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Stairway to Heaven korean drama review
Stairway to Heaven
12 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by pattyrn4
ott 1, 2013
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10.0
Attori/Cast 10.0
Musica 10.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10.0
This is one of the old, classic "slow burn" love stories that is so memorable for its intense love, mesmerizing music, and unforgettable pain. At times the story is corny, impossible, repetitive; however the love between Kwan Sang Woo and Choi Ji Woo make it all believable. It is a copy of the hugely successful Winter Sonata that started my K drama obsession. STH is my favorite drama, after my "happy fix" Autumn's Concerto. The characters were superb. At first I thought Shin Hyun Joon was too old to be cast as the stepbrother, but his acting won me over. Every minute of this drama is romance, not a lot of silly fillers. So if you like Romance, you won't be disappointed. Warning: you won't be able to get the music or love story out of your head afterwards!
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