In Corso 4/10
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 5, 2023
4 di 10 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 6.0
Storia 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 4.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0

Paturnie adolescenziali senza traccia di trama

Mi domando se questo drama abbia una votazione così elevata perché è stato votato da un pubblico di ragazzine della stessa presunta età dei personaggi.
Non sono riuscita ad andare al di là dell'episodio 4 perché già sono stufa di vedere tutti questi falsi malintesi, indecisioni, rimescolamenti continui di coppie, eccesso di persone omosessuali all'interno di un gruppo, quando sappiamo benissimo che non sono queste le percentuali di distribuzione, e così via.
L'eccesso di commenti sonori pseudo umoristici contribuisce a irritare parecchio lo spettatore/ice che abbia raggiunto la maggiore età.
Sarà l'ambientazione troppo lontana dalla mia età anagrafica, sarà la completa assenza di temi che possa trovare interessanti, sarà anche il fatto che questi drama scolastici senza alcun sugo mi hanno veramente rotto le scatole, ma non sono più disposta a sprecare il mio tempo, sempre più breve e quindi sempre più prezioso, cercando di sopportare una situazione che mi urta i nervi.
In giro ci sarà sicuramente di meglio e mi accingo a cercarlo. lascio la sufficienza perché ho abbandonato molto presto.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 27, 2024
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Una serie che cattura l'attenzione nonostante un inaspettato effetto "montagne russe"

Devo dire che questo drama mi ha davvero sorpresa. Più volte ho pensato di aver inquadrato la situazione, di aver capito dove volesse andare a parare la trama, e più volte mi sono dovuta ricredere, con punta di dispiacere perchè ovviamente avrei preferito seguisse l'idea che andava via via delineandosi nella mia mente. Detta così si traduce in una serie di delusioni, e sì, ci sono state, ma di breve durata, perchè nonostante tutto l'interesse - sorprendentemente - non è mai venuto meno. E' proprio questo che mi ha stupita di queste serie: aver continuato a seguirla con interesse anche se in diversi punti mi lasciava l'amaro in bocca perchè non procedeva come mi aspettavo.
Ma partiamo dall'inizio. Il primo episodio sembra porre le basi per un meccanismo "enemies to lovers": l'attrito tra i due è spettacolare, Mark fastidioso e dalla risposta pronta, Vee impulsivo e senza mezzi termini. Purtroppo il meccanismo volge al termine già con la prima puntata, perché dal secondo episodio l'approccio cambia. Peccato. Sempre nel primo episodio ci scappa la notte assieme, e lì partono le mie congetture: Vee tradisce la propria ragazza senza il mezzo senso di colpa, oppure c'è dietro un motivo spiega il suo gesto? A farmi optare per la seconda ipotesi è il fatto di scene affettuose/intime con Ploy non c'è la minima traccia e anche tutto il discorso che fa al tizio che minaccia Mark con il coltello sembra voler far capire che c'era già a monte un interesse e - ho aggiunto io - probabilmente la sua storia con la fidanzata è solo di facciata di comodo per entrambi per motivi non ancora resi noti. Ciò faceva guadagnare qualche punto in più a Ploy, personaggio altrimenti veramente insopportabile. E invece no, quando viene a galla il tradimento di Ploy, ci troviamo alle prese con un Vee davvero affranto, ergo: Ploy è davvero il personaggio egoista ed egocentrico che appare, Vee succube come uno zerbino ma - incoerentemente - capacissimo di tradirla a sua volta senza farsi troppi problemi. Da lì poi, Vee passa buona parte della serie tenendo il piede in due scarpe, incapace di chiudere con quella che lo ha tradito e che si ricorda di lui solo quando le conviene, paradossalmente più incapace di curarsi dei sentimenti di Mark, con il quale sta costruendo una relazione positiva. Anche qui, il meccanismo a mio avviso non è proprio lineare, ma nonostante ciò la curiosità di sapere cosa sarebbe accaduto dopo non mi ha fatta desistere. La storia, come è ovvio aspettarsi, si conclude con un happy ending. A conclusione, posso dire che i personaggi mi sono piaciuti, ma è mancato un po' l'equilibrio: Vee colleziona un errore dopo l'altro, le volte in cui si scusa nemmeno si contano più, mentre Mark sembra passare tutta la serie dalla parte della ragione, e questo secondo me stona un po'. Detto questo, bravi gli attori, buona chimica tra i protagonisti, e per quanto riguarda Mark ho apprezzato che fino all'ultimo - vedi quando fa finire Vee in piscina - è refrattario alle smancerie. Non la mia serie preferita o nella top 10, ma è comunque valsa la pena vederla.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 21, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5
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storia stra realistica

