5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 21, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 9
Generale 4.0
Storia 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musica 6.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 2.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler


Premetto che dopo aver guardato Theory of Love non ero *così* gasata per questa nuova serie con gli OffGun come protagonisti ma... ho voluto dare una chance a Not Me dal primo trailer uscito. Mi sembrava diverso e interessante, questo trophe mi affascina: un fratello che prende veste i panni del suo gemello nella sua gang per scoprire chi è il colpevole del suo pestaggio fa molto "fanfiction", e ingenuamente pensavo che almeno ci fosse quel sano trash che avrebbe bilanciato un’atmosfera stile urban mob e un parte romantica boyxboy. Peccato mi sbagliassi.

Premessa: my opinion, non devi concordare.

Dopo il terzo episodio visti in diretta l'ho data su, come si suol dire, troppo lenta e noiosa. La recitazione è una mera sufficienza solo perché Gun è una spanna più in alto rispetto all'intero cast. La sceneggiatura è caotica e lascerà buchi di trama al termine della serie, lasciando quindi un wtf generale. L'unico motivo per cui ho ripreso la visione sono stati gli elogi dei miei mutuals su ig che hanno inneggiato l'episodio numero 8 come, cito letteralmente, "a masterpiece" e mi domando che serie abbiano visto.

Tutto ciò che trovo di sbagliato mi è stato giustificato con "il budget basso/la censura/il taglio degli episodi (da 16 a 14)/il realismo" ma... ne dubito: una penna, un foglio di carta e buone idee costano poco, nulla se il materiale già ce l'hai a priori.

Parliamo di come il villain della situazione, aka Tawi, sia praticamente inutile nella storyline: la ROL gang ci annuncia che Tawi è un criminale nelle vesti di imprenditore di successo che mina alle piccole attività, all'ambiente e sia segretamente un trafficante di droga... per non parlare di come Sean praticamente odi Tawi, incolpandolo della morte di suoi padre (con annesso insabbiamento + chiusura prematura del caso). Cazzata madornale. Sean dice più volte come Tawi sia responsabile del fatto che suo padre sia stato etichettato come uno spacciatore di droga... ma da come lo hanno ripreso lo era seriamente. Letteralmente era su un camion che trasportava droga, e nulla fa pensare che non ne fosse a conoscenza. E il responsabile della morte del padre di Sean (Dana aka Unar) è un poliziotto che ha sparato ad un soggetto disarmato... perché collegarlo a Tawi? Alla fine sono gli stessi poliziotti che hanno fermato il camion per un controllo, non possono essere dei corrotti di Tawi, altrimenti non li avrebbero fermati in primo luogo, e non si fa riferimento al fatto che il camion con la droga sia stato insabbiato. Bho. Si poteva scegliere un motivo più solido.

Per non parlare di come la serie abbia ammesso che Tawi abbia assunto la madre sordomuta di Yok mentre le altre attività l'hanno licenziata per il suo handicap... e questo comportamento (assumere gente con disabilità) lo hanno etichettato come negativo... ok. Potevano rendere Tawi sgradevole se avesse comprato una ipotetica azienda dove la madre avrebbe potuto lavorarci e licenziarla per la sua condizione... questo era una mossa furba per creare uno che *non* dà eguali opportunità a tutti i lavoratori.

A mio avviso la mossa token è stata attuata quando hanno messo in mezzo la parata del pride durante una manifestazioni della mancata sicurezza sull'azienda delle bibite di Tawi. Che poi, di nuovo, la ROL gang vuole smascherare Tawi facendo cosa... contaminando la loro Cocacola? Mia illazione, durante la stesura avranno pensato alla cazzata d'idea e l'hanno modificata con White che non versa l'amaro ma lo poggia vicino ai serbatoi...

Diciamo che le uniche scene d'azione sono quando la gang va nella casa di Tawi nel bosco (terreno fertile strappato ai locali, ci tengo a precisarlo dato che lo hanno fatto loro) per bruciarla, e all'attentato all'azienda della Cocacola nella bottiglia di olio per contaminare i lotti... mentre il gran nemico cosa fa? Nulla.

Non c'è una scena mostrata in camera dove il nemico architetta qualcosa di malefico, corrotto oppure illegale, anzi, quando i cittadini attaccano l'auto di Tawi, egli dice "lasciali fare, hanno il diritto di protestare". Wow, quindi anche un democratico, che cattivo veramente cattivo.

Ho molte parole da spendere anche da quanto ridicola sia la trama dopo aver saputo chi è stato a mandare in coma Black - il responsabile, il movente e la soluzione... al posto di Todd potevano letteralmente addossare la colpa a qualcuno della gang... nonostante l'alleanza nessuno spendeva parole piacevoli su Black, dato che tutti lo additano come uno stronzo senza sentimenti (però... non riesce a vendicarsi con Todd perché sono besties, è ancora innamorato di Eugene e tiene talmente tanto a White da impedirgli inizialmente di frequentare la su banda, sì, molto apatico mi dicono...).

Ci sono ancora enormi ? per quanto riguarda la side story Black/Eugene/Gram che non ha senso alcuno se non minutaggio (sprecato, dato che si poteva pensare ad altri temi sociali di cui chiacchierare) + esattamente quando e perché Sean e White si sono innamorati?: domanda legittima dato che White usa come foto profilo per ROL l'uccello disegnato nella porta di Sean sin da quando lo ha trattato a pesci in faccia e Sean l’ha quasi soffocato allo svenimento + esattamente il ruolo di Gumpa quale sarebbe? + i genitori di Black/White fanno un'apparizione e poi si dimenticano di avere figli (motivo che mi hanno propinato: la carica che hanno è troppo importante e ci sono implicazioni politiche da evitare... quindi, tutta la storia della serie che denuncia una società corrotta non permette di parlarne? ooooook)

Morale della storia: in 14 episodi cosa hanno concluso? Non hanno concluso una singola missione, non hanno risolto nessun problema sociale, la situazione tra Black e White è un po’ trattata all’acqua di rose… “ma Black vuole bene a White” certo, ma White non si è mai fatto venire in mente un singolo ragionevole dubbio riguardo al suo cambiamento, alla lite con la madre e tutta la situazione con Eugene – la direttrice Nuchy ha descritto Eugene come il personaggio girl empowerment della serie… sì, la povera ragazza volubile e innamorata di uno stronzo che le fa solo male (lo ribadisce più volte) e che cerca conforto nell’unico beta sfigatello che le va dietro… girl empowerment…

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 21, 2023
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Che sia un BL è secondario

Due gemelli con una potente (forse troppo?) connessione reciproca vengono divisi da bambini quando si separano i genitori: il forte e deciso Black resta con la madre, che è una giudice, e White, un po' più timido e remissivo, va col padre diplomatico in Russia. Dopo diversi anni, White torna in Thailandia per iniziare la carriera, solo per scoprire che il fratello Black è in coma all'ospedale dopo un pestaggio. Consigliato dall'amico Todd, si sostituirà al gemello, infiltrandosi nella sua gang per cercare di scoprire chi l'abbia ridotto così. Ma, se pur uguali nell'aspetto, caratterialmente i due non potrebbero essere più
opposti, e i sospetti non tardano a fiorire.

