
  • Ultima Connessione: 6 giorni fa
  • Genere: Donna
  • Località: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Compleanno: March 31
  • Ruoli:
  • Data di Registrazione: luglio 25, 2013





One of the best drunken scenes ever, that come hither dance!!!

One of the best drunken scenes ever, that come hither dance!!! Yes, yes!! Strong Woman Do Bong Soon may not be the most brilliant show and a bit all over the place. True. I'm having so much fun though! Sometimes that's all you need.

My gosh! Min Hyeok and Gook Doo getting totally wasted was brilliant. What was more brilliant was Bong Soon's bored expression as she watched them "duke it out" during the games. She was so bored, they wouldn't let her drink, and then she had to carry their wasted butts to the care. Then too the house! The brilliance was followed up by Min Hyeok realizing he got tossed on the floor while Gook Doo is well taken care of. Not to mention them finding out what they did in while drink. Gook Doo's sexy come here dance and then both of them dancing while apparently having some kind of Cinderella fantasy was perfect.

"Wow, she even put a blanket on him. I got tossed on the floor."

What's even better is Bong Soon's mother! (Oh, and it looks like we're meeting granny!) This woman just wants her daughter to sleep with Min Hyeok. Unfortunaely Boon Soon is still totally set on Gook Doo. (Espeically now that she found out his single. ^_- I'm so proud of the girlfriend for not two timing and for coming out so fast that she likes another man.) Her thought that the guy must be ugly to hid his face was hilarious. Oh, and did anyone else notice the vegetables all the old woman had? Tee-hee. Korean penis jokes, so on the sly.

I also loved everyone's fantasies about whom would taking advantage of whom when Min Hyeok, Gook Doo, and Bong Soon all stayed under the same roof. Poor Gook Doo was the victim in two fantasies, while Min Hyeok was more worried about Bong Soon pouncing on Gook Doo. Smart man. Bong Soon playing weak to get Gook Doo to open the jar was priceless. (Oh, and don't you love what Min Hyeok has done to the chopstick?)

So it's 100% confirmed only the women of Bong Soon's family get super powers. I thought so, but I just wanted that confirmation. Also, MIn Hyeok claiming Bong Soon was his girlfriend was so obvious. Still put a smile on my face.

On that note I have grown use to the over extended super strength that Bong Soon has. However, even if she had that strength that car would have rolled, not spun. Ever. I just wish that beyond silly dumb strength the reactions to the strength would be more realistic.

Oh, and now we see the face of the creeper! Is it odd that I really like his fluffy hair? I just want to pet it. The reveal was creepy, but then they did that whole weird breathing thing as he moved into the neck of one of his "brides". This episode was a little too obsessed with vampires. I thought he was gonna break into Count Dracula's (Count von Count) laugh at any moment. 1, 2, brides-wah-wah-wah. (I am unsure how to spell out Count's laugh--google it Ah, ah, ah. Makes sense.)

Overall a very funny episode. With yet another crazy cliffhanger that is YET AGAIN going to be a long wait! I mean really! That's just man. Not only do I have to wait to get more of Granny Bong Soon, but there's a knife to one of my character's throats!

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mar 13, 2017

We're burying Woong Cheol today.

"We're burying Woong Cheol today." I really like how all of the guy's stories are getting weaved through the cases. Though now the cases are kind of their stories. Still super cool.

Jung Moon's is clearly going to be the "last" with the big reveal of who wants him dead.

That siad I loved the gang politics and even after being saved Woong Cheol's big boss is ready to kill the Bad Guys anyway. Though I'm super curious what Goo Tak's connection is to him, it's probably all going back to 2 years ago. (AKA 2012)

Clearly men don't have to worry about be stashed in trunks. I already knew all of the basics to cover for popping the trunk with or with out the built in release. The tale light trick is basics! Ha-ha. Oh, well. Now they'll all be prepared in the future, especially the big bad gangster boss.

So minor complaints Goo Tak spits way too much! Even an old western doesn't have this much. Plus, I'm very curious about cops firearms checks in Korea. In America if you disarm you're gun you have to report it and so on. There's a whole lot of paperwork and accountability if that bad boy gets fired. I'm seriously wondering how Goo Tak gets away with it.