Adesso che è finita la vita non ha più senso per me aiuto.
L’ho vista in onda ed è stata una tortura aspettare l’uscita degli episodi ma vabbè nel caso sapevo che ci sarebbe stata sicuramente la tristezza perchè seriamente STA SERIE È LA RAPPRESENTAZIONE SENTIMENTALE DELLE MONTAGNE RUSSE PIÙ PERICOLOSE AL MONDO. PRIMA SI SALE POI SI SCENDE E COSÌ VIA SENZA FERMARSI.
Letteralmente la loro relazione è stata una giostra di emozioni che andavano dal positivo al negativo come se nulla fosse, al tal punto che non sapevo proprio cosa aspettarmi.
In generale penso che questa serie rappresenti una delle relazioni più reali, dove c’è molto dolore ma soprattutto amore, una relazione che non si vede tutti i giorni ma che non è neanche quel tipo di relazione romanticizzata ai massimi livelli.
Da una rappresentazione perfetta e che fa capire bene cosa provano tutti.
Da un lato abbiamo Mark il quale penso sia una persona fin troppo permissiva e gentile, ovviamente non è sempre carino con tutti ma vabbè dipende da chi è la persona che ha davanti; nonostante tutti gli sbagli di Vee, si è fatto il suo pianto, ha sofferto solo in sofferenza e poi gli ha pure dato miliardi di seconde possibilità.
Abbiamo poi Vee, il quale di sbagli ne ha fatti a miliardi, devo dire che però non lo odio in quanto se proviamo a capirlo vediamo che in quel tipo di situazione non puoi riuscire a tenere tutto sotto controllo; personalmente non gli perdono solo l’approfittarsi di Mark al primo ep., molti dicono che anche lui fosse ubriaco, cosa vera ma in parte perché nonostante le bottiglie bevute riusciva ancora a ragionare, cosa provata dal suo dire “però ti è piaciuto” (o simile, aggiunto dal fatto che stesse addossando la colpa a Mark dicendogli che però gli era piaciuto quindi non doveva assolutamente sentirsi male per questo, giustamente gli era piaciuto e se lo teneva, cosa secondo me orribile da dire) in quanto vediamo come lui appena sveglio ricordi tutto ma quel porello di Mark non sapesse manco dov’era.
Con quella sera mi stava sul cazzo il fatto che non solo avesse detto quelle cose a Mark di cui era stato chiaramente abusato il corpo e l'intimità, ma anche per aver tradito chiaramente Ploy, personaggio che amavo alla follia, ceh così bellina, col bel faccino, ci sono rimasta di merda a sapere che tradiva Vee, a sto punto mi son detta “cazzo ci fanno assieme se poi si fanno le corna a vicenda, non ha senso”.
Fatto sta che tutta la lunghissima situazione con Ploy è stata estenuante, così tanto che neanche la ricordo bene, in generale Ploy è stata na merda e Vee era troppo buono di mente, non riusciva a lasciare Ploy per non farla stare male ma allo stesso tempo faceva promesse inutili a Mark e lo faceva rimanere di merda ogni volta, in sè e per sè l’unica cosa decente fatta è stato quando Vee ha intervenuto riguardo la violenza domestica subita da Ploy, per quanto avessi potuto odiare Ploy giuro che mi è stra dispiaciuto per lei in quanto queste cose sono davvero brutte, indipendemente dalle proprie azioni nessuno le meriterebbe, lì però Ploy ha visto l’aiuto come segno d’amore ma non era così ed è buono che Vee l’abbia aiutata in quanto umano in difficoltà con una cosa molto pesante.
Alla fine sto Vee ha fatto aspettare così tanto Mark che ha dovuto aspettare pure lui ahah lì ero alla tipo “il karma gira”, ho seriamente pensato che Mark avesse fatto bene ad allontanarlo, avrebbe dovuto farlo prima perchè sì è vero che Vee in primis ha avuto problemi con la questione ma purtroppo è anche vero che non puoi avere due persone, devi chiudere con chi devi senza pensarci perchè giustamente se fai così non finisce più.
Vabbè Mark ha fatto bene e Vee è stato bravo a riprenderselo bene, in generale mi è piaciuto come ha dimostrato il suo amore anche se potevano togliere pure da mezzo la cosa della lotta con quel tizio ma vabbè ci sta.
Alla fine mi è dispiaciuto un botto per la situazione padre di Mark, capisco che ha fatto il duro proprio per il bene del figlio ma allo stesso tempo dato che pure te stavi nella stessa situazione di quella famiglia, dovresti essere più empatico, invece ha detto tutte quelle brutte parole che non si dovrebbero proprio dire, a nessuno, in primis non è rispettoso per l’altro in quanto umano ma poi se ci sei passato pure te cazzo vuoi, fatti i fatti tuoi.
D’altra parte la famiglia di Vee è stata fin troppo gentile, se fossi stata in loro avrei già picchiato il padre di Mark.
Sta serie è molto particolare e non ho parlato di tutto ma vabbè c’è da dire che ho amato Nuea in quanto come normale che sia ci ha provato in maniera decente e visto che non era ricambiato ha accettato normalmente la cosa diventando pure un sostenitore della coppia Vee-Mark, è stata una buona persona.
Consiglio vivamente questa serie.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Pinoy Ares
90 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 13, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 6
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0