Ci sono opere che trascendono da ogni definizione. Definire Not me un BL sarebbe, oltre che restrittivo, anche fuorviante. Quest'opera è fuori dal coro per molti aspetti.

Il gioco dei gemelli, dei quali uno prende il posto dell'altro, è condotto veramente molto bene, anche per la stellare interpretazione di Gun. Questo splendido attore, che neanche nei suoi giorni peggiori dimostra i 27/28 anni che probabilmente aveva quando ha girato questo drama, ha saputo interpretare con infinite sfumature due personaggi così uguali nell'apparenza ma così lontani nel carattere, in modo tale che, anche con abiti simili, si capiva immediatamente se si trattasse di Black o del suo gemello White.

Togliamoci subito il sassolino dalla scarpa, per poi continuare a tessere le lodi di questo drama: la visione sociologica presentata e le teorie sposate dai ragazzi (e quindi dagli autori) sono forse un pelino troppo semplicistiche e infantili; alcune situazioni e soluzioni sono effettivamente un po' troppo accomodanti nei confronti del lieto fine desiderato, lieto fine che, ad ogni modo, rimane per un certo verso piuttosto sospeso. La situazione familiare di White e la sua carriera nel mondo della diplomazia scompaiono presto dal radar, si ha l'impressione che la maggior parte di questi ragazzi viva un po' in una bolla, come accade ai personaggi di tanti anime. Anche i cattivi sono abbastanza blandi e vengono sconfitti un po' troppo facilmente, ma l'impressione che si ha è che siano un pretesto per avere un qualcosa contro cui battersi allo scopo di mostrare il mutare dei rapporti fra i ragazzi e di presentare una determinata situazione sociale.

Se in un drama cercate completa coerenza e mancanza di fili appesi, forse Not me non farà per voi.

Né pensate di trovare una sequela infinita di baci e situazioni erotiche, perché non è il caso: pochi i baci, e forse una scena di letto piuttosto edulcorata. In realtà non si è sentita affatto la mancanza o la necessità di qualcosa di più spinto perché c'era talmente tanta carne al fuoco di qualità superiore che non è stato necessario farsi distrarre.

Non sono al corrente della situazione socio-politica thailandese ma, se viene presentata in questo modo, un fondo almeno di verità dovrà esserci.
Ci troviamo sostanzialmente all'interno di un gruppo di rivoluzionari che cerca di abbattere con le proprie azioni un losco figuro, industriale monopolista e neanche tanto segreto signore della droga. Esistono continui e pesanti riferimenti alla corruzione e al marciume imperante, contrapposti alle fatiche e ai dolori della classe proletaria. Non ci si ferma qui: vi è anche una pesante critica verso la discriminazione nei confronti dei disabili e dei rapporti non etero.

Non mancano alcuni momenti divertenti, ma Not me si sviluppa su diversi livelli, spaziando da quello di protesta sociale passando per i vari temi dell'amore, in tutte le sue forme, dell'amicizia, del cameratismo, dell' espiazione, dell'assunzione delle proprie responsabilità e probabilmente di qualcos'altro che ora mi sfugge.

Né si può dire che l'opera non sia stata girata con dovizia di accorgimenti tecnici e artistici. Molte scene colpiscono con forza sotto la cintura e non solo per l'ottima interpretazione dell'intero cast, ma anche per l'uso sapiente di luce, ambientazioni, inquadrature. Difficilmente dimenticherò la scena del rapimento nel retro del van. Una parte importante viene assunta anche da alcune scene di danza e da diversi dipinti e graffiti, che sottolineano i concetti di protesta sociale portati avanti dall'opera. Anche la colonna sonora vanta tracce molto piacevoli.

Ho gradito particolarmente la presenza di un personaggio trans non relegato a ruolo umoristico e la presenza di coppie etero, che hanno evitato l'assurdo effetto che fanno molti drama del genere, in cui sembra che ogni e qualsiasi maschio che cammini su questa Terra debba essere per forza gay. I personaggi femminili in quest'opera hanno una valenza personale che non è relegata ad azione di disturbo nei confronti della coppia principale omosessuale.

E' un'opera che a mio personale parere rappresenta una perla rara non solo nel panorama dei BL ma in quello generale dei drama Thai. Nulla da dire contro i BL ambientati nelle scuole (che comunque appaiono di sfuggita anche qui), ma uno scenario diverso dal solito, con argomenti e dichiarazioni pesanti come macigni, per quanto mi riguarda è il benvenuto.

Dopo aver doverosamente parlato di Gun, è giusto anche tessere le lodi di Off, uno splendido Sean, e di First, un ottimo Yok, ma tutto il cast maschile e femminile ha dato veramente il massimo e ha contribuito al successo di quest'opera, il cui unico difetto vero, ai miei occhi, è di non avere altri 14 episodi. Purtroppo pare non sia previsto un sequel.
Ho orecchiato qua e là che le puntate siano state tagliate in corso d'opera, passando da 16 a 14, e questa può essere una delle cause che hanno determinato l'abbandono di alcune situazioni in corsa, e alcuni dei problemi che ho citato prima.

Non abbasserò la mia votazione per questo. Sono manchevolezze che si notano ripensandoci in seconda battuta: mentre guardi il drama la prima volta, la tensione e l'immedesimazione ti agganciano come un rampino da arrembaggio. Personalmente mi sento un po' come un mercantile saccheggiato dai pirati: la serie è finita e sapere di non avere un nuovo episodio da guardare, e di dover abbandonare quelli che sono diventati i miei beniamini, mi riempie di una gran sensazione di vuoto.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 18, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler


semplicemente STUPENDO.
Storia interessante che si è sviluppata in modo meno tragico di come pensassi.
Soprattutto la situazione tra White e Sean, mi aspettavo che Sean si arrabbiasse e lo lasciasse ma nulla, ho sottovalutato Sean come personaggio, lo hanno fatto intelligente quindi aveva già capito tutto e l'hanno fatto pure maturo quindi non ci sono stati problemi nell'approcciarsi con White.
Riguardo la situazione tra Yok e Dan non so che dire, non ho un pensiero su come essi debbano finire ma il pugno finale di Yok è stato straordinario, poi diciamo che capisco Dan perchè ha provato a sistemare le cose finendo nei guai, poi dopo è stato costretto, quindi bho penso sia degno di loro il finale.
Riguardo Gram e Eugene penso sia finito tutto bene, Gram merita ciò e Eugene non meritava tanto Black, nel senso che non meritava tutte ste bugie anche se dette per amore. Riguardo Hia devo dire che amo il suo modo di essere "padre", "fratello maggiore", si vede che ama molto i ragazzi e li ha protetti con tutto se stesso. Infine, riguardo Black, è un personaggio un po ' difficile da capire, inizialmente non lo capivo ma adesso molto di più. Ormai abbiamo capito che il rapporto tra lui e i suoi genitori non può rinascere, assolutamente, e lo capisco perché non hanno pensieri simili, anzi, totalmente diversi. Inoltre è stato disegnato sin dall'inizio come un personaggio cattivo, senza cuore, senza senso di umanità, cosa vera in parte e non vera dall'altra. Lui ha un cuore molto grande, solo che lo usa per le persone che ama, non lo usa con chi non lo merita, questa è una sua caratteristica particolare e se da un lato può sembrare "cattiva" dall'altro posso dire che mi sentirei speciale ad essere una di quelle uniche persone che tratta benissimo.
Vediamo che comunque alla fine l'unico a cui veramente vuole bene è White e abbiamo visto come ha cercato di salvarlo perché unica persona importante rimasta nel suo cuore ma anche nella sua vita.
Semplicemente un personaggio stupendo anche se un pò difficile da capire.
Non ho amato molto il non aver fatto vedere un pò di più riguardo Black, intendo la sua vita dopo. Idem avrei voluto vedere cosa succedeva con Todd dopo il suo risveglio.
Ma vabbè prendiamo ste cose come spunto per una seconda stagione, so che non verrà mai ma io ci spero ugualmente.