Though the minor details have never really mattered to the show and I think to a degree this writer. (He wrote the script for Vampire Prosecutor.) This is such fun though and I love the cast. Mi Yeong digging around for the truth about Goo Tak is very interesting and I wonder if when she finds out how much trouble she's going to find herself in.

(On censorships I'm so surprised they haven't been blurring the guns, but the knives are getting super blurred.

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mar 9, 2017

Oh, I can see why this would need 19 episodes instead of 18.

Oh, I can see why this would need 19 episodes instead of 18. To end Behind Your Smile in episode 18 would feel very off to the pacing of the show and the characters. Though I was initially very excited about the end coming near. Others are speculating that it will be 20. I think the writer can pull it off no matter the length.

This was a very awesome episode. Starting with Xin Yu piecing things together that Yi Ting won't tell her. She goes to touch his face, but ends up doing this lame baby slap to get "justice" or whatever. Made me laugh so hard. Moving as Xin Yu states her mom needs to pay and her actions lead her there. (Yi Ting needs to realize that Xin Yu doesn't hide from the truth.)

Then the face off between Tang and Xi Ting! Woza. Scary foes. Not to mention Xi Ting truly sticking it too him during the interview. Oooo, so clever. If they push Tang to far something cray-cray may happen. After all I think he killed a man.

Switch to cute scenes in which Qian Ren has Yi Ting nursing him and nods for him to blow on his soup. I love how much these two warm up in this episode and it doesn't feel so forced seeing Yi Ting goofing off with his brother. Qian Ren is awesome in that he now wants Yi Ting and Xin Yu together. Even collaborating with Uncle Taing to get them to go stargazing and Yi Ting to "make moves!" Oh, man the previews got me all a flutter.

(Oh, and see the bullying nad Tourette's Syndrome was brought up again! Xin Yu has had her own hardships!)

This was also a great episode for Xin Yu to change people and make up. Lin Man and Xin Yu's conversation was so moving. Especially as she asked her mother to give up her plans and give her the USB. I loved that her mother decided she loved Xin Yu more than the games. Then Xin Yu and Xiao Yue got to make up too! It was hilarious that poor Yi Ting got stuck in the background listening to them makeup and cry. Though it should teach him that being open and truly asking forgiveness is all it takes. His excuse that he can't share is thoughts and emotions is a lie, boy's to proud! Though I have to say it was weird having Xiao Yue protect the place from break in and "hurt her ankle". Man the girls in this drama have glass ankles!

(Oh, and after everything I would never leave that USB plugged in and open! What if Tang sends a spy!)

This was a wonderful episode. I totally get why there very well might be more episodes. I welcome it. As long as it doesn't go past 20. (Because that is going way too far.) The character development of Behind Your Smile is something I truly admire and I love how much I care about these characters.

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mar 8, 2017

Xin Yu is smart!

Xin Yu is smart! She pieced it all together. It can be argued that she didn't do it early. However, she is a kind spirit. She believes in the good and amazing things of life. I also loved her human reaction. She was angry, grieved, forgave, and then waited. Giving him every opportunity to tell her the truth. She gave him very heavy hints. In the end even after confronting him, expressing that she was more angry that he wouldn't tell her. That everyone else knew was horrible. She gave him another chance.

I think the reality is when she finds out about Xiao Yue it's gonna hurt. Bad. Though once she put all the coincidences and connections together you think she'd get suspicious about Xiao Yue. Xin Yu is innocent and that may not have fully crossed her mind yet.

Which brings me to Qian Ni, wowza. She is unintentionally handing information over about her dad. To fully scheming against Yi Ting. I'm kind of surprised he is so trusting about her and doesn't fully understand her scheming. (Oh, and I think Tang is one heck of a sexist jerk. I may have said that before.) Her black mail of Yi Ting doesn't really work? Or does verbally hearing what she figured out make it worse?

I'm also annoyed that without Qian Ni talking to him Yi Ting hadn't fully put it together. Yeah, he had vibes. At least he's finally looking towards Tang now. Lin Man clearly did some wrong, she admits it. She may have done it and I think she should take the blame, Tang clearly lead her down the path and set her up. Though I wonder how much control she had over the farm and poisonous milk?

Oh, and the saddest thing is Yi Ting's claims of Xin Yu never suffering. Though she lost her father young. He doesn't know much about her either. Though she's left herself open. I'm sure her Tourette's Syndrome is something she had to really struggle with. I hope the writer will take us there and address this. Because the setup is there. Xin Yu didn't have an easy school life and she had health issues. I really want the writers to address this and to show Yi Ting how much he didn't know. That he is wrong.

