1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
ago 17, 2022
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Originale, straziante ma pieno di speranza.

In un mare di drama dove il motore che spinge e arresta le relazioni è la gelosia fra gli attori principali e secondari, Goblin (Guardian: the lonely and great god) spicca per la sua originalità nella trama e nella gestione delle relazioni. La gelosia farà capolino solo di striscio, e sarà men che secondaria.
Soprattutto, è la trama ad essere molto originale, decisamente diversa da qualsiasi cosa abbia mai visto.
Un invincibile generale della dinastia Goryeo viene falsamente accusato di tradimento e assassinato assieme a tutta la sua famiglia da un re geloso e sobillato. La spada che gli piantano in petto lo condanna ad essere un goblin immortale, fino a quando non incontrerà la sua sposa, l’unica che potrà estrarre la spada e liberarlo dal peso dell’immortalità. Nel frattempo, il nostro generale/goblin fa conoscenza anche di un dio della morte e di varie altre persone…
Diciamolo subito: a parte le prime scene, di un’energia pazzesca, l’azione non è il comparto principale di questa serie. Ma Gong Yoo, nei panni del generale Kim Shin, è quanto di più vigorosamente maschio si possa immaginare, senza sconfinare nei palestrati. Anche in abiti civili, Gong Yoo è un attore coi controfiocchi: espressivo il giusto, maturo e coinvolgente senza essere eccessivo.
Mai sopra le righe, sembra essere il mantra di questa produzione. Diktat a cui si uniforma anche Lee Dong Wook, nei panni del grim reaper, un tipo piuttosto impacciato e chiaramente a disagio nei rapporti interpersonali. Il suo personaggio è per certi versi un po’ tonto, e si è calato benissimo nella parte.
La giovanissima Kim Go Eun, che ha magistralmente interpretato la sposa del goblin, ha saputo mantenere alla grande il suo ruolo di collante centrale a quasi tutte le vicende.
Un nutrito stuolo di spalle è riuscito a reggere alla grande il passo di questo magnifico trio. Tutti gli attori, fino alle comparse, hanno fatto un lavoro egregio, una vera gioia per gli occhi, e spesso un colpo al cuore.
Se, specialmente all’inizio, non sono mancate situazioni divertenti, che hanno alleggerito l’atmosfera, verso la fine a prevalere è la tragedia, anche se non così definitiva come si potrebbe pensare. (Eppure, io ancora mi domando quale sarà il destino del solitario goblin.)
Ma non solo di tragedie e amori difficili o impossibili si nutre questo drama. Inserite qua e là, come perle nascoste, ci sono frasi che fanno pensare, che ci parlano per esempio di come il destino a volte ci dia una spinta, se abbiamo fortuna, ma avvisandoci che il resto della strada dobbiamo farla da soli. Ci sono momenti di altissima poesia, lettere e citazioni che rimarranno impresse per molto tempo.
Il regalo di un orologio sarà accompagnato da questo biglietto: “Per tutti i sentieri su cui cammineremo insieme, per tutti i paesaggi che vedremo insieme, con cuore timido ed emozionato, con tutte le domande e le risposte. In tutti quei momenti, ti amo.”
La storia si dipana senza eccessive vicende secondarie, forse a volte rallentando un po' troppo ma, ad essere sinceri, non saprei neppure io cosa tagliare per snellire. Alla fine, tutto è necessario e, soprattutto, originale nel concetto e nello svolgimento. Le relazioni fra gli avvenimenti di 900 anni prima e dopo sono perfettamente spiegate e bilanciate, i personaggi convergono sul palcoscenico come attirati dal magnete del destino. E se in principio Kim Shin sembrava un bambino capriccioso e la sposa una ragazzina troppo vivace, le peculiarità delle loro vite possono spiegare molte cose. Il tempo e le interazioni portano crescite caratteriali importanti.
Ora, so che da più parti si sono alzate voci di dissenso all’idea di una storia d’amore fra una ragazzina di 19 anni e un uomo di 39 (più 900). Sarei stata anch’io fra quelle voci ma, in realtà, finché la sposa era giovanissima la relazione fra i due è rimasta molto delicata, praticamente platonica. Solo più avanti, quando lei è cresciuta, è evoluto anche il loro rapporto.
E' molto ben riuscita la bromance (senza alcuna connotazione BL) fra i due protagonisti principali. La loro amicizia ha aggiunto sale e pepe alla storia.
Giustizia vuole che si parli dell’ottima cinematografia, delle ambientazioni, dei costumi, tutto molto curato e piacevole. Un discorso a parte merita la colonna sonora, impreziosita da alcune canzoni, specialmente l’opening, che non dimenticherò facilmente. Ma anche le musiche di sottofondo vantano alcune tracce molto belle, che ben sottolineano l’azione.
Questa serie mi ha stregato, sono rimasta incollata alla sedia per tre giorni di fila, imprecando quando dovevo staccarmi per fare altro. Insomma, un drama che consiglio caldamente, a meno che non si sia allergici alle lacrime, perché in questo caso le cose si metterebbero male. Come dice il saggio, prima di poter migliorare le cose devono peggiorare.
So che altri la ritengono una noiosissima fiera del cliché. Provare è l'unica strada. A me è piaciuto.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 27, 2022
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

