Former China-, Denmark- and Spain expat, now temporarily exiled to Germany to start what grown-ups call a mature, responsible lifestyle. Eww. D:
Busy keeping up the pretense by working full-time as int'l CRM agent for an online travel agency, while secretly looking for new places to explore next...because what they don't know, won't hurt them. (^_^)y
Passionate (though bad) photographer, globetrotter, music-fanatic, drama-lover (I bet you wouldn't have guessed!) and freelance translator.
One of the best days of my life?
Running into one of my fave actors while aimlessly strolling through the city. <3
Though it is obviously too much to ask to meet someone like him AND look decent at the same time. Not that I'm complaining. Much.
I write a very unprofessional blog about my life abroad and my journeys. Though I mostly post a lot of pictures. ✈ Skyward Fairytale.
All social networks combined (you're welcome, stalkers). ►