
  • Ultima Connessione: 3 giorni fa
  • Genere: Donna
  • Località: Dramaland
  • Contribution Points: 52 LV1
  • Compleanno: March 31
  • Ruoli:
  • Data di Registrazione: luglio 25, 2013





9/10 - Finally the truth behind Soo Ah's modivations!

Finally the truth behind Soo Ah's motivations! It's revealed she's just as human as everyone. Enough so that she is worried about her weight and has an eating disorder. However, it's shocking that she wants Kyung Suk because if anyone else dates him it means she's not as popular as who ever has him. In this vein every guy has to lust after her. No other girl can have a boyfriend. Clearly it just has to be in her circle?!? Because this is a huge college! People are dating!The brilliance of this episode is that we've known since the beginning that Kyung Suk clearly knows what Soo Ah is up to. Despite being an awkward out cast he is aware of who Soo Ah is. Maybe these are the type of girls he is use to? The most important part is that Mi Rae suddenly sees Soo Ah crystal clear. She understands that Soo Ah is so similar to her. Women are all plagued by the same problems. Varied for each person perhaps, but all to similar. I loved how she confronted Soo Ah! By the end of the episode she's beyond fierce and brave! It's also clear Soo Ah is burning bridges. People are on to her or moving on!It was still painful to see Mi Rae as she denies her feelings. More importantly Kyung Suk. However, he truly is willing to wait as he realizes what Mi Rae meant when Soo Ah threatens him with Mi Rae. Thank fully we don't have to wait too long! (Coming back to this later.)It was also interesting seeing that Woo Young realize that he liked Mi Rae for more then her looks. He could see that Mi Rae and Kyung Suk were in like. So in a way he knew he didn't have a chance. What I loved is how peaceful things were settleed. Woo Young drinks his troubles away. So much so that Kyung Suk actually brushes Woo Young's teeth! So hilarous. Though clearly all that teeth brushing was worth it. Especially as Kyung Suk finds out that Woo Young was a fan of the coupling despite loosing. My favorite part of them moving on from the love triangle is when Kyung Suk makes hangover soup for Woo Young. "Hey man, you lost the girl! I won! Here's some hangover soup. No, that's not pity you're tasting!" ^_- I know in dramas will live for the dramatic coupling! When they finally are agreed they're an item! It's everything I could have hoped for! So lovely and moving. Better was as he walks her home after it's decided they're dating is that "nothing is different." Except maybe some extra flustering and now they can hold hands! It's so sweet. By not being over glamorized and taken out of reality it feels realer. I am dying for Kyung Suk and Mi Rae to kiss! Now back to Mi Rae not making us wait to long. She wants it still to be a secret. Kyung Suk is willing to be quiet, but can not just be silent. What I love is by the end of this episode Mi Rae understands everything! That cliffhanger is brilliant as she faces of with Soo Ah!

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8/10 - Okay so this might be more "drama", but it still feels so intense!

This episode definitely has the heavier drama elements. There's still no doubt for how intense everything feels. Not to mention that pacing is so great! So many characters are covered and I love how things are not being dragged out! Thank you! It's wonderful to see Hye Seong getting to enjoy motherhood finally. Her daughter is so happy! That said it broke my heart to here/see Mi Rae turn Kyung Suk down. I applaud her for having honesty with Kyung Suk and herself that she's doing it because she still fears what others think. It breaks my heart that those scars are still causing her to have fear. After everything she's heard and seen I truly believed that Mi Rae understood everyone talks about everything! Kyung Suk reaction felt so real. Maybe the hair dye was due to being rejected--I honestly couldn't tell it was died for a while! His reactions through the episode felt so real. The doubt he had despite being the male lead. I loved it! It's great how human he is. What's more is that once things settle in his heart and mind he tells Mi Rae that he can't be friends again, but he'll wait for her! He'll wait for her!!!!!! The whole thing with Soo Ah and the cat felt odd. Like maybe she really could care about that kitten. But then the whole thing with that poor oddball. Did she unconsciously do it? No. I think she really is playing every guy she can. No matter who or whether they have interests in other women. Yes!! No dragged out or melodrama second lead here. Woo Young is such a wonderful second lead. For once, because Kyung Suk is so well developed, I don't have second lead syndrome. Woo Young is my type and he's such a great guy. Though I'm still rooting for him and Hyun Jung. It felt odd how readily he was to tell that his main interest in Mi Rae was her looks. I thought before his comments on plastic surgery were sweet. I had no idea he'd be a looks only guy. He did state that he really felt for her after getting to know her more, but it was her looks. It broke my heart a bit. Especially has a poor Kyung Suk drinks and confessing that he likes the true Mi Rae. It was also odd seeing how superficial Woo Young was after how respectful towards women and warm he is. Even when he gets a love confession of his own.