Non un drama ma IL DRAMA

Che dire…ho visto questo drama per colpa di squid game primo drama in assoluto mai visto dove trovai nonostante la piccolissima parte molto affascinante lo schiaffeggiatore /reclutatore dei giochi..così mi dissi ma si devo vedere qualcosa con lui…trovo goblin…l’inizio della fine…visto in 4 mesi 3 volte…comprato cd della colonna sonora meravigliosa…innamorata persa del cupo mietitore ossia l’adorabile bellissimo e poliedrico Lee Dong Wook…storia non banale che ti tiene attaccata per tutto il tempo…cast veramente bravo ed azzeccato…personaggi tutti ben definiti e non scontati…fotografia e location belle e ben contestualizzate colonna sonora meravigliosa…considerando che sono entrata nel loop drama coreani da gennaio e avendo visto in questo tempo più di una ventina di drama posso dire che fino ad ora nessuno lo ha battuto in nulla nel mio cuore e ho visto un po’ di tutto fantasy storici scolastici horror romantici tragici…io credo che davvero non si possa fare a meno di vederlo per considerarsi drama dipendenti e competenti…consigliatissimo!!!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Simona Leila
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 26, 2022
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Ho avuto bisogno di un po' di tempo per digerire il tutto. Era da tanto tempo che non vedevo una serie così sconvolgente. In generale odio i drama lenti, quelli che si prendono tutto il tempo del mondo per svilupparsi e spiegarsi annacquando nel loro stesso brodo. In questo caso non è successo grazie alla bravura degli attori mi ha tenuta incollata allo schermo. La musica poi è spettacolare, mi sono ritrovata a canticchiarla al lavoro, mentre ero a fare la spesa, il bucato, etc. La malinconia che pervade me la sono portata dietro per diverso tempo. Ho anche riso tanto, ma ho anche pianto.
Unicissima pecca di tutta questa meraviglia?
Il finale.
Mamma mia quanto i coreani sono in grado di rovinare un'opera perfetta con poche e semplici scene. Purtroppo abbiamo anche quesiti che rimangono aperti, domande a cui nessuno può rispondere perchè sono senza senso.
Non posso cmq non consigliarlo, perchè se non fosse stato per quelle due cosette sul finale questa serie da me avrebbe ottenuto un 10 pieno. Ed io questo voto lo do raramente.
Se avete voglia di immergervi in questa storia fatelo passo, passo, quasi in punta di piedi. Assaporate ogni momento, movimento, avvenimento. Respirate, espirate e godetevi ogni singolo istante.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 12, 2021
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0

Un drama che va visto assolutamente.