A definite upgrade over the short series - I loved every minute of it!

Finally, a full length series for Yin and War. The chemistry is undeniable and there is significant improvement in acting .

Although the plot and story has a very controversial beginning, (if you read the book and watched the En of Love: Love Mechanics) it felt like the new showrunners listened to what the fans hated on the first show, and improved/removed them - 1) I liked that they removed the role of the social media from the first show; 2) i loved that they improved the moping brokenhearted Vee; and 3) they showed the soft side of Mark during his time apart with Vee (he was just too angry in the short series).

Although i felt bad that they have to change some of the support cast, the new cast did a good job, and i specially loved the addition of the parents. Make no mistake, this is a YinWar show and the maximum exposure they got is just what the show needed.

Is it just me or is War giving a very similar Singto vibe? I loved it!

Overall, i give it a 9, its probably one of the best BL shows of 2022.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
26 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 16, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

That was better than I expected.

I loathed this series after the first episode. I gave is a 2 and dropped it and only reluctantly came back after friends insisted it got better. It did.

My objection was the totally absurd treatment of drunkenness, and the fuzzy morality, with the writers trying to have it both ways. You can't get so drunk that you think a person is someone else. Maybe for a few moments, but certainly not after sleeping if off for several hours, and Vee having three beers in 2 hours is not sufficient to lower his inhibitions enough to do something awful, so that shot of his garbage can with empty beers in it didn't fly. So you have two choices: Either Mark knows it's Vee and wants to get laid to help him get over his pain, or Vee is a repugnant rapist and the whole series is appalling. Neither option works, so I gave up in disgust with the terrible writing.

So why do I give it a 9.5, you ask?

The thing is, because this is a remake, the production was stuck with the outline of the poor writing of the original. And I can't give it a 10, because the plot is so unoriginal and we've seen it so, so many times. But the execution of this story is so good in every way, and so much depth an nuance given to the story and characters, it's like having a piece of chocolate cake. You've had many, I'm sure. Some are dry, some are factory produced, some pretty good - but then you have a slice that is so perfectly made that you can never enjoy any other chocolate cake again.

That's sort of how this series is. It really, really needs to be the last story with this tired plot - it will never be done better than this, it's so overused that I, and probably many or most of you, groan when a preview shows anyone wearing a blue engineering shirt.

While this follows an established formula, it isn't just the usual shallow boy-meets-boy, boy-hates-boy, boy-gets with-boy, boy leaves boy for girlfriend, boy-hates-boy, boy-and-boy-live-happily-ever-after story.

First, Mark and Vee aren't 2D uke and seme characters. Mark (the uke) knows who he is, is totally comfortable with it, he's a jock with a ripped body, and he doesn't let himself be pushed around. Vee (the seme) is confused and indecisive, can't bear to be the bad guy to the point that his desire not to hurt anyone hurts everyone, and he's never in control of the situation, and seems to fail at everything.

Other than the first episode, the writing is complex and sensitive, never stuffs characters into the narrow boxes of stock archetypes. Mark isn't a useless uke, Vee isn't a brooding prince who will swoop in to take care of him, Vee's girfiend isn't evil or scheming, she's just weak, damaged, and needs the validation of a man desiring her, Nuea isn't a terrible person nor is he an alternate prince, he's just a smitten horny guy who crosses the line a little, and even Mark's father's true motivation is Mark's happiness despite his dickishness. His emoji in the last scene is hillarious.

