Golden Journey...
Contrary to the summary that mistakenly reminds one of communist propaganda series, is a very light-hearted series about the life of train employees who live together in a small neighborhood and go through small and big adventures. From the meeting about the theft of Mr. Wu's chickens to solving the problem of buying eight Phoenix brand bicycles for Sai Xuan's wedding. We can see everyone and couples who get married in this neighborhood and their love story on television.
This series has romance. The romance of the series is not much, but it is very charming and beautiful; But the most important and main point was Wang Xin's relationship with Makoi. A special student teacher relationship. Like a real father and son who go through many adventures together and learn many things from each other. We see how this old teacher guides his student and how he cares for the small and big people around him in his own way. Like the blind old man who was looking for his daughter or the shepherd who always waited at the station for Makoi to send him something.
You are going to live with this neighborhood. This series has all kinds of things in it. It never stops surprising you. Of course, in his own way. It's like riding a train for several years and living with its employees. It's like a train journey of several hours that you get off at the end of time and say goodbye...
The osts of the series are wonderful... especially the retirement speech of Sai Schwan, which made me cry at the same time as that ost played...
This series has romance. The romance of the series is not much, but it is very charming and beautiful; But the most important and main point was Wang Xin's relationship with Makoi. A special student teacher relationship. Like a real father and son who go through many adventures together and learn many things from each other. We see how this old teacher guides his student and how he cares for the small and big people around him in his own way. Like the blind old man who was looking for his daughter or the shepherd who always waited at the station for Makoi to send him something.
You are going to live with this neighborhood. This series has all kinds of things in it. It never stops surprising you. Of course, in his own way. It's like riding a train for several years and living with its employees. It's like a train journey of several hours that you get off at the end of time and say goodbye...
The osts of the series are wonderful... especially the retirement speech of Sai Schwan, which made me cry at the same time as that ost played...
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