Per scrivere questa recensione ci ho messo un po' di tempo perché la visione di questo drama mi ha lasciato con talmente tante emozioni che le dovevo prima digerire.
La trama di questo drama fantasy è particolare e molto affascinante, ti cattura dalla prima all’ultima puntata. Passavo da momenti in cui morivo dalle risate a momenti in cui le lacrime non riuscivano a rimanere negli occhi. Il cast è eccezionale e la chimica tra i personaggi è percepibile in ogni scena. Le musiche poi sono bellissime e inserite alla perfezione in ogni momento. Il finale mi è piaciuto molto ma mi ha lasciata un po' con l’amaro in bocca ma questa è una opinione personale.
Un drama che va visto assolutamente.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 27, 2022
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 2.0

Storia di morti e reincarnazioni.

Poteva anche essere affascinate e suggestiva la storia ma procede lentamente : le due prime puntate riescono ad attrarre ma poi seguono noiosamente tutte le altre fino alla dodicesima e in parte la tredicesima che scorrono bene che hanno una svolta.. Il finale è positivo benché banale. La maggior parte del tempo , lo svolgimento è lasciato ai dialoghi e c'è poca azione. Gli sguardi commentano, lunghe, quasi interminabili, riprese di sguardi.
Come spesso, il pregio dei drama coreani sta nella professionalità degli attori e anche in questo caso le scenografie e lo svolgimento della trama è si salvano dalla noia grazie alla maestria interpretativa degli attori. Essi non sono propriamente belli ma abbastanza piacevoli da guardare.
La musica pur non essendo eccezionale, ben si adatta al racconto e , insieme alla bravura di recita degli attori, costituisce la parte migliore di questa serie.
Io non perderei altro tempo a riguardare questa serie una seconda volta: non vedevo l'ora di giungere alla fine per concludere e vedere il finale mentre seguivo le puntate durante le quali (dalla terza fino alla dodicesima saltavo pezzi ricorrentemente.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
464 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 22, 2017
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 11
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
If you are hesitating to watch this at all, please....just throw out your reservations and watch this. Goblin has just made my favorites list. Even my husband got sucked in and loves this show. The cinematography was gorgeous, the music was amazing, the actors were perfect (Hello, Gong Yoo!), the story was heartbreakingly beautiful.

This is the first time I've watched any of the main actors except Yoo In Na. I have now officially developed a Gong Yoo crush and understand why drama fans are enamored of him. Gong Yoo as Kim Shin/ Goblin was mesmerizing. I could listen to his voice for days. Every scene he was in was a treat. Every emotion that his character had was palpable, and his smiles could light up the sky.
And Kim Go Eun as Ji Eun Tak was super cute. She had a lot of detractors and the writer got a lot of flak for making her so young. But the character and her age were perfect for this story and how it unfolded.
Lee Dong Wook as the Grim Reaper had the perfect deadpan (heh) delivery. And he may be the best male "crier" I've seen yet.

The story will make you laugh and make you cry. Not only is the love story epic, but so is the bromance between Goblin and Reaper. I've found that I'm quite fond of this fantasy genre and this has been done so well. I have hardly any criticisms of this show at all because even the flaws faded into nothing noticeable for me. It's sweet, funny, romantic, sad, tragic, beautiful...

The music was perfect and perfectly lovely. I don't always pay much attention to the music, but this show utilized it so well and chose the perfect songs. So many people loved even the intro song that they made a special recording of it to make it a full length song (Round and Round, but may also be found under Never Far Away). Beautiful by Crush was the best song in my opinion, and I believe that it was the theme song for our main couple. And Stay With Me by Chanyeol and Punch was another favorite.

Rewatch value is high - if not everything, then there are many, many favorite scenes that I'll go back to and relive the feels. :)

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
205 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 21, 2017
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 2
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Every moment of it indeed shined!
Goblin is a great drama. I went into it with low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised, or more accurately, I was blown away. You can recognize a good drama by the way it makes you feel exactly what the characters in the drama are feeling. That's the way Goblin was for me, with each character, I laughed and I cried.