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8/10 - How sweet is it that Kyung Suk trust his mom that much!

Kyung Suk truly loves his sister and it's so wonderful seeing how now he trusts his mother to take care of her! What's sweeter is seeing mother and daughter tentatively takes steps towards happiness! I know many might say this episode is clearly slower, but the emotional depth that is happening makes me so happy! The price Kyung Suk dad pays to win at the life he wants is in harsh contrast.More importantly the writing is solid enough and faithful to Mi Rae! She knows Soo Ah doesn't like her and never has. She's no clearly seeing her as an active enemy that is moving against her! It's great seeing her friend supporting her in this a well. Since Hyun Jung clearly saw it from the get go.The only thing that felt off was a creepy guy trying to recruit Kyung Suk. Though apparently this is a thing that happens. It just felt . . . backwards after how amazing this drama has been.With Mi Rae's misgivings about being able to be in a relationship it was seeing everyone's boy connections. Everyone has misgivings about themselves and men. It's what life is. It can be harsh hearing what others think. Mi Rae has had to face misgivings about her plastic surgery and I love how Kyung Suk didn't hesitate to stand up. Unlike most dramas another female stepped up to report that this particular male employee was harassing her and that the boss actually stood by his female employees. It's so sad in dramas how being just a woman means no one will trust or listen to you. Wow!!!!!! The look of fear on Mi Rae's face when Kyung Suk grabs her wrist breaks my heart! She wants him so bad, but her fear of what others think control her so much.

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7/10 - This show balances it's character well.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty definitely balances it's characters and stories well. I feel like many might say it's slowing down, and it does feel slower. But it's because we're seeing everything happening with all the characters, their connections, and it feels so great! What I love in this episode that it showcases Kyung Suk awkwardness and outcast status. Even showing that because he's lived rich he doesn't quite understand how the world works. Finding out that Mi Rae is a bargain hunter and that she scrimps and saves. The persona of the cool and aloof male lead isn't the reality. The reality is that Kyung Suk doesn't really know how to interact with others, doesn't like to, and doesn't just have everything fall into place. He needs to find a place to live and get a job, that just doesn't happen because he's the amazing lead who has connections. It's very real and refreshing!We're getting to see under everyone's stereotype. Accept for Soo Ah. We're only getting small looks into her. We know she lied about where she lives and that she's living in a poor area. We see this older lady pop up to drop of groceries, but Soo Ah is cruel to her. What we do see is Soo Ah's attention turning to another fellow chemistry student. The "fat" one (gosh she's so beautiful!!!) who is starting a budding romance. Apparently it's not just Mi Rae that Soo Ah can't stand taking attention from her. It's any girl who takes the attention of a male away from her. Interesting.It's also interesting that Soo Ah still can't get in with Kyung Suk. He still doens't trust her. So what this episode was truly about is the kind of date that Kyung Suk and Mi Rae went on. I loved how Mi Rae is realizing that while she's never had male friends, she knows she can't just be friends with Kyung Suk. Even going as far as to use straws as chopsticks to avoid a hand craze in the popcorn bucket. (Yeah, that really happens in real life!) It's also nice that Woo Young has already met Mi Rae's parents and the mom clearly approves. The issue is at this point that won't be helping the second lead out. There's also more friendships moments that I love between all the girls!

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7/10 - Decent woman friendships!