This is a crushing ending and things are going to get intense. Xin Yu doesn't know everything so there are still some frustrating reveals. I'm just afraid that everyone will be all, but he's great forgive him. I love Yi Ting, but he's done wrong. Make him sweat it. If he doesn't repent himself . . . I won't be happy.

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mar 8, 2017

This pondering pacing works for me.

This pondering pacing works for me. Because this drama is killing one thing I love the most: seriously developed characters.


One of the most powerful things about this episode Xiao Yue and Yi Ting's conversation when she comes to give him the contents of the locker. Because they're so similar Xiao Yue understands him. In that one conversation she cements them as friends, confesses, and realizes she must move on. Yi Ting is kind enough to not really comment on her confession and to--in his own way--extend friendship to her. Wow.

This episode was doozey for Yi Ting and Xin Yu. Yi Ting fantasizes and realizes that he wants more than a time table from Xin Yu before he betrays her. He wants her all. Then his mother brings him back to reality with her condition. (Though her excuse that she doesn't hate him because he's her child. She should feel guilt because she is laying the blame solely at Yi Ting's feet. There were other people evolved. Such as his experienced parents.) Yi Ting gave up so fast and is spouting lies to himself. Everyone else knows him well and realize his regrets. Yet he won't face himself, or open up to the one woman he truly loves and as Xiao Yue states is changing him. Making him a better person.

Can I just say how freaking awesome the kisses are in this drama! Thank you!

That said it's not find Yi Ting. You can't lie to her and keep leading her down the path of love. Even though he gave her half truths, but then lied about giving up some of his hate and intention towards her mother. The scene was very powerful, but I don't like that Qian Ni was spying. Clearly some information is going to leak to Tang.

Not to mention the big mystery of if Lin Man is truly innocent. She clearly had some hand in hurting the farm. How much is she using Su Zhongwen? Is he another poor innocent chess piece in this game of business sharks? Not to mention is Yi Ting going to be the best player and see what Tang has in store for him?

Things are really building up! Previews are hinting that the next episode is when Xin Yu will finally see the truth. To be honest I don't think that Yi Ting fully understands the compassion that Xin Yu has. That if he trusted her she very well might be able to see past his betrayal.

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mar 7, 2017

Ahhh! The kissing. Good thing my buffering is working fine because I rewatched the heck out of it!

Ahhh! The kissing. Good thing my buffering is working fine because I rewatched the heck out of it! Only to be super disappointed by where the scene get caught off. Though it's for the best because after the deed I'd be so upset he did that with out telling her the truth.

I know a lot of people might find this slow. For me this emotional build up is perfection. All the sweet and wonderful moments of Yi Ting and Xin Yu are potent. Yet shadowed by his lies and the lies he has to keep telling her to mask them. Quite honestly it's terrifying and awesome. (I know I'm a sucker for emotional punishment.

The shopping scene was so much fun! Especially as she got him to carry her pink bag! Ha-ha. Though again foreshadowed by him not letting her in on any front. I'm a big communicator, in a lot of ways I'm like Xin Yu. Guarding myself once I like someone is impossible. When I fall in love I want them to be just as open. It hurts when they can't be, and I know if we can't change together it's best to leave. So I truly empathized with Xin Yu. Even with feeling so in love that you're willing to put it all on the line in hope and faith.

Okay, that aside I loved the gentlemanly face off of Yi Ting and Tang. Phew. Not to mention that I called it! Tang is the villain, and I am truly curious how the whole farm thing went down. Poor Yi Ting is in for a shock when he realizes he's been working with his sworn enemy and punished the wrong person. (Though it's still not revealed how much Lin Man is off the hook.)

Oh, and what's with Qian Ren telling Yi Ting to give up on her and let him have her! Firstly Qian Ren backed off and let Yi Ting and Xin Yu happen. Those emotions for her won't just vanish. This is a second lead trope that I despise. She's in love and no she's not an object you can pass around. If he would have perused her there's no doubt in my mind she would have fallen for him. He might not be her savoir, but I think if he kept pushing she'd have respected his honesty.

