Simona Leila
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 10, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

I rom com "innovativi" che ci piacciono

Per quanto la storia sappia di visto e rivisto, questo è il tipo di drama che ogni tanto mi merito di guardare. Il tipo di drama che mi serve quando cerco una storia leggera e divertente, in grado di alleviare lo stress giornaliero. Ho apprezzato che i coreani con questa opera si siano spinti un po' più in là rispetto alle solite storie caste e che sia quindi un po' più spicy. Per il resto la storia non è nulla di innovativo, ma devo essere sincera mi è piaciuto tutto. Di solito io sono quella del pelo nell'uovo ma a sto giro mi è andata abbastanza bene. Dico abbastanza perchè c'è una cosina: 12 episodi invece dei canoni 16. Sinceramente ho apprezzato che non si perdesse in roba inutile ma l'avrei preferito un po' più lungo. Consigliato se vi piaccono drama office/rom-com sulla scia di What's Wrong with Secretary Kim ( sì, io l'ho amato, va bene? XD)

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ott 15, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0

Sembra confezionato per piacere, ma manca la sostanza

Questo è un drama che definirei ben confenzionato e carino. Come se qualcuno si fosse messo a scriverne la sceneggiatura dicendo: voglio una romcom classica stile americano, ma con tocchi coreani. Ci sono scene carine, scene veramente divertenti, delle belle inquadrature, begli attori (e anche bravi), bei paesaggi. Ma manca l'unione di tutti questi dettagli, manca una solida sceneggiatura che abnbia un senso. Certo la trama è semplice e uno capisce tutto, ma questo non vuol dire che il montaggio possa traballare. Moltissime scene sono scollegate, ci sono buchi logici, il fatto che non si accorgano della vera identità della protagonista seppur vedendola in faccia solo perchè cambia livemente trucco e lunghezza capelli è assurdo e non plausibile e succede più e più volte. I clichè non mancano e il finale è piuttosto moscio. E' un drama carino, ma che nona cchiappa, almeno me, e senza pathos. Peccato perchè la protagonista femminile e la sua amica sono bravissime.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 18, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

storia leggera e carina

semplicemente STUPENDO.
Mi ha fatto morire dalle risate e allo stesso tempo ci sono stati molti momenti tristi. Solitamente non piango per delle le scene in cui si baciano ma la prima volta che si sono baciati seriamente, quello sul ponte, mi ha fatto morire dal pianto, ero così esausta del fatto che lei si facesse troppe illusioni negative che la portavano a pensare che non fosse la scelta giusta accettare il suo amore.
Per quanto riguarda il cuoco sono veramente arrabbiata con lui, Ha ri ha sempre avuto una cotta per lui e anche lui ricambiava peccato che abbia sempre pensato ad uscire con altre poi quando Ha ri ci è veramente passata su e stava con un altro invece di supportare, come lei aveva sempre fatto, l'ha scoraggiata ancora di più e questa cosa mi ha fatto veramente arrabbiare.
Parlando della migliore amica di Ha ri, è letteralmente un amore, la adoro tantissimo, tutti si meriterebbero un amica come lei, stesso discorso per Sung Hoon, stupendi entrambi.
Infine devo dire che ho amato anche il team 1, quando Ha ri è andata a finire in quello scandalo pensavo che le avrebbero solo voltato le spalle invece si sono rivelati migliori di quel che credevo, ho amato come l'hanno protetta pur non sapendo se i pettegolezzi fossero veri o meno.
Questo drama fa capire molto bene i temi di cui parla: come le famiglie ricche non accettino il matrimonio con persone "normali", come la gente pensa solo a se stessa e se pensa agli altri è perchè deve sparlare alla meglio peggio e su come il giudizio degli altri importi e possa pesare sulle persone che non hanno fatto nulla di sbagliato.
All'inizio ero un pò perplessa di come la trama fosse molto simile al drama "The Secret Life of my Secretary" ma alla fine si è rivelato molto diverso, solo all'inizio la trama è stata simile poi col passare degli episodi lo scenario è cambiato notevolmente.
Mi è piaciuto molto il finale, lo immaginavo diverso ma è molto meglio così. Immaginavo che questo drama si chiudesse col matrimonio dato che se n'è parlato molto ma è innovativo come l'hanno chiuso, mi piace, non hanno allargato troppo la situazione dei personaggi secondari così come i primari alla fine ma penso sia giusto. ADORATOOO

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 11, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
In sunto: una commedia leggerissima e divertente, che procede per cliché, ma ben recitata e con un buon ritmo.