Ero molto insicura se fare o meno questo rewatch, not me è il mio bl preferito in assoluto, per me li supera tutti e ciò da un anno a questa parte; quando lo vidi per la prima volta ci vollero quasi due mesi per decidere se guardarlo o meno perchè la trama è una di quelle che evito sempre in quanto molto complicata e per questo ci pensai molto ma una volta presa la decisione non ho MAI pensato di aver sbagliato, è la miglior serie esistente e nessuno mi può togliere questa opinione dalla testa.
Il problema è che volevo fare un rewatch da un botto di tempo ma mi ci è voluto un mese per decidere, sempre per la trama e anche perché avessi paura che la mia opinione riguardo questa serie cambiasse.
In effetti non ricordavo quasi nulla a livello di scene, parlavo di not me facendo riferimento al forte legame instaurato e ai miei sentimenti più vivi che mai nei confronti di questa serie.
Perciò ero indecisa per il rewatch, avevo paura ma alla fine l’ho fatto lo stesso.
Non me ne pento e non me ne pentirò mai.
Strano ma vero, adesso che l’ho riguardata mi sento come se l’avessi guardata di nuovo per la prima volta, ho reagito molto, ho anche pianto, i miei sentimenti erano molto forti, mi sono veramente sentita come se la stessi vendendo per la prima volta e questa cosa non mi era mai capitata se non con alcune parti di altre serie tv (come per esempio l’episodio 3 di Alice in Borderland, l’ho visto tre volte e ho pianto come se stessi per morire tutte le volte).

Penso che la trama raccontata in sta serie sia stupenda, c’è un bel significato e insegna tante cose, tra cui ad aprire la mente.
È un bene che si parli di tutta questa corruzione anche se può essere pericoloso perché c’è bisogno che la gente apra gli occhi e si renda conto che questo è il mondo in cui viviamo, un mondo dove l’uguaglianza e la giustizia sono solo parole buttate al vento, dette per ottenere fiducia dal popolo ma non usate veramente.
Quindi di sè la trama secondo questo aspetto è un gran sì per me.

Se vogliamo poi passare all’aspetto White che si finge Black per scoprire chi gli abbia fatto del male, penso sia tutto incasinato ma nel senso proprio la questione per lui, ha dovuto cambiare se stesso e provare ad essere come Black anche se era ovvio che non poteva esserlo, oltre al fatto che non lo incontrava da anni e quindi non conosceva bene il suo carattere ecc, c’è anche il fatto che loro sono così uguali ma così diversi allo stesso tempo, fisicamente sono dannatamente uguali ma a livello di anima non si avvicinano proprio.
Già solo dal modo in cui guardava gli altri e reagiva, si sarebbero dovuti accorgere della situa, il bello è che è stato solo Gumpa ad accorgersene e Sean ad avere qualche sospetto ma più tardi, il resto si era fatto qualche domanda ma non si erano posti completamente il problema.
Quando poi Black si è svegliato mi ha fatto morire come si sono incontrati (lui e White), il primo incontro dopo più di 10 anni è stato con loro che si sono picchiati adoro, poi che emozione vi prego.
Lì purtroppo ho visto la situazione molto difficile per White perchè per quanto non abbia voluto far parte di questo tipo di vita, ha comunque passato molto tempo in quella maniera ed è ovvio che in un certo senso abbia instaurato un senso di attaccamento a tutto quello; quei ragazzi gli hanno aperto gli occhi, la mente, ha capito e imparato molte cose, era impossibile per White non provare neanche un minimo di sentimento nei loro confronti.
Tutto ciò detto senza pensare al fatto che abbia iniziato una relazione con Sean, cosa che rende doloroso tutto ancora di più. Sapeva che avrebbe dovuto abbandonare Sean e che non avrebbe potuto farci nulla.
Io stessa avrei preferito dicesse tutto a Sean, riguardo i gemelli, perché in ogni caso avrebbe dovuto lasciarlo quindi c’era più possibilità raccontandoglielo.
Facendo come ha fatto ha solo confuso Sean che è diventato un gran sottone, infatti poi mi è piaciuto un botto quando ha ingannato Black facendo finta di sapere tutto così che Black reagisse e si scoprisse la realtà, infatti lì Sean era scioccato che effettivamente esistesse sto gemello e ho amato come, invece di incazzarsi, si sia deciso di non lasciare perdere ma prenderselo, di non perderlo, qui ho amato la sua maturità.
Poi White era praticamente perso, così come ha detto Gumpa a Black, dopo tutto ciò che aveva passato, avrebbe dovuto riprendere in mano la propria vita, cosa più facile a dirsi che a farsi, ormai per White questa era parte della sua vita, non aveva altro, neanche i genitori.
Quindi nulla ho amato la scena in cui Sean ha chiesto a White di dirgli almeno quale fosse il suo nome per poi abbracciarlo stretto stretto, lì si è visto proprio l’amore e la speranza da parte di Sean; per fare un appunto penso che gli editor avrebbero dovuto portare enfasi su quella scena, magari con una canzone di sottofondo perchè è veramente una bellissima scena, racconta tanto.
E ho anche amato come White ci abbia pensato e abbia deciso di fare il testardo e andare da Sean per intrufolarsi nella fabbrica assieme.
Da lì ho anche amato come tutti abbiano accettato e metabolizzato il fatto dei gemelli e di come la loro amicizia sia diventata più forte.
Quando poi si sono ritrovati in quella situazione all’ospedale uddio che casino, menomale che Black è intervenuto, amo quell’uomo vi giuro.
E quando sono stati rapiti mi ha emozionato parecchio quando i manifestanti li hanno aiutati ad uscire da lì e si sono tutti abbracciati piangendo, è una scena secondo me bellissima.