Anywho, what a brilliant emotional mess! Not to mention the plot is really building. I've gotten a lot of comments from other viewers that Behind Your Smile is slow. I'll admit it doesn't have swift pacing, and if the tropes were less utilized it would have more time. Yet the pace works just right for a pretty decent build up. With this episode being the pinnacle point of the build up.

(Yeah! The mysterious man of correspondence appears! I wondered if he would step into the show or be only in email form. Very curious to see how he'll affect the story.)

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mar 6, 2017

The game of hide and seek is over!

Yes! There's my fierce Seung Nyang! She showed them. Though her assassination attempt was silly and disappointing. We'll see what the Emperor has to say.

Yom the Scum, ha-ha! I love the name. Though I fear most of these villains are going to make it to the end before they get what's coming to them. The King of Goryeo is going to be awesome to watch.

The Emperor is very clever and funny to watch. However, I want to see more of him trying to out scheme El Temur.

There is something I truly love about this drama. The inner voices of the characters! Even the brat Empresses' was great when she was in the marital bed. I hope that continues throughout the drama.

At this point I am truly stunned that neither Viki or Dramafever have the license for this yet. It's amazing and considering how much work it is to view the series, especially because of its length, I bet (from my view point for now) that this would be one heck of a popular drama.

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Oh, I laughed so hard at Bong Soon's mom!

"But still, don't you ever give up. You're just as good as Gook Du!"

Holy dramas. Bong Soon's mother just cracked me up this entire episode! Ha-ha! First she's encouraging her daughter to sleep with her boss and scolding Gook Du for being there and telling him to leave ASAP. Then she's scolding Bong Soon for not really sleeping with the boss. Encouraging ther to dress more sexy, and flashing her daughter her "sexy red socks"!! Oh, my. Her mom is so horrible, but I love her. >_<

Ah, I think the kidnapper/killer bride snatcher is one of Min Hyeok's brothers. At least if this is one of those dramas that likes to tie in everything. I think I read people think it's Bong Soon's brother. First off she would have recognized him and his voice, secondly no. I'd like it if it was someone totally unconnected. (Though if we wanted it to be someone "shocking" I'd vote for Bong Soon's dad? Her mom is enough to drive anyone insane!) Besides it looks like Bong Soon's brother is going to be sweeping Gook Du's girlfriend away.

Love that we pick up right back at the face off between Gook Du and Min Hyeok. Though to be honest I had completely forgot where I was in the drama, which doesn't bode well. Love that the scene kind of flips around to not just Bong Soon getting wrist grabbed, but doing it to Gook Du as well.

Min Hyeok going along with the gay thing is odd, but proving to be hilarious. As the quote up top lets you know. I love everyone's reaction to Min Hyeok "flirting" with Gook Du, especially Gook Du's response.

The reveal for why Min Hyeok hates cops and wanted to be a criminal when he grew up should have been so obvious to me, but I like the plug in now. For a moment I thought Bong Soon had hurt Min Hyeok's dads people. Turns out not, but I'm wondering where the gang leader (not Min Hyeok's dad) is going to plug in. Not to mention that it looks like Bong Soon is the new boss of the neighborhood gang! What?

Ah, so it looks like the kidnapping/murder stuff is going to be Bong Soon's hero journey. Interesting way of setting it up.

That said this drama is still a mess and I think I'm just going to have to realize that my high hopes need to be put to rest. I'll just have to enjoy the craziness and have fun. Though I'm loath to admit that so far the 2017 dramas I'm watching aren't what I expected. (Curse you Missing 9) I do love the over the top humor and all the potty humor. It works.

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mar 4, 2017

Meh. It's stupid.

So now instead of just the good guys being stupid the bad guys are too. Let's see, why would they not make as many copies as possible of the recording? Hmmm. (Though apparently they only made one. WTF.) Just. Ugh. The full story of the murder was lame. If you couldn't piece it together before . . . I just don't know what to say. So this episode wasted more time finally revealing everything.

There were some cute moments. Such as Bong Hee calling Jun Oh oppa. So that was fun.

Other than that I was annoyed. The pacing is so miserable. Not to mention that we're finally given why Gi Joon couldn't be with Ji Ah. Really it didn't need to be in there and I found it stretching things out. Why not just a forbidden manager and star relationship? Sighs. Even then it's not really resolved well. Ji Ah is cool though.

Points for at least trying to make it look like there was some effort to the plot and that Jun Oh came up with a plan.