I'll TRY to keep the review sweet and short, so here are the reasons I enjoyed Goblin:
-The premise is unique. It's one of a kind. I haven't seen any other Kdramas with a similar plot-line to Goblin, so that was a plus point.
-The actors do a superb job. I could feel their emotions from across the screen. then again, nothing less to be expected from such a spectacular cast.
-The drama has everything, ranging from bromance, romance to mystery and suspense.
-The bromance is spectacular. One of the most epic bromance I've ever seen in a Kdrama. It made me laugh a lot, but it also had its heartwarming and heart-wrenching moments. Goblin and Grim Reaper's relationship is one of the best reasons to pick this up.
-The two couples- Goblin & Eun Tak and Grim Reaper & Sunny. Both couples had their own story. The sweet and cute moments of the Goblin couple & the sizzling chemistry between Grim Reaper and Sunny was enough to keep the 'romance' meter of the drama pretty high. You won't be able to get enough of the cuteness of Goblin & Eun Tak.
-The mystery of the characters. From 'the lady in red' to the king and queen, each episode just gave enough glimpse into their lives to keep us engrossed. It'll drive you crazy in a good way.
-Each minute of every episode was enjoyable. I didn't skip a single moment of any episode.
-The unexpectedness of the drama was really great. Just when you'd think you had something figured out, some twist would come along and surprise you. The writer sure did a tremendous job.
BONUS: Beautiful and addictive OST

I personally didn't find anything even remotely bad about it, but that's not to say other people won't, so here's a few things you should keep in mind before venturing into it.
-The age difference between Goblin [ (~939) he was 39 when he died and then immortal for 900 years] and Eun Tak (19).
-Comparatively less screen time for Sunny and Grim Reaper couple. But I suppose that's to be expected specially since the title alone indicates that Kim Shin (Goblin) is the main lead, so it's no wonder they get the most screen time.
-Worst product placement you'll ever see in a Kdrama. You might think I'm kidding but sometimes even the smallest thing can annoy you. I personally found those scenes amusing though.

So, to sum up- I LOVED this drama! Do give this one a chance, you won't be disappointed. Once you start it, chances are, you'll end up loving it. Happy Watching!

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
424 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 23, 2017
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 29
Generale 6.5
Storia 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.5


I feel compelled to write a review for Goblin because I'm finding all the perfect 10s to be misleading and, if I can be honest, completely confounding. Let me first say the best thing about Goblin is the acting. The cast is fantastic. The worst is the age gap. I know most people talk about the age of the actors; however, the issue to those of us that have a problem with the age isn't the actors, it's the characters. The lead female character is a 19 year old girl. The lead male (taking out the fantasy of his living 938 years) is a grown man who appears almost 40. Personally, I find that the Korean's have been dancing too close to the line in the young girls with adult men in dramas for at least a year now and I'm not a fan. They're more daddy issue characters.

There are many times when the relationship between the 2 leads are most like Father & daughter. She speaks to him like a father figure. And he speaks to her as a child. It's off putting when it becomes clear that he has fallen for this high school girl. Part of me believes the part of Kim Shin (the Goblin) was written for a younger man. Considering the life expectancy of the period and his postion, in his late 30s he should have had a wife (and concubines I would guess) and children. I think the character should have been at least 10 years younger (again the 900 years undead aside). The romance of the leads just did not work for me on any level. Conversely, the romance between the supports is a completely different story. It was endearing and very moving. I rooted for them.

The writing was inconsistent. It was great in some parts and just passable in others. Toward the end it almost turned into melodramatic schlock. Goblin works best as a bromance. The scenes between Goblin, Reaper(s), and the male humans were precious golden nuggets to hold onto until the next time 2 or 3 of them were in a scene together. Had the writers held on to that chemistry and nourished it, Goblin would have been much better.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
149 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 27, 2017
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.5
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0
I was going to give it a 7 but there were too many things that bothered me, too many plot holes.

I enjoyed watching this drama more times than not. It was relaxing to look at, with the great cinematography and breathtaking sceneries. Music was great and very fitting. The actors were more or less very fitting in their roles and felt natural. The chemistry between the male cast was flawless.

I guess my main and only issue here is the writing. There are two types of supernatural dramas: the one that explores human emotions through the supernatural; and the ones that use it to tell your usual story. I think Goblin was somewhere in between.