Per quanto riguarda poi il rapporto tra Black e Todd, c’è tanto da dire ma nulla che riesca a concretizzare, sono così difficili da capire, non ho mai capito appieno perché litigassero in quella maniera, ho sempre pensato facessero un pò i bambini a minacciarsi di uccidersi invece che semplicemente accettare l'opinione dell’altro. Poi nel caso non riuscissero proprio ad accettarla bastava separarsi e non incontrarsi più, perchè poi abbiamo visto che per quanto si puntassero quella dannata pistola contro, il loro cuore non diceva quello, sono sempre stati dei grandi amici, per tutto l’odio del mondo non ce l’avrebbero mai fatta ad uccidere l’altro.
Quindi veramente non capisco perchè tutto quel litigare inutilmente, poi ho pensato che molto probabilmente è per Todd che litigano, lui ha iniziato il litigio forse perchè se avrebbe ucciso Black, la banda si sarebbe sciolta non creando più problemi e facendo sì che lui salisse al potere più facilmente, non so ma ho questo dubbio; poi di sua parte Black, vedendo gettato il fuoco, ha deciso solo di vendicarsi restituendogli lo stesso stato in cui l’aveva ridotto stesso Todd. Oltre tutto loro sono la mia ghostship preferita in assoluto, troppo.

Per quanto riguarda Eugene e Gram, sono senza parole. Nonostante tutto ho sempre avuto stima per Gram perchè non si è mai puntato troppo riguardo la questione ma a un certo punto sembrava quasi come si stesse troppo mettendo in mezzo tra i due dicendo a Eugene di lasciar perdere, di non meritare Black e robe varie, lì Gram mi è incominciato a scendere parecchio perché si voleva troppo infilare in cose che non gli riguardano personalmente, si sarebbe dovuto stare zitto; poi pure quando lui e Eugene si stavano a fidanzare ha parlato di Black (e non solo quella volta eh) in una maniera come se stesso Black fosse la merda ma lui il buono, non so ma se Black è sempre stato un tuo amico stretto, non vedo perchè parlare di lui in questa maniera. Pare che ce l’avessero tutti con Black, buttando merda.
Poi c’è Eugene che per me in parte non meritava Black per il semplice fatto che, nonostante Black abbia un modo tutto suo di proteggere le persone, non avrebbe dovuto mentirle e farla soffrire molte volte. Secondo me non erano proprio fatti per stare assieme, per quanto si amassero, Black ha un modo tutto suo di fare le cose e sta situa non andava bene a lei, c’era troppa incomprensione, non si conoscevano bene, questo è sicuro.
Quindi nulla alla fine mi è fatto pure piacere che Eugene e Gram siano finiti assieme, i miei pensieri riguardo tutta questa situazione sono altamente contrastanti.

Riguardo Yok e Dan, anche qui ho opinioni contrastanti che non mi permettono di capire da che parte dovrei stare.
Mi sento in grado di capire entrambi per il semplice fatto che sì da una parte è orribile come Dan si sia preso gioco di tutti loro ingannadoli ma d’altra parte è anche vero che Dan è stato costretto e non è riuscito a resistere e opporre resistenza, bisogna capire che non tutti riescono a combattere.
La loro storiella d’amore è stata molto bella per me, c’era proprio quella connessione speciale fra i due, tutto bellissimo, in ogni caso ho amato il pugno finale di Yok, Dan se lo meritava.

Parliamo, infine, di Black.
Nessuno può dirmi nulla, io non l’ho mai odiato e l’ho sempre difeso con tutta me stessa.
Black è quel tipo di personaggio che è molto difficile da capire, lui si mostra in quella maniera così fredda e disumana ma basta solo guardare i suoi occhi quando guarda White e Eugene, sono occhi differenti, umani e amorosi.
Lui non è una persona cattiva, lui si è soltanto costruito una corazza che può essere smontata solo e soltanto dalle persone da lui amate, l’ha fatto con White, l’ha fatto con Eugene, non c’è da sorprendersi nel vedere che anche lui sia umano e sia una persona che merita di essere amata.
Anzi, è proprio lui tra tutti quello che ha bisogno di più amore e comprensione, ha soltanto dei modi differenti nel fare tutto.
In effetti devo dire che amo il modo in cui vuole proteggere le persone che ama, è veramente bello da parte sua ma è anche triste perchè si vede come lui darebbe la sua vita purché le persone a cui tiene stiano bene, è come se decidesse di affrontare tutto da solo, senza mettere in mezzo gli altri, è questa la tristezza dietro tutto, è questo suo atteggiamento che mi fa pensare e mi fa venire voglia di difenderlo da chi lo critica.

Detto ciò, questa esperienza di rewatch è stata particolarmente emozionante per me, consiglio questa serie con tutta me stessa, ne vale davvero la pena.

Leggi di Più

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201 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 7, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 4
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Anyone disappointed after watching this? NOT ME.

An incredible series that GMM25 has delivered and a dangerous new standard for the upcoming series. Why? Read below. This is a longer review than usual, but this series is INCREDIBLE and therefore incredibly hard to only put into only a few paragraphs. :))

(Quick recommendation. Listen to this while reading:

The story is unique and nothing that anyone has easily come close to achieving. Political topics have a high risk of not being well received by the viewers because the pacing often becomes very sluggish and boring if it is not implemented correctly. Another danger with this trope is that romance can often feel redundant and inappropriate, thus degrading the quality of the story. Neither is the case here. Why? The answer is not very simple.

Let´s start with the production and filming/ writing of the scenes. Throughout the entire series, one can not deny the beautiful shots that were taken. Everything seems to have gone under detailed planning of how to use the natural light the best and how to film beautiful scenes at locations, that doesn´t depend on much editing. However, one thing is certain, professionals are at work. Both in the filming and editing, but also in the individual usage and choice of music. Incomparable to other series.

Praise to Nuchy Anucha Boonyawatana, Noolek Sureechary and M Rittiktai Kanjanawiphu for the incredible screenwriting. I did not stumble across any grievous mistakes. Personally, I want to thank the creator of "Not Me”, Dem Thanutnun Vitsivakun, for creating this incredible story. She has succeeded in merging the topics of politics, injustice, LGBTQ+ and revenge to a point where you can only be amazed.

And of course, praise for the cinematographer Beat Pramett Chankrasse, he gifted us with captures of breathtakingly beautiful moments. The scenes embody the emotions of all the characters and carefully embrace them. But how are other series supposed to keep up now, mister? I have no idea.

The difficulty that this series has met was the decreased amount of episodes because of budget problems. This problem was briefly felt towards the end, but the overall presentation is so brilliant that the few inconveniences can be overlooked, really!

Black and White are twins with a powerful connection but the two are as different as day and night. White is very dedicated to reveal the truth behind the state of his hospitalized brother, but his personality is FORTUNATELY too different to not cause other problems, incidents, etc. This fact is very well implemented by the writers: Without being too obvious about it they make White purposely misbehave in his role as Black. The story and its execution go hand in hand in this series.

The entire plot had so many risks in its adaption, but the series succeeded in not getting trapped by them. On the contrary, they used this fear to create a masterpiece that will amaze everyone, probably even the people involved themselves. The expectations were more than met.

The side stories also have their unique charm, and the introduction of a mute person just gives the overall picture that certain something of realistic scenario that you get addicted to watching. No matter if politics, injustice, LGBTQ+, revenge or disadvantages, each topic is accurate and not exaggerated.