Elaboriamo: Siamo nell’abusato reame della commedia in ambito aziendale, che procede per mezzo di scambi di identità, falsi fidanzamenti che diventano veri e innamoramenti tra persone di diversa estrazione sociale. Le giovani generazioni vorrebbero trovare l’anima gemella in base all’amore, ostacolate da genitori e nonni, che insistono a spedirle ad appuntamenti al buio e cercano di sposare società piuttosto che persone.

Non c’è assolutamente nulla di originale in questa romcom, ma non per questo è un’opera da buttar via, anzi. Se la storia in sé è quanto di più trito e ritrito si possa immaginare, il modo in cui è stata concepita e recitata la rende comunque gradevole, a patto di non cercarvi significati profondissimi. E’ una di quelle opere con inserimento di buffe figurine, suoni divertenti, sottotitoli, e così via: una serie leggera, da guardare per divertimento coi neuroni in stato di placido riposo, magari tra due drama un po’ più impegnativi, per allentare la tensione. Ci sono alcuni momenti veramente spassosi: in uno dei primi episodi ricordo un inseguimento all’interno dei vari piani di un edificio che ha rischiato di mandarmi in crisi respiratoria.
Ma non di solo divertimento si parla: una grande importanza è riservata ai rapporti interpersonali, al valore dell’amicizia, dei legami familiari, della solidarietà fra colleghi.

Però poi, alla fine, si torna sempre al fattore umoristico. E se si ammira l’impegno lavorativo di Shin Ha Ri, votata alla realizzazione di manicaretti da commercializzare sotto forma di piatti istantanei, a maggior ragione si apprezza la compostezza di Cha Sung Hoon, serissimo segretario del protagonista Kang Tae Moo, giovanissimo presidente maniaco del lavoro, nipote del capintesta Kang Da Goo, che non vede l’ora di avere dei nipotini…

Peccato che, nella grande famiglia della Go Food, industria alimentare intorno alla quale gravitano quasi tutti i personaggi, le giovani leve abbiano idee proprie. Così quando il giovane presidente Kang Tae Moo, interpretato da un ottimo Ahn Hyo Seop, viene mandato all’ennesimo appuntamento al buio organizzatogli dal nonno prepotente, stufo di perdere tempo in cose che giudica inutili, decide che sposerà la prima che gli si presenterà davanti. Dovrebbe trattarsi di Jin Young Seo senonché, anch’ella, stufa di questi laccioli, manda al suo posto l’amica Shin Ha Ri, perché mandi tutto all’aria. Il presidente della Go Food non ne vuole sapere di mollare quella che non sa essere una sua impiegata, per quante follie faccia. E da lì cominciano gli spassosissimi guai.

Ripetiamolo ancora: è una commedia, per cui molto spazio è affidato ad attori e caratteristi dalla mimica a volte volutamente esagerata. Allo stesso Lee Deok Hwa, che interpreta il nonno del protagonista, e che nel panorama coreano è praticamente un’istituzione, è affidata una parte piuttosto spassosa. La protagonista, una bravissima Kim Se Jeong, sa farsi apprezzare sia nei momenti drammatici che in quelli comici, dove sfodera smorfie molto divertenti. Ma il protagonista maschile, Ahn Hyo Seop, è sempre misurato, grazie anche al suo personaggio molto riservato che è, poi, quello che compie il maggior percorso di crescita. Il nostro passerà dall’essere un mezzo tiranno narcisista, restio a sprecare cinque minuti, ad un perfetto innamorato, tenero e generoso nei confronti di molti.

La commedia procede ad un ritmo abbastanza sostenuto, subendo solo un po’ di rallentamento negli ultimi due/tre episodi, ma che non va ad inficiare troppo il fattore divertimento. Le musiche sono adatte allo spettacolo, non terribili ma, sinceramente, neanche eccezionali: nella media. Per quanto riguarda i costumi, diciamo che, essendo alcuni personaggi molto ricchi, le donne sono vestite molto bene e gli uomini… beh, alti, mori e con vestito tre pezzi. Detto tutto no?

L’ultimo episodio è, per certi versi, forse un po’ affrettato, e per altri un po’ lento, ma in definitiva tutti i santi finiscono in gloria e si glissa sulla sigla finale con soddisfazione e un sorriso stampato in volto. Cosa chiedere di più?

