This was a really interesting take on time travel, with the father traveling back only 24 hours. It reminded me of the type of time travel in the 2014 Japanese drama 'Sutekina Sen Taxi' , traveling back to fix one mistake. It manages to be both x-rated with some super hot man on man scenes, whilst also being extremely sweet and tackling some big issues with sexuality, family relations and suicide. I wasn't expecting this to have much more than smut value after watching the trailer but I was pleasantly surprised. A must watch for boys love and fantasy fans. Also the sex scenes don't leave much to the imagination, being very graphic with some very hot guys.
Really liked it more than I thought. It's funny seeing us English as the bad guys for once, especially as it was pretty much a Japanese James Bond. Not that it's a bad thing. As soon as the woman showed up I knew the plot but I'm a big fan of early Bond and this felt very similar, much better than new Bond. Plus Kame....he never ceases to amaze me. Was trying to imagine an English pop star playing a role like this, or even being a good actor. There were a few times when the English guys sounded very American but not really a big problem. The secondary characters were also good, and I'm sure if there is a sequel they'll be more developed. All in all watching this made me smile a lot, a good Saturday night in. I give it a 9, not necessarily based on anything rational rather just how much fun I had watching the film, especially as I don't normally like to sit and watch a film. I prefer the pacing of a story more in line with dramas.
I am a massive fan of the Garo franchise, and as usual this series has amazing fight choreography, especially for the finale. Inoue Masahiro was amazing as the villain, though some of the other acting was not as great. I did find the pacing to be a bit off, especially in the second half of the series. The supporting character lacked a lot of the charisma of those from 'The One Who Shines in Darkness', and Rian 's character seemed to have devolved slightly. As a series goes it's pretty good especially for the action but I don't feel it matches up to some of the other seasons in the franchise.