bl ficam presas (confia em mim, meu primo assistiu comigo e ficou igual eu até o final). muito amor por essa série!
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I started this series with an open mind. I was looking for a fresh breath from KP and damn, I got what I needed.This series is a typical example of "them dey carry me go where I no know" iykyk. It was a pure treat.
The Main lead's acting was top-notch. Each episode is a gift that keeps giving and leaves you longing for me.
OMG, War(Mark) takes you on the journey with him, you feel the need to defend him, you feel what he is feeling. Vee, on the other hand, you can't hate, his confusion is relatable but not entirely likable but Yinthe actor played Vee so well. These two give so much life to the drama and so much life to their character and no one can do it better than them.
Overall, it's a good bl series filled with angst for my fellow angst lovers.
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First i would like to start my review with how much i adored this couple!!!! They both look so good and their chemistry is on point. Their acting is top notch too.And series is good like your casual college drama, story has depths in it yes but it comes to the point that drama never stops like you just wanna breathe and enjoy their relationship but noooo drama is always there. It kinda bummed me out a little bit, i would like to see more of them. Some situations may have been handled differently we could’ve see a little different things but that’s okay too.
It’s not a spoiler but the last episode gives us hints about their relationship and dynamics a lot of more and i loved that!!!! Don’t skip the last episodes after credits!!!
Overall i liked the series and loved the couple, if you can handle drama it’s worth to watch. Definetly wanna see more of them i hope they will continue the series!
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Too much drama
It's the story about two boys that start on very bad terms. One is in love with a friend of the other...and that's already complicated. But they eventually fall in love with each other although the top has got a girlfriend. They hurt each other on the way, mainly the top that hurts the bottom. But the bottom is a very frail and sensitive boy therefore he always takes the other back.By the way... in Italy we don't say "frail and sensitive", we say "sottone" and I think that's beautiful.
I actually liked the drama but it's not one of my favourites. I think that the main characters haven't a good personality. The top is possessive but also playful and always justifies his behaviour while the bottom is too attached to whoever he likes and let them trumple over him. Well, enjoy!
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Happy times… unhappy times… happy times!
I had so many thoughts and feelings whilst watching Love Mechanics and I still do even after finishing. Some of the characters’ actions were definitely questionable. Vee can be a bit impulsive and not think things through fully but he’s definitely not a bad person at all, if he thought about things, was a bit more honest from the very beginning, I think things would go a lot more smoothly. Mark, honestly at the beginning and kind of throughout, I feel like he sets himself up for heartbreak. But the two of them went through a lot… A LOT… and they learnt to love each other more and respect each other more, would I still worry about the characters in the future? Yes… and because of this, I would LOVE to see a second season of Love Mechanics. We got happy moments but they were soon ruined by bad things that happened. So I want to see more of Vee and Mark having happier moments and memories. Also, Vee’s parents… BL parent goals. His father’s advice, his mother’s support. What a great family! I really loved this drama but I do wish we can have another season of them! Because War and Yin are such GREAT actors!!Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
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Mark and Vee have my heart
Okay y'all this story starts out morally gray. It's shady as hell and shouldn't be discounted... but, Mark and Vee have my heart. The story was juicy and I always wanted to see what mess Vee would make them get into. I loved their dynamic and even though Vee is the worst, the writers do an awesome job of endearing him to the viewers. War plays Mark beautifully and his eyes truly stole the show. The ending is one of the most satisfying things I've watched ever period. You really feel that Mark and Vee deserve each other and can sustain despite all of the drama and shadiness at the beginning of the story. I loved it.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?