The story contains one of the classic misunderstandings wherein one boy shows up somewhere just at the right time to see something he can misinterpret and, implausibly, no communication occurs to clear it up. But in this case the plot gives a sequence of events that leads to that moment that is logically constructed, and the timing is not at all coincidental, and while Mark misunderstands, Vee is not innocent - he let himself be put in a situation that he shouldn't have, and given their past, Mark's reaction and subsequent behavior is totally reasonable and relatable.

The dialog and writing are excellent, creative despite the unoriginal story, quirky, and provides us with suprises and unexpected resolutions, like the final family confrontation, where Vee's father is a true boss. The finale is lovely and romantic, and gives us a typical fairy-tale BL ending - and then there's the post-credit scene, for which you may need medication, possibly counseling. The typical uke-finding-a-public-sniff-kiss-to-the-cheek appalling routine starts, then heads in a direction so, so, SO far from where you'd expect that it manages to be hot, funny, and a little frightening all at once (War could [and should] play a truly terrifying villain).

The cinematography, all the editing, the music, is all thoughtful, beautifully excecuted, and all serve the story.

But what really seals the award for Best Execution of a Stale, Tired BL Plot is the acting. War (Mark) has always been good, but here he's SO good that he can make you feel eight different things with one look. Yin (Vee) was frankly a bit weak in the original series, at least compared to War, but here he's improved so much that he's able to hold his own. Vee's impulsive idiocy is funny, relatable, and believable.

If this had a better first episode, perhaps with a devastated Mark just callously grabbing Vee as the nearest male body to fill his... needs, this could have been a 10. But it's still one of the best BLs of all time and I don't hesitate to recommend it.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
22 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 15, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0

Lust, love and a whole lot of drama

What a difference a budget makes...
Same Same But Oh So Different...
Love at second sight....

As I recently watched the first version (same cast, different budget), of this drama I was a bit unsure if watching this adaptation would be worth it but my oh my was this a good choice, a very good choice as this version gave me all I was missing in the first version and more... a lot more , okay it gave mes some highly problematic content as well making it impossible for me to give it a full 10 even if part of me was so entertained I wanted to give it a 15... but enough about that.

What this drama does offer is a lot of fan service, entertainment, some important issues here and thare chemistry that is off the charts, friendship, toxic masculinity, sweetness, and everything but relations goals. Again not something I would want to be part of but highly entertaining to watch. It also made me fall head over heals for Mark (War Wanarat Ratsameerat) as a person who was both adorable, funny, bad ass, sassy, honest and brought out my protector instinct making me want to just give him a big hug most of the drama .

There is also a slight realism to the portrayal of duality in relationships.. falling in and out of love meshing in a big complex web of emotions... loving two people simultaneously, pain, confusion, coming to terms with all kinds of stuff,,. and so on was portrayed pretty well, and is what I assume bothered some viewers but I actually loved how they portrayed this side of infidelity and relationships gone bad... But then I do love watching conflicted emotions, angst, lust and pain. So if you are bothered by any of this stuff you may not enjoy this drama at all or at least not as much as I did.

In my opinion there are not truly annoying characters or elements making it an easy binger and again a lot of fun to watch, but again kids, do not try, well anything of this at home.

So if you are looking for a feel good fluff piece where people actually seek consent move along there is nothing to see here... but if you want som highly entertaining drama, mistakes, steam and real drama this is definitely a good place to look for it,

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
33 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 7, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 6
Generale 6.0
Storia 1.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Leads Insane Chemistry is the Lure......Plot/Story is Nonexistent

This is the first drama I've ever watched of this genre and it's not one I watch or like but what caught my attention was the insane chemistry of the leads. It was enough to give me pause and decide to watch. While I'm still not interested in anything in this genre going forward; the two actors themselves I have added to my following list because they are truly unique, multi-talented individuals. Their work, though regardless of genre, I will watch again in the future. For those unfamiliar with my reviews, I never read the source material so go in solely as a viewer.

Pros: As mentioned above, the chemistry of the leads is off the charts. After doing some research on Twitter and watching War's concert-like fanmeet, I realized these two are literally brothers from another mother and it's because of their close friendship and understanding of one another that it can translate so convincingly onto the screen. Both Yin and War embodied their characters very well, I just wish they were working with a strong script (that will be discussed below).