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
324 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 5, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 6
Generale 7.5
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0

Cliches done right!

THIS is how you incorporate all the cliches without making them annoying. THIS is how you incorporate humor without making it loud and cringy. THIS is how you do the perfect rom-com.

Business Proposal felt like a throwback to early 2010 k-dramas and the golden age of romantic comedies, but it modernized it and fixed all the frustrating misunderstandings and miscommunications that made me tear my hair out back then.

I felt like the friendships were such an important part of this show from beginning to end and it made it that much better. The FLs and MLs are each so supportive of each other with their respective family situations, the coworkers are also such a supportive team, and it made the show that much more comforting to watch even when side characters came in to sabotage things as they usually do.

I admit that the ending is a little short and leaves some scenes and closure to be desired — but I understand that we only had twelve episodes and there probably wasn't much time to spend on some of the more interesting, non-romance subplots like backstories and family issues.

Nevertheless, if you're looking for something light-hearted and stress-free, this drama is the one.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Kate Flower Award1
128 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 5, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 6
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

U-turn on expectations and clichés.

Not gonna lie - I dropped the show after the first two episodes. They were fine, but did not grab my attention. Next week I felt like watching a rom-com, so I picked it up again, and from that moment I just enjoyed the silly ride it took me for. They really played into, and at the same time broke all the cliches of kdrama rom-coms, and it was so much fun to watch

The story is something we have seen countless times - a fake relationship leads to a real one. Rich guy falls for a poor girl, yet few twists made it much more compelling and interesting. The female lead was not a damsel in distress - she is competent, friendly, strong. The male lead was not a cold lead - he is a cute and soft potato. The father was not evil, rather funny and a bit childish. The best friend second lead deal is dealt with in a realistic manner.

While the conflicts and issues between the main couple come from their different backgrounds, the second couple’s issues come from the differences of their personalities. Thanks to that we see a variety of interesting situations that kept me entertained.

That said, there was one side plot situation that had quite an impact on the characters and their behavior, but then was gone and never mentioned, simply because the current plot progression did not need it anymore. I wished we had some kind of closure or explanation for it.

The characters were all quite fun to follow. Except for the main cast that delivered a good performance, I want to talk about Seo Hye Won who played Jo Yoo Jung Young Seo's cousin. The girl was hilarious. Her random English lines with cartoonish subtitles on screen were some of the best scenes. She was extremely over the top, but it worked perfectly in the context of the show and overall tone.

While I have no huge complaints about any of the performances, I was slightly disappointed with Kim Min Gue. His character lacked expression. I get that he was this well mannered, stoic, logic driven guy, but I was just not completely convinced by his delivery.

It’s an over the top romantic comedy - funny sounds, funny animations, funny subtitles on the screen, but all of that was rather fitting and elevated the scenes - be it making them more funny, cute, sometimes cringe. I mean, the whole show is cringe, but I appreciate how they embraced that. Sometimes it’s the way to go - don’t take yourself too seriously, so people can enjoy it for what it is.

I don’t really have much to say about the soundtrack. All the songs were nice, cute and matching the drama, but the only one that truly caught my attention was Han Seung Yoon’s Whatever You Want.

Overall, if you are in the mood for romance, I don’t think you will find any better production from the past few years. It was cute, entertaining, did not have any over the top problematic plot lines, no random murder mystery we sometimes see in Korean rom-coms. Sometimes all one needs is good looking people falling in love with each other and all the cringe and sweet butterflies that come with it.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
In Corso 11/12
141 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 30, 2022
11 di 12 episodi visti
In Corso 1
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5