The female characters did not meet the cliché standards of many other BL, on the contrary, they were no tools for the story but - and that should be the norm - they were their own masters, had their own lives and did not have any unexplainable toxic trades. All their reactions were understandable and well implemented.

The characters aren't denied their mistakes either, rather in the series these people try to work on their mistakes. That's what makes them so human and the series so perfect.

Before I get to Gun´s outstanding performance, I start with the supporting cast. The acting of all of them was solid and no one seemed to be uncomfortable to look at. Additionally, I also want to praise whoever cast this outrageous cast. Because even smaller roles like the parents or the antagonist have proved themselves well and worked fine with the plot.

Film (Eugene) and Lookjun (Namo) delivered two incredible performances as two female characters in a gay romance oriented series. They acted very naturally, and one could sympathize with their portrayed roles. Especially Film was well cast for her role as Eugene. Filmshy was also doing a good job, but she didn´t have much screen time, so it´s hard for me to review it.

Let´s get to the boys. Oh. I have so much to say but I don´t know where to start. I have never imagined Sing to ever get this kind of role, but he succeeded in any means. If you ask me, he deserves to get more main roles in series because he is such a flexible and good actor.

The leader of the garage, Gumpa played by Papang. Two words. Unexpected Gem. This guy did such a good job in his role. He also deserves more screentime because he is truly gifted. The same goes for Mond, who portrayed Gram. Personally, I like this actor a lot because he always managed to meet my expectations and I love the control he has over his facial expressions.

When it comes to emotions and portrayed intimacy, First (Yok) and Fluke (Dan) were blowing my mind. I loved their shots and on-screen scenes. Everything in this series worked incredibly well together but especially these two. After watching their sequences, I got inspired and overwhelmed by a sudden wave of motivation. I will miss them. I will miss the PAIN. THE PAIN.

There was also incomparable harmony between Gun (Black/ White) and Off (Sean), again ... but honestly, how do they do it? How crazy can one succeed in their role? The two are a great match and I hope to see more of them in the future. Speaking of how incredible these two are, Gun deserves a special mention. He managed to draw a clear line between Black and White. Cold and warm. Physical and psychological. He was playing both twins, but you could tell them apart. Manifestly! What an incredibly good actor! Mastering a twin role alone is something many have attempted and failed, but none has been as good or compelling as Gun. Give him a huge award and lots of love and attention.

At this point I´d like to cite our POP-Queen Lady Gaga:
NOT ME is “talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, (…)”. In a nutshell, this show is everything and more the LGBTQ+ film community has ever wished for. The sceneries and shots are breathtaking, the actors outstanding and the edit incomparable. Even the use of music has been merging with the entire awesomeness of this show. Every expectation is being met and it´s honestly nothing you should miss.

The upcoming series has a lot of work ahead if they ever want to meet this extreme standard of perfection.
Who am I lying to ... it´s impossible.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Xiao Zi Flower Award1
106 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 20, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 3
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

A true treasure among the BL shows.

I noticed this while scrolling through the feeds, and everyone seemed to like it. I was in the mood for a thriller at the time, so I chose this one.

This drama's mystery plot isn't particularly well developed; it felt almost predictable to me. The political aspect of this drama, on the other hand, is extremely well done. If not well executed, it could have been extremely boring. The romance, which often feels unwanted or unnecessary in these types of dramas, is something I really liked in this. This is a one-of-a-kind drama that successfully blends romance and politics without making either feel out of place.

This drama is about twins, Black and White, who have a powerful bond that causes them to feel each other's agony during a near-death experience. Their personalities are as diametrically opposed as chalk and cheese. They were separated after their parents divorced, causing them to lose contact with one another. One day, after returning to Thailand, White learns from Tod, a childhood friend, that Black is in a coma following a brutal attack on him, which rekindled White's connection with Black. He also learns that Black is now a member of a motorcycle gang, and he suspects that one of the members—Gram, Yok, or Sean—is to blame for Black's current state. As a result, he disguises himself as Black and joins the gang to discover the truth.

Although Black appeared to be a little different to everyone, no one noticed that it was another person disguised as Black, nor did anyone know that Black had a twin. Sean seemed to be the most affected by Black's sudden change, as he began to develop feelings for him.

In a BL, usually the supporting characters, as well as the female characters, usually play minor roles. They are used as tools to bring the main characters together or to cause conflict between them. However, in this drama, they each had their own point of view and story to tell. This really impressed me. Except for a few scenes, the characters in this drama are very well developed, and their actions and reactions are understandable. Of course, the characters aren't perfect, but they all have their own unique charms.

Both the main character and the supporting characters did an excellent job. Gun's performance was out standing and so was Off's. They portrayed every emotion almost flawlessly (Of course, nothing is perfect). Gun should be specially appreciated for successfully portraying two characters at a time who are too different to compare. The chemistry between the main leads was a visual treat and is very pleasing to watch. I hope to see Gun and Off together more often in the future. The actors who played Gram, Yok and even the actors who portrayed small roles like Grumpa and Tod were able to meet my expectations. The antagonists too were so well portrayed and this made this drama more appealing and entertaining.

Overall, this is a really outstanding BL that, in my opinion, deserves more attention and love. Almost every aspect of this drama is well-executed. This is a totally unique show that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys BLs, politics, or the actors.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
28 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 20, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0

A lot of words that start with the letter P, and perfect for me...

What do you get if you combine the best parts of Who are you, school 2015 with My Name and add some political fight the power stuff and make it in Thailand instead of South Korea?

Nothing perfect, but definitely something for me... This drama just ticked so many boxes with things I loved taking me on an exciting journey with a powerful political statement in-bedded in a nail-biting plot with just the perfect amount of bromance, romance, and everything in-between...

A drama where the plot is so good that all the "ohh they are so cute" just feel like an added bonus, do not get me wrong there is plenty of fan service such as oil wrestling, dimples and what not... but it does not take over and feels true to the plot. So to say that I loved this is an understatement...

The cinematography the directing, the styling, the writing everything was all well done, there is one point where the clothes more or less match the colors in the abandoned building. Fine there where where a few plot holes here and there, like running around and leaving fingers prints all over the place... and some plot twists were pretty predictable... but as a whole this was really high quality and highly entertaining at the same time (a more rare combination than one might think) . And what can I say even the PPL was noticeable but not over the top. And the so called sex-scenes where very tastefully made.

The relationships are for the most part pretty consensual, though they do seem to punch each other a lot, fight till the brink of death and may just have a Punch and make up kind of take to the classic kiss and make upp... but once you look past that most of the characters are actually rather nice , not so very toxic and definitely likeable.

There is some pretty powerful art and da3nce and the take on identical twins is very interesting.

To conclude definitely a good highly bingable drama for anyone one who enjoys a bit of fight the power, with a side of romance.

P.S After watching Theory of love I was already very impressed by Guns acting while not as impressed by Offs acting however this drama only strengthened my adoration for Gun and gave me a new found one for Off... Their chemistry is phenomenal so I am starting to get the whole OffGun Hype if there is one.