Out of all of their gaggle of friends, the only few I liked were Bar, his bf, and the Dr. Ana character as they were (to me at least), the only ones that were supportive of the leads no matter what and never had any hidden agendas or preconceived notions. Vee's parents win "parents of the year" for their acceptance and protection of not only their own kids but of Mark as well. Vee's brother was also great as both comedic relief and just in general. The lesson dad taught Vee by way of his motorbike should be taken into account in real life as well; if you break something, it's your responsibility to fix it.

The OSTs were also right on point save one that sounded like it belonged in a circus tent and not in the show. Every time it played like in episode 6 when Mark was sick and Vee was taking care of him after apologizing, it just threw the entire scene off. Another high point was the comedy; so many different scenes to choose from that just added a little bit of hope or just made you bust out laughing at the absolute nonsense happening.

Cons: Just as the title says above, this series had literally no plot nor storyline. It was essentially a group of university students acting out emotions. It was very unbelievable, considering that save for the two sets of parents, some thugs, the "token" straight female friend, and a little girl, everyone else was gay. You don't see that in real life; I may be straight but I have many close gay/lesbian/bi friends all over the world that I've met throughout my travels that can attest that's just not the way it is.

I saw someone in the comments saying that the characters getting plastered every night was a normal American thing in college and as someone with 2.5 degrees in America, I can tell you that's not the case at all. Are there parties, people going to clubs, getting wasted? Hell yeah! But not every single night unless they want to flunk out of school; especially blackout drunk. Every single episode or half of one ended with someone needing to be carried home or passing out by the toilet. These folks needed AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)!

The conversations were always about the same thing; I questioned the need for a script even; could have handled everything through improv. It was always who liked or didn't like whom, who should date whom, whining about being alone, innuendos up the wazoo, and what bar they should hit up that night; rinse, repeat, please pass the cheese. There was no ingenuity whatsoever. This script carried very little weight other then heavy on many emotions especially angst and a ton of miscommunication.

Tropes were insane (especially not closing the door in 9; like come on! That was beyond ridiculous and extremely foolish on the production's part) and the same situation kept repeating itself especially with Ploy; felt like we were on a hamster wheel getting very dizzy. Ploy was like a Jack in the Box popping up in the most in opportune of times and I do feel she overstayed her welcome. Also, a bunch of unnecessary characters like the creepy as hell boxer dude who was harassing Mark in episode 9; what was his purpose? Confusion, filler, to make Mark who stands up for himself always, forget how to speak words? Or those random girls hitting on Vee in 10 and then badmouthing Mark behind his back to make him have doubts about his relationship again? These people were completely unnecessary; made me question just how much and of what production was smoking.

The only thing I'll say about that crazy train second ending that I'm still trying to wrap my head around, is that it should have been incorporated a lot better then the way it was and perhaps in the middle of part 2 of that episode somewhere. The first ending really brought the relationship full circle while the second one turned Mark into a combo of Daenerys and a hyena ready to devour its prey with a side order of rock music lol!

Would I recommend it? This one is out of my hands. I leave it to the viewers discretion. For me personally, it introduced me to two young men who I see having very bright futures regardless of what paths they take in life and I want to see them succeed.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
12 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 5, 2023
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 3.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 2.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Rape in the first episode. How is this dubcon? How does this show how so many good reviews?

Funny how everyone is either calling what occurs between Vee and Mark in literally the first episode "dubcon" or completely glossing over what happened completely.
What happened in the first episode is rape, pure and simple. It wasn't even dubious consent? Mark is still drunk to the point of stumbling and falling, and completely mistook the person he "slept with" for someone else. Vee was sober enough to drive the both of them to his place, and completely ignored how Mark literally could not consent. I can understand a drink or two, or a character sobering up on the ride home/after getting home, but he literally doesn't even act like he's sobered up at all?

Not to mention the morning after Mark is so freaked out. He's angry, calls Vee a villain like 10 times, and runs off AFTER Vee threatens to kill him if he tells anyone what "they did" last night. Which to be fair, obviously to Mark and the viewers he isn't really serious about doing something like that and he just wants Mark not to tell about his "infidelity only", but imagine someone sleeping with you when you're on the cusp of black out drunk and then making this kind of remark to you the morning after?
AND NOT TO MENTION Mark goes home and the first think he does is scrub his skin over and over in the shower.
I feel kind of disgusted watching this.

Watch what you want I guess, romanticize what you want (I guess?). But don't downplay what happened to make yourself feel better about continuing to watch this fascinating mess of a relationship.
Dont be a coward lmao, call it what it is.