I just don't see why we need two more episodes. Because whatever the writer pulls its gonna be so dull. I'm so sad how done with this drama I am.

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mar 4, 2017

The stupidity! Why would she touch a bloodied (clearly used) knife???

The stupidity! Why would she touch a bloodied (clearly used) knife??? "Hi I'm Bong Hee if I see a knife that's clearly stabbed someone I'll put my fingerprints all over it for you!" Now there's a video of her pushing Tae Ho and her prints on the knife that stabbed him. If the writer remembers then Jang can probably frame her. Though considering how crappy the writing has become maybe it won't.

There was only one thing that saved this episode. That is that for a brief moment we sympathize for Tae Ho as he realizes that he had not yet killed his friend. That Jang did it and that by that one action of trusting Jang his life went down a path that he realizes he regrets.

Of course you have to slog through all the stupid drug out bull crap! Not to mention flashbacks of things we've just scene. No whole long scenes were rewatched!!!!!!!! The humor is still stupid and so much of the character development is lost I feel nothing for this cast. Even the whole joke about Jun Oh falling to his knees to giver her the gift. -_-

Oh, and the reveal that So Hee was a villain was cool. The reality is that her might have been her boyfriend and recorded what happened, but she never did cave in to letting the truth come out. Instead she made Jun Oh the culprit so that the real murders would get away with it. All so she could black mail Jang so that she could steal and get good roles for herself. Wow. What a reveal.

Gosh. I don't even feel motivated to continue.

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mar 3, 2017

Ugh. Is it really going downhill like this?

Okay, so I admit that I've had my frustrations with the how easy the main bulk of the plot is too guess. BUT the amazing character development and cast is what truly made this drama. Especially how the humor was so wonderfully blended with the dark tones of the show.

Well this episode kind of shoots that all up. It's like one huge joke! AND none of the characters really acted how I expected them to. In fact, Jun Oh was suddenly transformed into the annoying idiot we met in the first few episodes.

Gi Joon just keeps saying his sorry. They never actually talk like. "Oh, hey. CEO Jang is really threatening Ji Ah I can't help you right now." "Oh, well why don't we crush them so we don't have to fear and live with threats anymore Gi Joon?" Why that would be the smart thing to do.

This episode felt so out of place and ruined the characters. It wasn't as painful as the stupidity of the last episode, but close. I won't lie I laughed at quite a few things. Pretty sure I'll be going "Don't ask questions." for a while.

Still I'm really disappointed by where this drama is going. What a waste. Depending how the next episode goes it all may just spiral into stupidity. I appreciated how unique this drama was for Korean dramas, but it looks like it's going the way of landing on its butt for the end.

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This drama is really cute.

I had a discussion with another viewer who insisted that this drama was seriously sexist. After all Asuka's wish is to be married. However, the idea of a woman wanting to get married—or not—is not sexist. What's sexist is the idea that a woman shouldn't do—or don't—something because its their role. Totsuzen Desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu frankly discusses the ideas and options of people. Asuka wants to be a full time housewife, go dreams! (That's my personal nightmare, but I understand it. Respect it.)

No one is forcing her into anything. In fact, I found it out that those who heard she wants to be a housewife didn't like it. I'm pretty sure that's still a common ideal for marriage in Japan? There friends simply want to support whatever she chooses, and her parents are really pressuring her.

What this episode does bring the dialogue and the burning question of how Asuka and Ryu are going to face Asuka's dream of wanting to marry. Ryu comes face to face with the reality that his selfish desires of never wanting to marry work out okay for him in this relationship, and that Asuka is being hurt. Because her ultimate wish is to married, and she loves Ryu enough to risk the hope that he will eventual change. In the end Ryu's open comment about her being able to dump him at anytime so she can pursue marriage could come off cold. Both love each other enough to risk it all, not to mention hope that the others ideals will change.

Also, Akito is totally out of the running for me. What a sneaky jerk! Woo the girl! Don't play pissing games with the boyfriend and force yourself on her. (Bet he's the one that pushed for the three year project with her.) Also, do not use the parents! Gosh. I'm so happy Asuka and Ryu could face him together. Though it looks like things with Sakuragi Yuko are gonna hit the fan. Those divorce papers were the starting flag.