Also, this is one of those dramas where time flies, you start watching it and poof you are half way thru it without noticing the time...

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
26 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 20, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 1
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

This is bigger than us

Who always expects a typical BL will probably be disappointed because this series is so much more. Instead of just giving us a series with a good plot, Not Me manages to combine sophistication and entertainment to create unique art.
This series breaks conventions on so many levels, be it visual, auditory (one of the best soundtracks!), or narrative, and ultimately sweeps you away with a storm of emotion.
It has a lot of epic scenes to offer when the sun shines through the palm of a hand and the words "Freedom is the oxygen of life" can be heard, it touches you just as much when a deaf-mute mother tells of her unemployment or when main character Gun dances under a rainbow flag and shouts loudly for equality and justice.
But Not Me is not a clean, beautiful series. It is a bloody and dirty ballad, told with rage, but also a vulnerability, as only the affected themselves can do.
To sum it up, Not Me is an exceptional show that breaks up multiple genres and takes you on a trip, that leaves you breathless and exhausted. But it’s also an important series, who dares to say true things in a world that is getting more and more out of joint.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
SunshineMar Flower Award1
54 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 13, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 8.5
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5

Not Your Typical BL

My thoughts on this show are below:

STORY: I truly feel like this is one of the most well written BL stories I have ever had the pleasure of watching. For most of my viewing, I felt that the writing style was purposeful, captivating, and effective. I felt like the story was well thought out overall and compared to most other BL’s I have seen… it didn’t have as many moments that left me confused when it came to the writing aspect. I will say though that I had to give the story portion a 7.5 objectively because as the series came closer to the end… there started to be some plot holes regarding certain characters and some minor hiccups in terms of when you compare how certain characters and situations were in the beginning to how they were closer to the end. Some of the story aspects felt just a little disjointed in the last few episodes if I am being completely honest. Also, the finale left something to be desired as well. Even though I may say that… I still think that overall the positives outweigh the negatives when it comes to this show. I loved that the story also revolved around serious topics such as politics and social issues. It isn’t your typical BL story at all. I could understand why more serious topics for a BL might turn some people off, but I feel like you would be missing out on a good story if you decided to skip this one.

ACTING/CAST: I MUST shoutout the king Gun Atthaphan for playing two roles with such grace. He got the nuisances of Black and White’s characters down perfectly. You could tell the distinct differences in the characters very well. It must be hard playing two roles, but Gun always impresses me with his acting. He knocks it out of the park every time. When it comes to Off Jumpol, I was equally impressed. His acting just keeps improving from project to project. I am proud of him!!! As for the rest of the cast, I believe that they all brought their A game for this show. A standout character for me was Mond Tanutchai who played Gram. I loved his fiery and determined yet balanced personality. On the surface, he may seem tough and assertive but underneath he had a heart of gold and I love characters like that. I also loved that this show explored morally grey characters even more because it really got the viewer to debate on the ethics of the characters actions to a greater degree. The female characters actually had substance to them as well which I loved. Usually, female characters in BL shows are reduced to being nuisances to the main characters... so it was refreshing to see strong women who had their passions. There was not anyone that made me question there acting abilities. There was no cringiness or awkwardness. It was honestly like I was watching multiple award-winning actors on screen. Oh, and one more thing that I wanted to point out was that I LOVED the characterization of each person in this series. You didn't get one-note characters. You got people with depth and meaning. I also loved seeing the backstories of characters. When a character is fleshed out like how these characters were, I feel it really takes the show to the next level. THEY ALL DID WHAT NEEDED TO BE DONE!!!

MUSIC: THE MUSIC IN THIS SHOW IS SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!!! This is one of those shows that had me looking up the music being played on Spotify so I could add it to my library. Music is very important to me so when a production does it right… I am elated!!! Not Me’s soundtrack really added to the mood and tone of the scenes taking place. Sometimes the music can either make or break a scene and the music turned Not Me from a good show into a great one. Here’s a link to music that appeared in Not Me:

REWATCH VALUE: I think this show is one that you can rewatch over and over and not get bored because there are many details that you can pick up on through repeated viewing. I was already rewatching episodes over again as it was airing right after they came out, so I think that tells you all that you need to know lmao.

PRODUCTION/CINEMATOGRAPHY: WOW the production on the is show is TOP NOTCH!!! I haven’t seen many BL’s that look this crisp and clean. Everything from the camera angles, to the shots used, to the use of minimal makeup, to the clothing choices, to the locations, to the coloring of the scenes, to the voiceovers. I literally could go on and on. You can tell that a lot of detail was put into the pre and postproduction of Not Me and it shows heavily. It honestly looked like I was watching a high budget movie and to be honest, it looked better than some high budget movies I have seen. The production crew and cinematographer deserve ALL of the awards in the world for their work on this show.

In conclusion, Not Me is one of the BEST shows I have seen lately and I hope it continues to receive all of the love in the world because it’s well deserved!!!

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
53 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 20, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 13
Generale 7.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0

It Had Its Moments

I think, overall, my main issue with this show was that what I thought it was going to be, based off the trailers and such, was not what it actually was. Was it a bad show? No, definitely not. Was it an important show? Yes, absolutely! Was it what I wanted it to be?


I loved the premise of the show— a boy pretending to be his twin brother and joining a gang to find out what happened to him, and then ultimately falling for the gang member his brother hates the most. But the premise got lost quickly in the political lectures and long-winded justifications for the gang's actions, and although I think the love story was done well, I don't think the rest of it really was.

Black and White get, maybe, three meaningful scenes together throughout the whole show. In the end, their mystical twin connection was a pointless addition to the show to— what? Give the parents a reason to pull a "Parent Trap" and separate them for years? Hell, half the time after Black woke up he was just gone, doing stuff off-screen that we never got to see. In the end, his whole character was practically unnecessary. Just a means to an end to get White into the gang. White seems to forget quite often why he was even there, and just allowed himself to get swept into the gang's plots without actually doing anything to figure out who hurt Black. In the end, he doesn't even figure out who did it! He has to be told, because he literally just stopped trying.

I can see what they wanted to do with this show— the messages they wanted to get across and, in general, what they wanted to say about the current political climate in Thailand. But, especially in the first half of the show, it felt so heavy-handed and spoon-fed to the audience. Half the episodes were us listening to law students debate rule of law or the gang explaining why their country's justice system sucks. What they were saying was important, but it clogged the story down so much and was honestly quite boring. It picked up around the midpoint-ish (more like episode 9 or 10), when there was actually plot instead of long-winded lectures every five minutes. There were many other ways I think they could have formulated scenes to show us what they wanted us to know without just telling us outright, and I wish they'd tried more to do that.

I also disliked how much time was spent on justifying the gang's missions and the work they were trying to do. I get it, they wanted us to root for the gang and to see them as vigilantes who are trying to take down the bad guys and do good, rather than seeing them as criminals. To be quite honest, the trailer (especially the initial one) made it look more like illegal gang activities than activism, and I wanted that more. I was ready to root for some anti-heroes, so the justifications felt boring and unneeded to me.