Soo Ah so far has been the beautiful snake in the grass working against the lead. This episode also highlights it after using someone to try and track down Mi Rae's pictures and finding none she befriends someone from her old Middle School. Of course it's the jerk who Mi Rae confessed to and in my mind started the true bullying. The one that reveled in calling her "Hulk" and "Gross". So far we know Soo Ah lives in a poor area and lied about where she lived. So I still believe that there is more to Soo Ah. Because this episode hints at more. From the support and friendships the girls in the Chemistry Department are forming. To Hyun Jung coming to Mi Rae's defense. Coming face to face with the bully and standing up for Mi Rae. She's still even going with her gut about Soo Ah and making sure Mi Rae thinks about it. Then the girls start rallying and standing up for themselves!! Letting those jerks know what's what!Hye Seong is also very well realized. From her response to Mi Rae about her surgery and saving her I have know doubts that this might be a flawed woman, but the stereotype that her husband projects about her might very well be the surface. Stating that her beauty seemed like a gift. Until it turned into a different kind of prison. The theme becoming more fleshed out. Her advice is so important. To date a lot and to be very thoughtful before marrying. Which is the opposite advise that women have been told. Because if you mention a seemingly "high" number of men you dated it's so judgmental. You know what? I thought Hyun Jung was being setup to a fall for a second lead, Woo Young, that only likes Mi Rae. Hyun Jung and Woo Young have great chemistry! Not to mention I genuinely think they would be great together. I have faith that the writer will skip Hyun Jung and Mi Rae's friendship breaking up over Woo Young, but instead let Hyun Jung and Woo Young become a couple. They're clearly becoming friends!Speaking of friends. Kyung Suk and Mi Rae are clearly becoming great friends. That whole shirt changing thing proves that Kyung Suk knows how Mi Rae thinks! I love the conversations these two have together!

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feb 21, 2019

5/10 - Ye Hua would know where his son was!

There is something that always indicated sloppy writing to me. When a character does something that is so uncharacteristically like them to move a plot along. For instance. Ye Hua is a smother-hen. Bai Qian is gone in the mortal realm anywho. Ye Hua would definitely have a guard on his son. 24/7! Just the fact that he's left alone with out favorite tree spirit is a joke. Bad writing to move the plot along. Xuan Nu is insane as a villain. Bai Qian has done nothing to her, but be nice and she's out for revenge. I'm also wondering if Xuan Nu doesn't know that the little Riceball is the Crown Prince? I mean, what can she be thinking. Not to mention where the crap is Li Jing? Not to mention if Li Jing is not around wouldn't someone give him a heads up on his crazy ass wife? I mean she's been holding on to her dead son for 300 years! She should be on some kind of crazy watch. That said Ye Hua is really pushing the boundaries with Bai Qian. He's almost a bully! Though I understand he's impatient to get the woman he loves back. Though he shouldn't assume it's all clear for him. Though it's clear Bai Qian is interested. Ye Hua is clearly trying to figure out how to keep her happy with out exposing her to the evil of the Celestial Realm and palace. After Ye Hua's push to sleep with Bai Qian for the night I really thought that was hickey and not a scar!! It really looked like one. Other random note I think Bai Qian makes a great master! So I think it was very clear how the trail of beauty was gonna go. However, I didn't quite expect Dijun to be the beauty who falls into the water and Feng Jiu would save him! It's all so sweet and I'm glad things in the mortal realm are turning out much better for Dijun and Feng Jiu then Bai Qian's trail. *knock on wood* This episode was a lot of fun! I think Xuan Nu's evil plots could have been put on the back burner. Or better done.

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feb 20, 2019

7/10 Very good.