This drama is really cute. The idea of it is how much someone loves another to change their ideals to be with that person. True some of the third party obstacles for there love are very tropey. It's such a feel good drama that I look forward to each episode as a kind "relax" time. Plus, I love looking at the two leads. They're so cute!

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This is such a warm and fuzzy drama.

This is such a warm and fuzzy drama. It makes me feel good and smile whilst watching. Sure this isn't exactly ground breaking and what not. However, I like watching Asuka and Ryu's feelings for each other slowly develop.

For instant you can see that Ryu wanted Asuka to be the owner of those shoes. To be waiting for him when he got home. He also got a taste of a happy home.

While Asuka is trying not to fall for Ryu so that she can keep her dreams and goals.

I am disappointed that the other male lead is basic obstacle second lead. Barely any effort has been put in to make him a real alternate. He's just the guy offering competition so that Ryu will have an ultimatum.


Here's to hoping that they might do better things with second lead. (Who am I kidding. The title gives it away. Second lead is gonna bight the dust tomorrow. ^_-)

Asuka's family is really awesome. I can see her brother's brain working and I can already feel his protectiveness kicking in.

Again great music and the cast is so much fun. Though before anything is rushed into I hope Ryu is up front to Asuka about his previous relationship. It would seem wrong to carry on and then reveal it after they're officially together.

Side note: I really love both lead actors. Ryu is so cute with his freckles and charming. Everyone is right, his voice is amazing. Asuka is so charming and i love the array of facial expressions.

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mar 2, 2017

This is the true kiss for me!

This is the true kiss for me! I love how Yi Ting leaned in for the kiss, but asked with it before actually making contact. I was really nervous that all we'd get is the open eyes from her. Never fear, it gets awesome-er yet. I'm wondering do Taiwan movies just have more natural intimacy then K-dramas? Because it feels that way.

Each episode keeps exploring the characters more and more. I love how they're all growing. Though Qian Ni may have finally stepped back in I don't think she's growing. I am very curious what the true matter between An Sheng and Lin Man? Especially now that the "Uncle" is showing up murdered.

I'll admit this is a bit slower, but there's a build up here. The struggle between both Yi Ting and Xin Yu feelings. Especially as Yi Ting advances his revenge. I'm happy for Xin Yu. However, it is selfish that he wants to have his cake and eat it too. Even if it means that Xin Yu and him will be temporary.

Her waiting for her mom, sad bunnies! But then, Oh-ho! My clever Xin Yu! I thought it was a secret hidden message. I wonder what it means? I truly want to believe there is something more to Lin Man. Though An Sheng confirmed that Lin Man poisoned the milk to get the property.

Overall a wonderful episode. I'm so nervous for when Xin Yu will discover the truth. Especially how it will be handled. For now, like Yi Ting, I will savor the happiness between them.

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mar 2, 2017

Wow. Yi Ting is slowly coming alive right in front of my eyes!

Wow. Yi Ting is slowly coming alive right in front of my eyes! His interactions with Xin Yu feel so precious in this episode. Especially as Qian Ren works to reveal everything to Xin Yu. Of course she only came in at the end to hear about him being her savor.

Xiao Yue having a crush on Yi Ting is annoying, but understandable. I like that she understands it will only ever be one-sided. Girl is still helping Yi Ting out with Xin Yu. So smooth of her to invite him up for tea.

It's wonderful that the dad said Yi Ting needed to find someone with a good attitude and would lose to him! Ha-ha! What does losing have to do with it? Then Qian Ren telling him he needed someone to make him smile. It was a very beautiful memory.

It was so wonderful and simple when Xin Yu realized that she likes Yi Ting. When she thought that she was being fired her main concern was that she wouldn't be by Yi Ting's side. I loved how simple and sweet the thought/realization was.

Xin Yu makes Yi Ting so happy. I loved seeing his shock over the surprise breakfast and his happiness about it. Yi Ting's face (yes-yes the actor's) was made for smiling!

You know I still want Lin Man to be innocent. I really wonder if An Sheng had something to do with it. Maybe Lin Man was wrapped up in her own bad situation. At least I like to think that way for Xin Yu. Though it would really make for an interesting plot twist if An Sheng was the real culprit.

I really love where all the characters are going. Not to mention that Xin Yu's smarts are back as she figures out how to contact her mother, and I think setup a meetup. Maybe? It broke my heart when she pulled that note from under the table.

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