I do feel like the ending wrapped up too easily, and again had them just writing off Black and White not really caring at all (???), but ultimately the last four or five episodes of the show were much better than the rest.

Acting-wise, though, this show was AMAZING! Every actor in this show impressed me at some point. Gun— of course we knew he would kill at this, but the duality between White and Black was so perfect and insane to see. Especially in the (few) scenes with both of them, it was so distinct on who was who. Beautiful job. First, as well, knocked it right out of the park. He's always been a showstopping actor in my opinion, but he really just shined in this role. (Also his chemistry with Fluke??? Unmatched.) Off did a really good job in his role as Sean— I went in not knowing how I'd feel about him in this type of role, but he really delivered!

I will say, I do think I'm in the minority when it comes to my opinion of the show. If you're thinking of watching the show, I'd say probably just go for it and keep more of an open mind than I was able to as I watched.

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Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
29 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 21, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 7.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Good drama but with some flaws (spoilers ahead!)

I didn't really have any expectations about this series, so went in with a fairly open mind. The casting looked good and the acting certainly was much better than what we're sometimes used to from many of GMMTV's other programs. No slapstick comedy, the characters felt more real and down to earth. No heavy make-up and perfect surroundings. It was gritty and dark, but had love, hopes and dreams as well. I liked the style of directing, the choice of music and the bold topics covered which I can imagine are borderline taboo in Thailand considering its political situation. It was refreshing to see a series which touched on several of these difficult topics, sparked debate and highlighted the plight and issues faced by many in society - including the feeling of helplessness but also the power normal people can have to force change. For all that I applaud the director/writer(s).

The acting was good. A special shout out to First who did a superb job portraying Yok as confident, cocky and self sure but also vulnerable, loyal, loving and a cute hopeless romantic. He embodied the character really well and his acting skills have really improved. I can tell he takes his craft seriously. Overall the entire cast did a very good job and the directing was also very good, and you could see the actors feeling comfortable with the topics and conveying the messages.

I think where I struggled was some parts of the story. There were many loose ends and undeveloped arcs. For instance Tod's storyline. At the start he seemed to be a central character to the mystery and you suspected he was involved in the beating of Black somehow. He was the reason White was brought back to "replace" Black so as not to rouse attention of what he had done, and to allow the gang to continue with their attempts to bring Tawi down so Tod could increase his own power. I'm willing to buy that, and it did turn out in the end that he was behind Black's beating. But then his character didn't really go anywhere. We didn't really see his rivalry with Tawi. For several episodes it just seemed to be him and Black randomly fighting, until the very end when we see Tod in hospital - presumably beaten up by Black. Was that it? I would have expected the rivalry between Tod and Tawi to manifest itself somehow on the gang. Apart from White and Black, the others were oblivious to Tod's existence. Even White's interactions with him suddenly stopped. Meanwhile what happened to Tawi and his empire? The gang was rescued from being kidnapped by the people protesting, and then we didn't hear or see anything more.

I also find it hard to believe that Gumpa knew all along who White was but didn't say anything knowing what was at stake. It's somehow not believable. I would've believed it if Gumpa had confronted White early on and said he was onto him but would keep it a secret from the others. It would give White a chance to explain what happened to his brother and it would open up a whole new arc and possibility to the story. In the end Black came back, beat everyone up and then went away somewhere. Meanwhile Sean and White rode off into the sunset.

I'm going to say something which is going to be controversial and many of you won't like, but I don't think the relationship between Sean and White added anything to the story - nor did it progress it in a significant way (if at all). I actually thought it was a mistake. Unlike Yok and Dan's relationship which was linked to the overall storyline, White and Sean's relationship didn't really make an impact. It took up a lot of time which could have been used to tie up all the loose ends, plug the gaps and expand the mystery. I know this isn't a BL, and I'm sure the creators didn't want it to be a BL - but the fact that so much time and focus was spent on Sean & White it pretty much took it in that direction anyway and it ended up being one. The actual storyline in some ways became secondary to them. The two actors work well together and have chemistry, and I am generally an OffGun fan but in this drama I think it was superfluous.

It would have been enough to have the relationship between Yok and Dan and Gram and Eugene. Yok and Dan's relationship to my mind was much more intriguing, interesting and playful - and could've been even more integral to the part of the story considering Dan was a police officer. First and Gawin did a terrific job and they had great chemistry. I hope they get another series together. It was nice to see a happy ending to their relationship, but it would have been good to see them going back to Dan's hometown as he had promised Yok.

So in summary: I did not, not enjoy this, but I think I was left feeling I needed "more". Not more episodes, just more tying up of loose ends and a more cohesive storyline between the characters. There were some missed opportunities with this one. Maybe there will be a season two - who knows? - where the story will get expanded. I hope so at it has a decent base to build on, and good characters.

Aside from the gripes, it was well acted and brought to light many important issues which should never be ignored in any society, and I applaud the team and actors for taking that risk and pulling it off.

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In Corso 14/14
21 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 28, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

One of the best shows ever

Let's start by saying I am a huge OffGun fan and an even bigger bl fan. This show has made me realize that you can have a show that is "bl" but is also bigger than bl. This show is so good and touches on so many different themes that I sometimes forget I'm watching a bl show. To me it is one of the best shows I have seen in a long time - the acting, the directing, the cinematography are all so good. Also the song choices match very well to the tone of the scenes.
I think this is honestly some of the best acting I have seen from Off, Gun, Gawin and First - those 4 have made me cry multiple times (especially Gawin and Off) and the way the director is able to get such a good performance and find the best camera angle to capture the actors is really a masterpiece.
Highly recommend this show to anyone

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
12 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 20, 2022
14 di 14 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

"Don't You Cry in Front of Them. Because We Didn't Lose.."

It's clear I'm not the only one who was deeply touched by this series and everything it had to offer. On top of getting to see the most iconic duo of BL, we see a genuine story full of power, materialism, vengeance, self-deprivation, love, and discovery. This series has done something I've never seen ever in a Thai series, and that's talk about the problems associated with their government, on top of openly supporting the LGBTQ+ community with no hesitation. Not Me has yet again set the bar for others series to come. Not just BL alone, but for any show coming out of GMMTV. Period.

Let's Dive In.

Not Me is an astonishing drama of students fighting for what they believe in, and in the midst, they fall in love. This is why I enjoyed Not Me as much as I do, cause it wasn't just a BL -- it would be stupid to only categorize it as such. On top of boys being in love, we have them fight for justice, we see the tearing and repairing of the system and its lousy implications within the community, we see a deeper corruption within the workplace, and we get to watch all of it play out, with the protests, the fight for equality, and the yearning for peace and righteousness. This series will be one I hold dear to me. I'm sad to even see it go, and can't help but have an abruptly large wave of dejection cross through me as I write this.

Let's start with the things that could use working on since there is little to nothing that needed improving: I do wish that we got to see more of Gumpha's personal life. Other than him being the gang leader, what else did he have to offer? Who was he outside of that? Did he have a family? That's the easiest explanation why we all had our thoughts about him possibly being the traitor of the group, cause we know little to nothing about him. For him to only turn around and not be the traitor, just a guy we don't know all that well. I would've loved to see more of him and his life.