Everyone Deserve a Treat Like This Drama Once In A While

This drama started with a bang and continued to be my Fav Mon/Tue drama in march 2022 though there are many other Ongoing dramas that are good, but what makes this drama special is that it's fun and easy to watch, the best choice for binge-watching you just put this show on you'll have the most fun time and would Giggling for 8 hours and 4 hours you would be swooning over the romance. it's a fast-paced romance line either it's the first lead or second lead, this drama is filled with amazingly passionate couple chemistry and makes this drama so swoon-worthy... A drama can't be any more cliche than this one, but in every scene, you will be like "ok this has been done before but never on this level". this show has a unique quality that it doesn't make u irritated with its cliche plot but makes it more interesting and enjoyable due to its comic timing. Once you put it on you'll be eager for more and more that's how good this show is...
The reason I started watching this drama was that it was the newest Kdrama on Netflix with only 1 episode out and DANG I was hooked since, just because it was easily available on Netflix and Trailer seemed so fun, that I started watching it instantly; I had to suffer 6 weeks to finally see it's ending but surely this drama made MARCH 2022 SO MUCH FUN (jeez I'm gonna miss this drama so much).
Some Like 1st lead couple and some Like 2nd lead couple and it's totally alright but no need to compare these couples, BOTH couple's chemistry makes this drama Balanced and Worth checking out as the drama shows different aspects of romance.
Young Seo & Hari Are the best best-friends ever. A perfect example of a friend in need is a friend indeed (throughout the series they are seen cheering and helping out each other )
OVERALL: This drama is very good to watch, relaxing and gives a good laugh and constantly reminded me of how single I
*HONOURABLE Mention: Kim Min-Kyu with glasses... Is so CHARISMATIC... *wanjeon jalsaeng-gyeosso* (AND its special use in episode 8 had me freaked out...FIREee)
+Bromance and Sismance=10/10
+Grandfather and Grandsons=8/10
+Awesome chemistry Between all the character=10/10
+Fake Jin Young Seo Scenes=11/10
+friendship between the leads=10/10
+comedy scenes=9/10
+Catchy OSTs=9/10
+A Light hearted destressing story=8.7/10
+fun watch
+All the DIALOGUES are Catchy, Exciting and hilarious at the same time, 10/10
*KANG TAEMOO: I'm quite good... at many things. (EP1)
*SHIN HARI: Makes Samantha & Rachel very sad. (EP1), Archaeopteryx (EP2)
*CHA SUNG HOON: I’ll make sure that you never forget. (EP7)
*JIN YOUNG SEO: If you don't I'm really... gonna cross the line. (EP6)
-Cliche (but in a most enjoyable way)
-CRINGEY (BUT Alluring)
-FAST-PACED ROMANCE (totally the reason why I watched)
-RICH AND POOR (who doesn't like seeing rich lead flexing ;p )
-IF YOU PREFER ACTION, THRILLER, SUSPENSE OVER ROM/COM (this is the only reason one might not wanna watch it but still TRY IT and take a break from Action/Thriller types dramas, I'm sure everyone will love it)
*are only 12 episodes... [wish it was a bit longer (maybe 16 episodes) and we could have seen them all for a little while longer...]
*PS: I hope you all will LOVE this drama as much as I did*... and if you don't then we can't be friends ever... lol

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
46 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 6, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 5
Generale 6.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 6.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0

‘ Business Proposal’; The Revamped Rom-Com Formula With A Few Tricks Up Its Sleeve…

It is likely that most K-drama viewers can agree that the late 2000s to early 2010s was an era in the world of K-dramas predominated by melodrama and angst . Indeed for better or for worse, ‘ Business Proposal’ attempted to capture that in its rom-com formula.

‘ Business Proposal’ focuses upon Shin Ha-ri (Kim Se-Jeong- ‘ School 2017’, ‘ I Wanna Hear Your Song’ and ‘ Uncanny Counter’), a relatively new researcher at one of South-Korea’s top conglomerate enterprises, GO Food. Ha-Ri has always had an unrequited crush on Lee Min-Woo( Song Won-seok- ‘ Swan’, ‘ Switch’ and ‘ Never Twice’), a close friend since their university days. However after having her heart broken once again by Min-Woo, Ha-Ri soon begins to reevaluate her feelings.

Meanwhile Ha-Ri’s best friend and chaebol heiress Jin Young Seo ( Seol In Ah- ‘ Sunny Again Tomorrow’, ‘ Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life’ and ‘ Mr Queen’) discovers that she will soon be forced to go on a romantic date with a rich CEO’s son, much to her displeasure.Asking Ha-Ri to take her place, Ha-Ri agrees to do so in order to pay off a family debt.

When Ha-Ri shows up as Jin Young Seo, she soon discovers that her “date” is with the president of her company, Kang Tae Mu ( Ahn Hyo Seop- ‘ My Father Is Strange’, ‘ Thirty But Seventeen’ and ‘ Dr Romantic 2’).

Kang Tae-Mu is a straight-laced and career-orientated individual, even being labelled by his grandfather and founder of GO Food, Kang Da Goo( Lee Deok Hwa- ‘ Age Of Warriors’, ‘ Suspicious Partner’ and ‘ Hit The Top’), as a “workaholic”. ( Especially after the incident surrounding his inauguration ceremony.)