I took an obscene amount of notes for this episode! Because I thought there were so many important bits. Like the emphasis on the tea that Bai Qian was served before she apparently fell asleep and Riceball ran off. To a brothel! Ha-ha. What a little joker. He may have accidentally gone in there, but he knew something was up after. It's kind of fun Bai Qian was the catalystfor that and no a man. Too funny. I really thought someone had dosed her tea though with all the Ghost Tribe assassination attempts. Which I believe is all a setup. Man has Su Jin become elevated! She's got two evil villain songs. It's weird she's become one horrendous and amazing villain, but I still can't stand watching her most of the time. They need to cut back on her dialogue and screen time. I ain't watching for her, but I get she's the reason there is so much strife. However, she went to crazy new lengths. I mean to frame someone for raping you just to keep Ye Hua there for a couple of days. WTF! It's horrible. She needs to be checked into a mental institute. Not to mention that Heavenly Father new what was going on, but wanted to still strike at his Second Son to make a point for the fact that he's happy in life. Because that's an insult to him? I mean. Heavenly father actually thinks rape and falling in love are the same crime!? Holy cow. No wonder the people in the Celestial Realm are fudged up! "You were merely kissed once or twice."
Can I just say how much I love this more transparent Ye Hua. He is so sweet with Bai Qian. It's touching he realizes that he has to make her fall in love with him again. On the other hand I am a bit bothered he realizes it's a good thing she can't remember due to his betrayal of her. Still I'm enjoying it. The way he just leapt out of no where to protect her from a handsy mortal, and then steals those kisses. >_< At least Ye Hua realizes that he fudged up bad when she was a mortal.So beyond the disciples more deities were attacked. Or is it just all deities that were once disciples? Though the list who knew Bai Qian was a disciple is very short. This new story is interesting and I'm wondering who is trying to cause strife between the Ghost Realm and Celestial Realm. So Feng Jiu has been in the mortal realm for 2 years now. It moved me when Dijun admitted he felt snared by her and avoided her. Their whole interaction was so sweet and intense. I love how Feng Jiu shyness pleased him. At least the core Dijun is there. So the Star Lord is mapping his mortal life. I'm wondering if Dijun planned for Feng Jiu to be part of it then? Or if the Star Lord is definitely going a bit off the map? At least it hasn't turned into a nightmare like Bai Qian's mortal life.

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feb 17, 2019

7/10 Very good.

Yikes. So Su Jin is relying on her status becoming higher by becoming the Heavenly Father's consort. She's lucky he's only going to honor her role as consort in name. Though I wish she'd smarten up and listen to her step-mom. She needs to find a man who loves her. If Ye Hua hasn't developed those kinds of feeling in 70,000 years, then he's not going to. This is a trope in dramas I hate so much! So much! Moving on I love the Ghost Princess, but it looks like Xuan Nu is going to through her under the bus to try and get Li Jing's love. Which is stupid. The only thing having is sister "betray" him will do is to make him even colder. Though the idiot is totally fine getting drunk and having Xuan Nu trick him again. The whole sex while wearing Bai Qian's face is beyond creeping me out! Speaking of Bai Qian. She burned the house down! Holy cow! While I laughed so hard, it's still annoying how dumb she has to be made here!!!! Argh!! At least she immediately new Ye Hua was something other. Though it's interesting she leapt to the Lion instead of the Dragon. Not to mention I don't know why he couldn't trust her with his secret as the dragon. Isn't lying to her a form of betrayal? Just clue her in to kind of what you are Ye Hua! She didn't freak at the giant dragon, I think she'd love it if she knew it was you. I hate lies for the plot device. The woman always gets over it too fast and the guy doesn't grovel/apologize right. Poor Feng Jiu. She's being honest and brave to Dijun, boom! There's company to her confession! Silly girl. Always double check. Still hilarious and cute. Su Jin's schemes to be with Ye Hua are pulling him away from Bia Qian awfully fast. Not to mention she's now lost and wandering around looking for him. *sighs*

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Happy couple time! The rest of the episode no-no-no.

Ugh. The reality is that Strong Woman Do Bong Soon has been a mess with the storyline from the start. Somehow it still managed to create a very compelling story.

So first off I'm super happy with Bong Soon and Min Hyeok making it official. They're a couple! Min Min! Ha-ha. I love seeing them getting starry spacey in love with each other. True the heart thing on the beach was tacky, but it was cute. They're too cute!

The rest of this episode was dedicated to stupidity. Firstly why would no one stay with an old victim and make sure she got to her destination. Okay, so the "official" police think that the bad guy is caught. However, the other guys--Gook Du's team--think he's out there. He always goes after his missing brides. Why on earth would they ever let her be unprotected. Bong Soon? Why?

Not to mention almost every action they take with him. It's stupid. I found myself so bore with this episode.

Especially as the male leads keep telling Bong Soon not to do anything and to basically be a simple protected female lead. No. Can't work together to solve this. It also looks like MIn Hyeok will be making her a necklace with a hidden tracking device. WTF.