I still appreciate some points of the writing. What I dislike is the plot as a whole. I liked the overall idea but not the execution. I like the idea of supernatural and powerful beings, like ghosts, goblins, grim reapers and gods, are living normally among humans without being noticed. I liked the story of the little boy we meet early in the drama to see his fate and effect on the Goblin (and vice versa). I loved the heartfelt story of Eun Tak's ghost friend, and enjoyed the company of the group of Ahjuma ghosts.

What I greatly disliked is the way the main story arc was handled. At first it felt overly dramatic, but later it felt so underwhelming that it removes and intensity felt before. When it ended the way it did, I felt there was no point to the whole story. Essentially were back to point zero.

I think the writer has some original ideas, but no guts to go deeper. As a result interesting topics were touched lightly, but never went beyond, hence felt shallow. I wish more time was spend in exploring the world, getting more concrete information on how demons are created and how to deal with them. Instead you just follow the characters' daily life of not doing much, and supernatural elements were just used as a convenience.

When it comes to romance, I didn't care much about the age difference due to the supernatural part of it, but I just didn't enjoy it, I didn't feel it. I don't know when it happened. Also Goblin was beyond childish. He was too moody and unbearable at times. While I was more invested into the secondary couple, I still felt the same, as in a missing episode of them going out and truly falling in love with each other was missing. I didn't like the way both couples went.

The non-romance relationships were great. The bromance, there was more than plenty. It was perfect. The focus and the growing relationship felt authentic and real. I also loved the relationship between Grim Reaper and Eun Tak. I did enjoy Deok Hwa's presence, but man was he so underused!

Other things that bothered me but not necessarily cause any deduction to the rating is over the top product placement. At one point it looked like subway was about to save the world, one sandwich at a time. And the wardrobe of poor little female lead, I just wonder how she manages to fit all those clothes in such little luggages and how she can afford them. I love how they presented Quebec at first, but I got mad that they didn't try to be accurate as to how the city looked at this time of the year. Worst of all is the episode length. It was needlessly long.

I don't regret watching this drama. I still had a great time watching. Although the last three episodes felt too draggy and less enjoyable, but it still had some good moments. Well all moments with GR for me are great lol. Enjoy! And don't hate me too much for the rating :P

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
108 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 9, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 6
Generale 3.0
Storia 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
My review will be short and sweet with a link to my very extend review at the bottom if you wish to do some extra curricular reading!

The Good:
1) Reaper and Goblin's Bromance
2) Soni and Reaper's Relationship
3) The theme song
4) The cinematography
5) The locations shot in

And that is ALL!


1) 60% of the episodes are completely plotless.
2) The last 5 or so episodes are completely rushed with about 6 major plot points in each of them
3) The cringey, over-obvious product placement
4) EunDak is the worst character ever. She's so selfish and so stupid and she gets so lazy once the boys take her in.
5) Eun Dak and Goblin's relationship should NOT be romantic. It would've been much better as a Father/Daughter realtionship
6) The editing was rough in a lot of parts
7) Deok Hwa's character was so undeveloped and so underused. he deserved better!
8) The lack of relationship and character development for all of them actually
9) The ending is an absolute mess. Why did the not all die so they could start over again?!
10) So many scenes felt half done. I feel like so much was either not filmed or just simply edited out and I feel like I was missing whole chunks of scenes that were needed.
11) The over the top ridiculousness such as the SnowBoard accident, and the Goblin pushing EunDak and causing massive problems in the car park scene. Those scenes were so stupid. Those scenes were far beyond being able to suspend disbelief.
12) Completely ruining Soni and Reaper's personality and all their charm in their new life in the final episode.
13) Rushing through the final. Those last 15 or so minutes DESERVED and entire episode. Not the rush through that it got.

The excessive overhype this show gets. It's really not that good.
If you really want my Essay-long review of this show, check it out here:

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
252 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 23, 2017
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 12
Generale 6.5
Storia 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
It must be said that Goblin is very much a somewhat cliché rom-com disguising itself as something else, but ultimately, what appears to be an interesting premise is cast aside for a romantic plot that I'm going to be honest is a little creepy and at times feels very fatherly to me. This makes it very hard to love the romance especially when the female lead is a bubble of cutesy energy and also she borderline looks twelve. There were moments I wanted to run into the scene and tell Gong Yoo, you get the hell away from her and date someone your own age. Yes, that, 782 age gap was at times hard to swallow.