The “first date” is calamitous for Ha-Ri but unbeknownst to her, Tae-Mu has felt differently. Confiding in his chief of staff , Cha Sung-hoon (Kim Min-Gue-‘ Romance Special Law’, ‘ Perfume’ and ‘ Snowdrop’) that he will marry “ Jin Young Seo” ( aka Ha-Ri) in order to keep his grandfather off his back, Ha-Ri’s ordinary life is soon filled with an assortment of complicated and sticky misunderstandings.

‘ A Business Proposal’ is based on the lighthearted rom-com webtoon,  ‘The Office Blind Date’ ( ‘사내 맞선’) by Hae-Hwa. Adapted to the small screen by screenwriters Han Sul Hee ( ‘ Ugly Miss Ae’, ‘ A Love Story’) and Han Bo Hee ( ‘ High Kicked!: The Revenge Of The Short Legged’ and ‘ Standby’), “ will likely appease and dissatisfy viewers of equal measure.

Of course, it is important to specify that ‘ A Business Proposal’ is supposed to encapsulate a certain “easygoing nostalgia” from rom-coms. For the most part ‘ A Business Proposal’ did possess a lighthearted, easygoing and fluffy edge; occasionally tipping into angst-ridden melodrama in order to “spice up” certain events of the narrative and keep viewers intrigued . ( This was particularly apparent with the “clandestine ” events surrounding the main leads’ relationship as well as lingering questions throughout the narrative surrounding the traumatic past of main male lead Kang Tae Mu.)

It is important to point out that the main leads in the series played by Kim Se Jeong and Ahn Hyo Seop were fairly delightful. Indeed despite some strained initial interactions onscreen, Se Jeong and Hyo Seop possessed a surprisingly easygoing chemistry as the series progressed between their onscreen personas.

However their onscreen roles Shin Ha-Ri and Kang Tae-Mu were admittedly not without their writing flaws. As a female lead and the main heroine of the series , Ha-Ri was established to be the “ hardworking” archetype. On the other hand, it is hard to ignore that while Ha-Ri does continue to maintain her hardworking ethos alongside her complicated feelings for Tae-Mu, she could sometimes be passive with her reactions and actions in the events of the series. ( This became apparent at times by Ha-Ri being “ beckoned by the calling of plot dilemmas” rather than character growth.)

For example one of the most noticeable problems of the drama arose from Ha-Ri’s personal drive and motives. Although it is arguable that Ha-Ri may have done so as a consequence from direct and indirect influences by her parents ( although the same cannot be said particularly for her brother per say) , it was hard to truly define or highlight exact causes given by Ha-Ri for entering this profession as a food researcher with sincerity. (Although this may seem like a nuanced and minor background point, it could’ve easily allowed Ha-Ri’s character to possess more definitive edges.) Instead Ha-Ri was often subjugated to the role as the “ thinker”; a brilliant idealist with a multitude of possible projects and new ideas for the company . However even as viewers, we rarely saw some of these ideas being taken further by Ha-Ri chasing her own dreams , or at least attempts by the female lead to become more ambitious with her imagination. ( Of course this may seem like a nitpicked detail but it seemed odd that the narrative would often highlighted Ha-Ri’s dexterous talents as a food researcher and her possible ideas but rarely pushed forward for it to the synchronic with the female lead’s character growth and development.)

Of course, this naturally brings up the discussion surrounding Tae-Mu and Ha-Ri’s relationship throughout the drama. Although as mentioned previously the onscreen chemistry between Kim Se Jeong and Ahn Hyo Seop is surprisingly dynamic, there is admittedly a lot to discuss surrounding their onscreen personas’ relationship.

Perhaps the most evident point of discussion and initial debate around Ha-Ri and Tae-Mu’s relationship can be sourced from one of the trope-induced setups of the series; “the contractural relationship”.

Admittedly Ha-Ri and Tae-Mu have both consented to the relationship and for different reasons. ( Ha-Ri’s motives being sourced for money to help pay off a debt while Tae-Mu’s causes can be found in order to appease his grandfather.) On the other hand it is hard to ignore that the initial treatment by Tae-Mu towards Ha-Ri as merely being a “ cause to an end” for his troubles ( and vice versa to an extent with Ha-Ri) as well as even offering money to Ha-Ri as an incentive to keep his grandfather off his back, could feel as though it was problematic by the narrative rarely pointing this out as a serious issue of discussion.

