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  • Località: sung yohan’s basement
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  • Data di Registrazione: luglio 14, 2022


sung yohan’s basement


sung yohan’s basement

Jung Bareum and Seong Yohan’s part time, self-proclaimed defense attorneys and apologists, also Li Lun’s wife.

Cheers to my organized chaos of a page! On my down time, I like to indulge in dramas centered around whodunnits, butt-clinching thrillers with sophisticated plots sprinkled with  soap opera / makjang themes as the second thing that keeps me awake at night other than downing redbulls like there’s no tomorrow. You’ll also see me unleashing my inner yapper in informal reviews here and there, as well as launching a shit ton of dramas into a dumpster fire.. am I picky? Nope,  just got short attention span!

My sleep-paralysis demon is Mouse (2021) and my latest obsession has been with Fangs of Fortune (2024)! I am also living solely to watch Mouse’s Thailand remake (2025), Jeff Satur’s Happy Ending, Mike Angelo’s VAMP, LOTFG, Zang Hai Zhuan, Hidden Shadow, and Veil of Shadows!


71d 18h 49m
1,991 episodi, 148 programmi
1d 7h 55m
18 film

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