This is gonna go to a bad place fast for me. At least there's a chance for Min Hyeok and Bong Soon to work together on this.

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Well that as dull.

Well that as dull. Truly I miss the fun and whimsical feel of the romance. Now it's just descended into the normal dramaland, er, drama. Very typical and annoying. After all the guy once again does what he think is best for the female lead. Choosing the meanest and harshest way to do it. Instead of being truthful and letting her decide and being an equal.

Truly a shame. Not to mention it feels rushed and a 180 for the romance and development of the story. With 1 episode left guess that's the only way to do it.

On that note I love how supportive her family is. Especially Asuka's little brother. He's been so sweet this episode.

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apr 13, 2017

The shoe shot was total product placement.

The shoe shot was total product placement. But I actually like those shoes so it's all right. ^_- Moving on.

Han Kyeol's reaction to her song was at first frustrating and then turned into this amazing epic thing. I do believe that this episode helped to show him a bit more human, and that he is in fact humanly flawed. He's brash and says hurtful things first. Rarely backing down after he's done something harsh.

That flower wall that So Rim was walking along, I really hope it exists! That could turn anyone's day around. Not to mention So Rim and Han Kyeol's getting together and the scene with the kids in the park. Have they already had their first kiss? That whole scene really confused me. They did such a good job of covering up the kiss, if it was a kiss!

Jin Hyuk and Yoo Na have a very interesting relationship ahead of them. I do feel bad for Yoo Na. I like that the writing is addressing the pressures of the woman having a age limit and basically a sex symbol type of thing. It's sad, but very real.

Oh, and the quick picture swipe on the cell phones always gets me. I had to turn it off because I would always accidently take pictures.

The teachers in this show are crazy. I don't think any teacher has the right to judge a student and tell them to get out. Even in harsh Korean culture. Pretty sure he could really get in trouble. At least it's made up for by the crazy awesome home room teacher. I am glad he stood up for So Rim and even helped her out.

So the love triangle is now setup and the lies. ^_- I'm curious how Jin Hyuk will handle it. Very cool. This is definitely a solid feel good drama.

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Totally Do Bong Soon's mom's episode.

Totally Do Bong Soon's mom's episode. That woman is horrible and awesome and totally slaying it. Loved her so much in this episode. We're all on the mom's side at this point. Despite her horribleness.

Also, talk about stupid characters. Now the clever villain is way forewarned.

Min Hyeok is the winner. I'll always have second lead syndrome for Gook Doo (basically any character played by Ji Soo), but he loses again. Min Hyeok basically confessed--even more clearly--and took the cake.

Can't wait to see how she reacts. She should react well considering her Romeo and Juliet fantasies! (Hilariously awesome.)
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mar 19, 2017

I found this epiosde boring.

I found this episode boring. It was right on the cusp of emotional brilliance, but I felt like it didn't quite reach what I wanted.

That said I love the face offs between Hana and her conscience. Or "other selves". I feel like we get a taste of her devil and angel sides all at once.

It's also interesting to find Mugi more interested in Hana as she takes a step to becoming Akane. If you think about it that's what's happening. Mugi knows Akane is a man eater and that's apparently his type. Hana has taken this freaking little journey in response to Akane winning over Big Brother. She wants to become the woman that has stolen the man she desires.

I feel like these too should have realized they like each other.

Though I do have to give this episode points for pushing them in the right direction. Simply confess and move on one way or another.

I felt like too much time was spent on the pigtailed girl. It showed that Mugi may be a bit better than Hana that he turned her down. Though she was just a silly tangent that wasted an episode.

Overall I'm curious if the confessions will just be over with, or turn into a poop storm of awesome and glorious messed-up-ness. Bring it.

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mar 17, 2017

I love it when the second leads become tentaive freinds!

I love it when the second leads become tentaive friends! Especially when they can hang out with the female lead and have a good time. It means more when the male leads know more about each other. Because it feels more human. I loved the whole eating scene and them all having fun together. Ki Tae also gets a glimpse of how wonderful it is to not be alone.