Of course it would be wrong to suggest that Tae-Mu and Ha-Ri doesn’t grow beyond the roles of the contractor and the contractee. As the series progresses and impassioned feelings grow for one another, the narrative relished within opportunities to highlight the obvious feelings of the “ lovelorn” main leads for one another. In later episodes of the narrative , this would often trigger an onset of misunderstandings and attempts by the main leads to “ cover up” their situations from work colleagues and family alike. Although the series did gradually present their potential onscreen relationship with more overt honesty ( especially with regards to Tae-Mu telling Ha-Ri about his traumatic past), this did often gloss over earlier issues of the series as a consequence. ( This was mainly due to the fact that Tae-Mu and Ha-Ri’s initial problems even for the effect of “ tension” such as Tae-Mu’s attempts to convince Ha-Ri with money, Ha-Ri’s reaction and fake guises as well as later treatment by Tae-Mu, were rarely brought up openly by the characters in order to acknowledge their mistakes and accept all of their faults as a point of further character growth .)

Under the creative leadership of screenwriters Han Sul Hee and Han Bo Hee, ‘ A Business Proposal’ offered viewers with a pacy narrative filled with the events surrounding the main storyline as well as several subplots in order to pad out the drama’s screen time .

Of course, thus isn’t a particularly unusual tactic used by screenwriters. However while this did offer opportunities for viewers to be intrigued and captivated by the events of the narrative, it could often enforce the classic dilemma of juggling a lot of different storylines. This could often lead to some of the minor counterplots of the series feeling rushed or somewhat anticlimactic by the ending of the series.

Perhaps one of the major subplots to discuss within ‘ A Business Proposal’ surrounds the potential onscreen relationship between second male leads, Jin Young Seo ( Ha-Ri’s best friend) and Cha Sung-Hoon ( Tae-Mu’s chief of staff). Young Seo and Sung-Hoon were characters who possessed less definitive storylines than the main leads.

Of course this isn’t particularly unusual per say in a drama but it seemed as though the series often moved away from initial inferences given by Young-Seo and Sung-Hoon’s character arcs to be explored in more depth. ( This can be particularly applied to Young Seo’s family situation and naivety rarely being brought up as a point of character growth, as well as Sung-Hoon’s own familial situation.) Of course Young Seo and Sung Hoon were supposed to play the roles of the “ assets” to the narrative and screen time . ( Although admittedly Young Seo was shown to make an executive decision with regards to her own dreams by the ending of the series, it was rarely given a concise buildup.)

Although Young Seo and Sung Hoon’s onscreen relationship was surprisingly sweet and offered lighthearted respite at times from the angst taking place in the main storyline, it could often feel rushed as a consequence of inconsistent screen time given to the secondary couple. In addition to Young Seo and Seung Hoon’s potential relationship being used as a major subplot, there were also minor focuses to draw out the narrative upon Ha-Ri’s workplace colleagues ( especially in order to highlight the potential onscreen chemistry and jovial animosity between her superior manager Yeo Eui Ju [Kim Hyun Sook] and team member Kevin [Im Ki Hong]), Tae-Mu’s grandfather and his fixation upon soaps and makjangs, Ha-Ri’s parents, Ha-Ri’s old crush Lee Min Woo and his initial jealousy towards Tae-Mu as well as Young Seo’s “ love rival” offered as comic relief, flamboyant and the eccentric Marine Group Director Jo Yoo Jung( Seo Hye Won).

Nevertheless it’s wrong to entirely digress ‘ A Business Proposal’ without acknowledging some of its impressive feats, specifically the directing leadership of Park Seon Ho ( ‘ Birth Of A Beauty’, ‘ Suspicious Partner’ and ‘ My Strange Hero’). Throughout episodes, ‘ A Business Proposal’ displayed some impressively mesmeric and creative touches; differing from minimalist palettes to vivid and slick editing cuts. Although these imaginative touches dwindled in later episodes and instead highlighted minimalist approaches to filming and palettes, it certainly offered an onset of aesthetic shots throughout the first-half of the series. ( One of the most memorable scenes coming from the narrative bringing to life the cover story for Ha-Ri and Tae-Mu’s “ initial encounter”; Ha-Ri imagining a monochrome and drizzly day in New York, before her entire being-quite literally- is brightened up by the sudden appearance of Tae-Mu and a canary yellow umbrella onscreen.)