Leggi di Più

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BL Compilations
14 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 21, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

angsty BL with excellent lead actors/chemistry

Overall: Although I struggled with the angst/flawed characters and especially how the series started, I think it was well done. Make sure to watch past the first credits of the final episode, more like that please! Note: this is a remake/extended version of En of Love: Love Mechanics which aired in 2020 and was about 2 hours runtime, you don't need to watch the shorter version first. Watched on WeTV.

Content Warnings: dub/non con kiss, non con sex (very drunk), briefly held against will, past suicide attempt?, manhandling, homophobia, vomiting, violence/beaten up, punch/slap, domestic violence, victim self blaming

What I Liked
- acting of Yin & War and their chemistry
- cute moments
- funny moments
- for once I didn't hate an ex (Mark's)
- they address wealth differences and homophobia
- production value

Room For Improvement
- very disappointed in the sex scene. In many places being mentally incapacitated means you cannot give consent and clearly Mark was mentally incapacitated as he thought Vee was a different person. Although we see 3 beer bottles in the garbage, Vee does not appear to be at an equal level of drunkenness. I don't care at all that Mark was the initial aggressor, Vee should not have had sex with Mark. I would say this was non con no matter what sexual position Mark was. If they wanted to go the drunk sex route then Vee should have also been totally wasted and saying that Mark was his girlfriend and both been freaked out in the morning. (this would also make me hate Vee less as he just casually cheated on his girlfriend)
- hearing vomiting sounds is not my ideal way to start a series
- Vee said something in episode 6 to Mark that I think would end many relationships, sometimes apologies are not enough
- cliche plot point in episode 7
- Vee has some bad friends, they should have at least talked to him to hear his side
- poor communication
- side couples starting out in the final episode
- lack of intro credits/OST and basic closing credits

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
12 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 30, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

its a surprise for me too

a few hours ago I was really bored and I had a lot of free hours and lots of cramps so I was like I want something trashy to watch that has no real plot because I'm not in the mood for heavy stuff. so I opened up my regular website and I looked for something that looked and had the name of an unserious drama. so based of my intuition I thought this was the shitiest show ever.

7 hours later and I have just finished all episodes released and actually looking forward to the next!

despite the amount of toxicity and controversies in this one starting from cheating to non con sexual activities which was f up the actors excuted it really well. the acting was so good! one of the best especially mark and the chemistry is phenomenal I literally haven't seen that much chemistry before.

the worst thing about this is the controversial events there is a lot of scenes that made me feel guilty for actually liking their chemistry, the scene in the first episode was non consensual. most of their relationship at first was flirting and cheating so I find it weird that vee was so shocked at his gf but never talked about the fact that he cheated on her too.

anyway I actually found the show enjoyable and bingeworthy despite everything and I really really really and I repeat really liked the chemistry. some scenes I just found myself blushing with them because of the phenomenal energy they are emitting.

I'd recommend this if you don't have problem with angst, and controversies and like me you watch everything despite of how f up it is sometimes.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
10 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
set 24, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 2.0
Storia 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Very problematic

I thought the characters were cute. Vee was really adorable at first. but then he keeps getting annoying. I'm surprised Mark can tolerate Vee's behavior even seeing so many red flags about him. The relationship was messy and unhealthy even from the start. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt with Mark and Vee's relationship, but it was so toxic. The problems are always the same. Trust issues, cheating, miscommunication. Different episodes but same problem.
They had their cute moments being together, but I got tired of it after realizing that Mark is too good for Vee.
I guess the acting was good if the main cast can irritate me. Music wasn't really rememberable but it was there.
I wouldn't recommend watching this at all.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
In Corso 10/10
7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 31, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Not Perfect But Great

When the mini series came out with En Of Love it was promising that people wanted this be created in a full series. I am so glad it was reconsidered because the result met my expectations.

The chemistry of Yin and War is really good and both actors can act really well. The story captures the audience of how it was written well. I love the whole vibe of this series. The side characters are amazing too.

War Wanarat is a gem in this series. He’s perfect as Mark. Something in him just glows as Mark. His character is not perfect but likeable.

Yin as Vee is also perfect. I feel for his character. The only thing he knows is to love. First with Ploy yet he was cheated on. He fell for Mark yet he was misunderstood like almost all the time. He is sweet and knows how to make his partner feels good.

I like this drama so much like I am angry that we only get one episode each week and the waiting time to wait for Saturday is agonizing.

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Love Mechanics (2022) poster



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