The moving thing was that Ki Tae realized how scary and horrifying the situation would be for Jang Mi. The way he rushed over. Though Yeo Reum's cute "none' confession was so cute! I like that he knows what is going on, but still wants to pursue Jang Mi. He's very open about liking her. No hesitation to comfort her. That's why I have it bad for him!

Though this episode does a good job of showing how well Ki Tae and Jang Mi know one another. It's not just him rushing to rescue her. Their conversations on the phone and teamwork. Not to mention how they're unconsciously manipulating each other. Not like his mom, but just to a nudge.

Which leads me to thoughts of whether or not Ki Tae's mom knows she's being so deftly manipulated by Se Ah. Man Se Ah is such a scary second lead. Because she ensnares and forces people to do what she wants.

My heart broke a bit for Hyun Hee. Especially since Hoon Dong acted so childish when he found out about Jang Mi and Yeo Reum, and assuming she is involved with Ki Tae as well. The way he so willingly broke Hyun Hee's heart to get back at Jang Mi. It ticks me off how upset he is when he was so willing to toss her love aside and then turns around claiming he loves her. When he just wants her because other men now want her.

The best moment had to be Yeo Reum and Ki Tae sleeping together! Especially when Ki Tae wakes up to find out who his surprise snuggle partner is. Ha-ha! Even making sure that Yeo Reum's bottom half is clothed. Ha-ha! He wants Jang Mi not you Ki Tae!

I do have complaint about Jang Mi not being able to see around her. The guys seemed fine when they got there and waited to pull out their phones as lights. She also went to a dark place instead of where light could come in. Maybe her absolute fear of being left alone made her blind? You know fear taking over and ruining rational thought. Either way a bit lame as it's not full addressed.

That was annoying female damsel thing, but I do like how much role reversal this drama has! Such as wrist grabbing for all ages, the girls have been initiating quite a few kisses, females giving piggyback rides, and so on. It's so refreshing. Not to mention that this is a bit more mature than standard dramas.

The ending is the kicker though. As Ki Tae realizing looking at Jang Mi sleeping with her head on Yeo Reum that his heart is picking up. Is it true emotion? He's not okay because he realizes he might be falling for Jang Mi? Or will pure denial take over.

How am I going to get over how stinking cute and awesome Yeo Reum and Jang Mi are together! What a wonderfully developed love triangle.

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mar 17, 2017

Ah, backstory and character building.

Ah, backstory and character building. At least Yeo Reum won't remain a mystery ever! Oh, and we're treated to another piggyback ride reversal. Speaking of reversals I love the idea that Jang Mi is the one going between love interest. (You know like the male lead normally does.) However, here's isn't sneaky. Ki Tae set it up and Jang Mi has been trying to get out of it. She has no romantic interests at all and she's tried to break it off so many times. She's not hiding that she likes and wants Yeo Reum.

It was also very cute how Jang Mi stood up for her friend. I think going and facing off with Hoon Dong was a great idea. However, she should have just warned him to either end things swiftly or treat her friend right. Hyun Hee is clearly got her own mind and she be allowed to blunder. She knew everything going in.

Se Ah could be seen as the typical female lead. However, I like that why things won't work out is because Ki Tae realized that he'd be marrying his mother. Before they were even married she was trying to micro manage him and one up him so she would have power of him. Just like Jang Mi said, "I think I know now . . . why he wants to live alone so badly." Phew, with a family like that and almost marrying Se Ah I totally get it. I don't think Se Ah just wants his sperm either, it's simply another trap.

Though he should just give up that apartment and get his own place. I get that it has very strong feelings for that place, but he'd solve a lot of his problems by getting a place only he knew about and could enter. He's already living alone, why not just be smart?

Besides the obvious ways of getting out of this situation. "Yes I won't let you ever marry me off. I'm moving to a place you'll never find out about. I can take solace in real kiss scenes. Though I am a bit disappointed about how Ki Tae and Jang Mi finally locked lips. I wanted it to be because passion took over and they HAD TO DO IT! I'll still hold out for it. This one wasn't bad, clearly Ki Tae suddenly got into it and they both decided it wasn't a bad idea.

I really like the adult feel and themes of this drama. Not to mention making the stereotypical characters well fleshed out with motives! Yeah!

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