For those intrigued about the accompanied soundtrack, ‘ A Business Proposal’’s OST is mainly comprised of an array of saccharine, upbeat and lovelorn ballads; some of which were admittedly generic and quick to disappear from memory. However, fast-paced tempo song ‘ You Are Mine’ by VICTON (빅톤), sweet vocal track ‘Love, Maybe’ (‘사랑인가 봐’) by SECRET NUMBER and ballad-style composition ‘ Melting’ by BAMBAM were particularly noteworthy tracks.

‘ A Business Proposal’ offered its audience with a nostalgic sweet and lighthearted topping of angst, cliches and romantic relationships throughout the duration of the series. Although ‘ A Business Proposal’ boasted an unoriginal plot premise with several writing flaws and tropes, the narrative did surprisingly offer several unexpected takes upon the setup, with decent onscreen chemistry between the main leads as well as imaginative takes upon filming and editing. Overall while ‘ A Business Proposal’ may not appease everyone with its niche dilemmas and plot premise, the series will offer a sugary and sickly sweet ride for anyone looking for an updated and lighthearted take upon old-school rom-coms. Overall, a decent binge-watch.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
29 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 6, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

A Funny and Entertaining Watch

If you are looking for a light rom-com after a long tiring day, this is for you. It is filled with funny, feel-good yet full of the usual K-drama trope and cheesy lines but I am not complaining.

The chemistry of the ML and FL are amazing, but I found myself loving the scenes of the SML and SFL Sunghoon and Young-seo. There are still areas to improve on the main leads acting, most esp their lovemaking scene in EP11, which I find a bit cringey and awkward. I felt that the actors were really holding back or shy, at least the viewers like me felt it. It felt forced and unnatural. How did Tae Moo miraculously carried Hari to make love after breaking his arm when he couldn’t even put on a cardigan back at the hospital? The second lead couple did their lovey scenes better in my opinion.

The ending I must say is flat and underwhelming. The grandpa’s sickness came in late and was wrapped up hastily through a year time jump. I wish a wedding or even a double wedding was shown. Even the chef friend seemed like a forgotten part of the story.

The OST was also good. I like Victon’s “You Are Mine”. It was upbeat and perfect for the drama.

Overall, I give this show 8/10. It is a nice watch but not worthy of more than that since it didn’t bring anything new to the Kdrama world, or be called classic. It is entertaining enough though to see.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
93 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 6, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 8
Generale 4.0
Storia 2.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0

This drama was filmed in the wrong era

If this drama was out at the same time as Boys Over Flowers or Secret Garden or something, I would be more understanding. But this drama felt like they were just following the Book of K-Drama Cliches. I have watched cliche dramas before that work just fine, but this was just straight up boring and outdated. Everything was predictable, from the dialogue to the tropes. There was barely anything to the plot to keep the drama moving. I felt like I was watching filler ep after filler. No wonder there's only 12 eps.

I thought we have moved past the I-will-bother-you-till-you-like-me-Sehoon-Lee Min Ho-like romance. The main couple barely shared any connection and had no chemistry. The second couple was slightly better, but they also didn't match in compatibility.

The only unique factor was the English speaking cousin.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
48 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 2, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

A fun, light-hearted watch for the rom-com lovers

As a die-hard fan of the webtoon, I was over the moon to see the drama adaption finally coming out!

It's the contract dating / marriage trope that fakes it till you make it once again. Cliché and exaggerated at times, but still extremely entertaining. In fact, rather than being pure cringey, I love how the screenwriters just absorb the clichés like a sponge and turn them into A+ grade comedy. It's a fluffy rom-com that hit all the right spots, making you laugh and swoon like there's no tomorrow. And the editing is just spot on with the fun and comic-like transitions.

We have an interesting cast here. It's a little scary how much Ahn Hyo Seop fits right into the ML's role with that side-parted hair and dashing suit, like he just steps out of a webtoon. The way he slicks his hair back gives me major What's Wrong With Secretary Kim vibes (I can almost hear Park Se Joon yelling "Aura" in the background). I like Kim Se Jeong's singing but I have yet to see her in a drama. Oh my goodness, she got me doubling over from laughing so hard when she called Ahn Hyo Seop an Archaeopteryx. And don't even get me started on who's Samantha and Rachel. Their blind dates are absurdly hilarious and you'll wheeze in laughter before you know it. It's a bit different from how I envisioned Shin Ha Ri would be, but definitely a refreshing twist for the webtoon fans.