What makes Goblin good is it's featuring. It stars longing looks, teary-eyed longing looks, bromance, ignoring that he is 800 years old, trying to pretend you are not watching this because of the bromance and good looking leads and KES's obligatory three good episodes towards the end that makes you think this is so good. It also stars a very good performance by Lee Dong Wook. I'd like to say the rest of the cast were just as good, but I'd be lying. Gong Yoo is someone, I watch because he is in good movies (The Crucible/Silenced, etc) but not because he gives an actual good performance. He's like a Brad Pitt type in that regard. I was quite surprised by LDW as I find him heavily attractive and have for a long time but I've admitted he's a terrible actor. Suddenly he is Matthew McConaughaying me. The female lead is literally a copy paste of all rom-coms. Especially from this writer.

The intro of this drama is unique and creates what has the potential to be a very good plot, but ultimately this is a meandering slow stream of a journey that I heavily recommend you skip some episodes. Yes, skip from ep 5 to 13 and you'll miss very little. The juicy parts of the plot are thrown aside for a slew of teary-eyed longing looks and cliché romantic scenes that at ep 4, I started to wonder when they were actually going to focus on the juicy premise.

Character wise, the bromance sells this stale plot as personally, the romance between the male and female lead just looks awkward. I should be gushing at romantic scenes but they look as uncomfortable as I do and when Gong Yoo pats her head, he at times feels like her father. The drama has a lot of potential but the writer didn't seem to know what to do with it and I feel like a traitor who deserves to be hanged for saying this, but as a huge lover of bromance, dare I say it, I actually got bored of the bromance. I started tuning in to cast longing looks at Lee Dong Wook. My obsession made me run out into the street and jump in front of a car, but I heavily recommend you don't do that as the Grim Reaper never appeared and now I'm writing this in the afterlife.

The writer here also inserts her I suckered you into thinking this was good by having her obligatory three good episodes that make me think, Oh this has potential. It's always towards the end too. Melancholic episodes with good editing that make me wonder where was this for the previous ten episodes? I feel the drama is a seven at best as in, I would be very generous to give it a 7. It has its good melancholic and humorous scenes but it ultimately never quite gets its pacing right and never seems to know what to focus on making this really not as good as it could be.

PS. I also urge you to cast aside any logical questions you might have especially towards the end. They will not be answered.

Leggi di Più

Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
147 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 13, 2017
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 9
Generale 6.0
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
Somewhere inside Goblin, buried under a mound of PPL and tears, is a good show trying to get out. The first two episodes suggest what might have been, deftly mixing intense action and off-beat humor in a dark world filled with ominous reapers, wounded goblins, ghost-seeing teenagers and cabbage-wielding grannies. The stage seems set for a life and death clash of epic proportions. Alas, it soon becomes apparent that the writer forgot to include an antagonist. The goblin-reaper face-off devolves into a chummy bromance, leaving “fate” to play the role of spoiler. Unfortunately, it’s hard to fight disembodied destiny. Whole episodes are spent weeping in pretty scenery and eating Subway sandwiches. The talented cast tries to up the urgency, but with nothing tangible to battle, the pacing slows to a crawl. The extended episode lengths and the director’s tendency to linger a little too long on every moment exacerbate the problem. Even the romance falters on the uncomfortable age gap between the protagonists.

Every so often. interesting ideas pop up about guilt, redemption, and the role of kindness in a cosmos more random than rewarding. Alas, the fickle gods that rule this universe stay above the fray. A drama that actually allowed its characters to take them on rather than simply lamenting their cruelty could have been powerful indeed.

Leggi di Più

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Goblin (2016) poster



  • Puteggio: 8.8 (segnato da 132,850 utenti)
  • Classificato: #168
  • Popolarità: #1
  • Chi Guarda: 250,731

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107 modifiche
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Arranged/Fake/Forced Marriage
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tvN Dramas
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