I wish GMMTV would just get rid of their ridiculously ads altogether, since, in my eyes, they really aren't in the need of money from outside companies. Keep them, sure, but just have the ads at the beginning and end of the series, and that's should be it. It caused me to be drawn out when they would start drinking these random drinks, or when they all drove the same car. However, this series was probably one of the first that made it look as subtle as possible. so I do appreciate that.

This is only me being nit-picky, but there were so many different times when they all should've died. Jumping rooftops, running away from the cops, getting shot, being held hostage. I mean, can I really believe that Black (small, tiny little Gun) could out-do multiple SWAT-looking dudes? Or even have the capacity to un-arm them? No, absolutely not, and in a real situation, he would've died, instantly. Again, me just being nit-picky, and of course, the series couldn't go very far if they actually died in a situation that would've realistically gotten them killed.

Sorry cause I'm being nit-picky again, but it was hard for me to grasp the fact that Gun and Off were supposed to be playing scary gang members when they are -- just the complete opposite of that. So in those terms, it was hard for me to completely get into their story when all these actual scary-looking guys were frightened by Black. it took me until maybe the middle of the series to take them seriously. Before then I kind of giggled at their scary attempts or even their fighting sequences since they both have the build of teenagers going through a growth spurt and puberty.

Onto everything else that was relatively perfect: All the romances were incredibly detailed and written by Gods. Sean and White played an incredible love story, although a bit faint in the beginning, it came on strong by the end. Seeing how hard Sean fell for White really hurt when he's being brutally beaten up on the ground by who he supposed was White. Him just sitting there and begging while he's bleeding was so hurtful to see. I didn't have any doubts about this pairing, since it was being played by Off and Gun, who just got it without even having to try. Their intimate moments were so vibrant and so patient while also being so romantically sensual. God, only they could do it. I'm happy that they got their happy ending, there's nothing more that they needed cause they already had it.

Moving onto Yok and Dan, they were just so sexy in a dismal way. Anytime they were together, you just felt this drift of sadness. They were both battling with their own demons but still did it together which made it even more substantial. Dan feeling comfortable to expose himself to Yok like that in such a vulnerable way -- *chef's kiss*. The subtle looks they shared, hugs, feelings, even the very rare times they did share a kiss, it was so impactful on screen. When we find out that Dan is somewhat the traitor, you physically feel the pain in Yok's eyes and the tears that can't stop falling, His artisticness mixed with Dan's as well, was perfection. I'm going to miss them dearly, but I'm stoked to see First in The Ecplise alongside Khaotung.

Gram and Eugene are a nice surprise. Like others, I thought Gram was secretly in love with Black, but in other events, we couldn't have been more wrong (lol). I didn't think I was going to be able to read into their romance, but closer to the end, I just become so obsessed with their relationship. Gram cared for Eugene more than he could even realize himself. Their ending was as I wished it to be, and I loved that we get to see a healthy hetero relationship that's not full of toxic behaviors or weird patriarchy. I won't speak too much on Todd and Black since we don't get to see their relationship as much, but the way the writers were able to add subtle hints and implications, while also giving us a very dramatic, but however the most beautiful somewhat confession scene is bewildering. Their love was a for-sure messed up one, but in some way, you can't help but long for them.

Onto the plot that was seamlessly perfect. The revelations, the secrets revealed, the turnabouts of situations we all analyze at the beginning -- it was just so much fun to see how everything turns out. Gram actually being in love with Eugene and not Black, Dan being the one who killed Sean's dad, Black and Todd being in love, Dan being the traitor. This part of the series was fun, getting to theorize and then see it play out. Which is why I give a huge applause to the screenwriters who did an above-and-beyond job. And also for them to add in their troubles of the government and be confident enough to show it on screen. Speaking politics in a series is hard, cause for some, that can be their dropping point. But this series speak out on what corruption and unfairness looks like in their country, and while doing so, they teach others outside of Thailand that not everything is peaches and roses. Even for them to speak about situations going on outside of Thailand was a surreal surprise, for example, the BLM movement in the US. If I could, I would give the screenwriters anything they wanted.

The acting is superb. There is nothing really more to say. It's just absolutely perfect, and they couldn't have picked a better cast. Them all being able to cry without trying too hard, the underlying pain we could see as they tried to act strong. Urgh, it was all just so good. Gun was by-far my favorite. The way he is able to play two completely different characters which such vastly different personalities, and do it FLAWLESSLY is beyond me. Episodes 12-14 really just spotlighted how versatile of an actor he is. His performance as Black in these last few episodes took my breath away. The way he's able to carry the emotions of Black in his eyes, his voice, his posture. Black is a tough guy who doesn't cry, but Gun plays him so perfectly that you see the hurt and anger through so many other ways. A moment that I can't ever forget was in episode 12 when Black simply lets a few tears drop while hugging White to implicate his sadness, but to also still hold the facade he has, ist's BRILLANT. On top of this, there are the others' performance moments that just blow my mind to pieces.

Last thing, the wardrobe fit so nicely. The grunge, the dirtiness, the dark colors urgh, it's so good. Also just going to applaud the makeup department with the bruises and cuts and whatnot. I remember physically not being able to look at Sean's face cause it was so disgusting. And I loved it. Some of the most realistic makeup I've ever seen.


Story: 9 - I'll take a star off cause I wish we would've seen more of Gumpha and his story. Other than that, everything is pretty close to perfection. I didn't speak much on White pretending to be Black, but that was excellent too. Getting to see him figure out Black's life, trying to find justice, while also trying not to get caught (which he does so bad at lol).

Acting: 9.5 - I can't see anything wrong with any of the acting, even when I tried my best to think of something. But everyone did perfectly. The only thing I could think of was that at the beginning, I was drawn out a few times from Sean and White/Black, just cause I couldn't stop seeing Gun and Off, but that would be it.

Music: 8 - God, the OST was amazing. The way the songs alone caused so much emotion out of me. The time when Yok and Gram were having a heart-to-heart moment? Yeah, I was weeping cause of the ballad. Them in the van crying cause they're scared to die? the sad instrumentals that played in the back? Yeah, I was weeping, Music was one of Not Me's strongest aspects. God, I'm going to miss it.

Rewatch Value: 1 - This series was a tough one for me, cause I was mad at how the justice system was treating them and the way they were hurting, and it physically caused me to hurt too. I think this will be my little gem to remember, but I think it would be too tough to continuously rewatch. I might go back to some of those beautifully vulnerable moments being the main pairings, but that's it.

Overall, this is a high recommendation. I remember being worried about Off and Gun in this because I loved Theory of Love so much, and I was scared that I would have a different feeling if they were to play completely different characters, but I loved the more here than I ever had before. If this is the last time we are to see them in a BL together then I'm not disappointed. They left with a bang, and we are to for sure remember them for as long as we can. Thank you Not Me, for being such a standalone series not afraid to speak up on topics so endearing. I shall miss you with all my heart.

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