On the other hand, Kim Min Gue is the ideal secretary sidekick for the ML. This is the bromance I was most excited about, snarky but sweet. Seol In Ah plays the free-spirited bestie for the FL, one that you always wish for yet never have. Together, they make up one of the most iconic second couples I've ever seen. They're so scandalously cute in their own way. It's great that not only each couple has its own arch but we also have so much bromance and sismance energy here. The grandfather is so loveable with his outrageous marriage "project", a quest to find blind dates for his workaholic grandson. It's a bit hard to believe this was also the mad king we saw in The Red Sleeve. And that makjang he's watching really hits home for me, it's like they're watching their own drama unfolding.

The OSTs are also overwhelmingly sweet, almost to a diabetes level. My absolute favourites would be Love Maybe by MeloMance, You Are Mine by VICTON and Spring Breeze by New (The Boyz). All in all, it was an extremely witty script with as many unexpected turns as there are clichés. If you're a fluffy rom-com lover and don't mind a bit of silliness to de-stress, then here's the perfect pick for you!

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
83 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 5, 2022
12 di 12 episodi visti
Completo 3
Generale 5.0
Storia 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

who proposed this drama ??

i suppose this is an unpopular opinion, but i barely tolerated this drama. it requires zero expectations or standards to be watchable, and i couldnt manage that. most people are in love with it and say this drama uses tropes and cliches “properly”, but i didn’t think so at all. they were cringey at best, toxic at worst. i believe dramas have a responsibility to portray relationships mindfully, without romanticizing abusive behaviors that will then influence young viewers. therefore my negative feelings towards this show are mainly directed towards the characterization of the ML and a few other tropes/ideas the show pushes on the audience.

to start: there are hundreds of kdramas with the same “cold rich guy is mean to innocent girl until he falls in love with her because shes so different” plot lines. business proposal is one of them.

the cold ML archetype is overdone and horrifying, and in 2022 i didnt think id have to watch this arrogant, spoiled man literally blackmailing a poor girl into fake dating him and then harassing her about it even at work. imagine if the ML was unattractive or sixty years old, it wouldnt seem so romantic then. but media romanticizes stalking, borderline harassment, pushy men, and this affects how we see relationships and set standards.

specifically, i hated how the show romanticized ML being pushy with FL. his profession of love: “it you reject me again ill ask you out again and again. i wont give up until you like me back” was appalling. first he blackmailed her into fake dating him, then he says he wont give up even if she rejects him? not only is he a powerful wealthy man, hes also her boss. this is the DEFINITION of a power imbalance. no matter her reasoning for saying no, she said no and i would’ve loved to see him respect that choice. it couldve been written that FL realizes her feelings on her own and comes to him, without making it look like he pressured her into the relationship.

and this is not a one time situation: the drama does this with youngseos cousin who keeps pushing herself onto sunghoon who clearly drew a line. notice how in this situation its weird and uncomfortable but with hari and taemu its okay, because we the audience know she secretly harbors feelings. i dont appreciate this show telling viewers that if someone says no, you dont give up.

in the past major dramas such as boys over flowers and heirs, MLs would be pushy and FLs were doormats and this ended in true love. now, we finally have characters setting boundaries and yet STILL dramas say “never give up! no means yes!” i definitely wouldve been a lot more lenient and willing to just watch this as a lighthearted fluffy drama had they not used this male lead archetype.

perhaps you think this doesnt matter. but there are impressionable viewers learning what is acceptable and romantic based on these dramas, no matter how silly or obvious the tropes may seem. even if these dramas are far from reality and are clearly meant to be taken lightly, this all couldve been omitted while still keeping the plot the same.

in terms of writing and production: they didnt spend enough time fleshing out the characters and i just didnt care about them or their romance. there was barely any build up, they saw each other a few times and suddenly he was in love with her. the scene in ep 11 everyone was so excited about felt so random to me and for the first time ever i did NOT want to watch a main couple show be affectionate.
the ML spends half the drama harassing and blackmailing the FL, and the FL spent half the drama lying to him. the characters felt very 2d and they were basically built off the cliches rather than having actual personalities. the side characters like haris old crush and his gf had a single personality trait each and i forgot they existed at all. oh, hari has a brother that shows up once in a while for no reason. all of this i didnt really mind as it was obvious from the start that this drama is not meant to be revolutionary. rather i think the worst part is i didnt feel chemistry between the main leads at all.

overall, this drama is highly predictable and lacks any real depth. i know many people enjoyed it, and thats fine. perhaps you will enjoy it too. but i hope my review tells you what the description and ratings do not.

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