I appreciate this movie
The film is very similar in theme to another Korean film, Suddenly Last Summer, which is repulsion and attraction. But here, the director of such excellent and award-winning films as Night Flight and No Regret, this theme is upgraded almost to the maximum. Two young men have an intimate relationship during their military service and release their sexual energy. Youn Young has now left the army and is not so sure of his orientation and no longer wants to be in the presence of Gi Tae-ho, who has to stay in the army and is very uneasy about losing Young-a. A psychological drama ensues, the plot of which I will not describe, but I want to highlight above all the good work of both actors, they reached almost to the bottom, not only by being naked, but also by rolling in disgusting mud. Life is often cruel and when we lose someone, how often does it make us act desperate, and for that I appreciate the film.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
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Sensitive and gentle
The film is successful and very different. And you really need to keep an open mind and not jump to conclusions right away. All three characters were engraved in my soul, and not only because of the way the actors portrayed them, but also thanks to the fate of Pol, I raised the original rating of the story from 8 to 9.The music was sensitively chosen and perfectly suited to the style and character of the project, the processing was very fine and its highlight was the scene of Pol and Migs making love. Beautiful experience.
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Na tento film je potřeba se nejdříve připravit, něco si přečíst, proč byl vyroben, v jaké době. Pokud k němu přistoupí Evropan jen tak, může se film jevit jako totální blbina. Ale dle mě opak je pravdou. Film vznikl na základě námětu o soukromé armádě Yukio Mishima (o Mishimovi zde máme výborný filmový hraný dokument - Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters). Příběh sleduje především Shinoharu, japonského mladíka rekrutovaného do Mitaniho milice. Co všechno ho čeká a jak to dopane se dozvíte v tomto snímku s jemným nádechem parodie, kdy se Shinoharu postupně podvolí vyčerpávajícímu režimu homosexuálních orgií, které mají i ledasco zakrýt. Usmál jsem se např. u druhé erotické scény, kdy jednomu z těch dvou zřejmě narostl falus mezi hrudní kostí a pupkem. Poselství snímku je zřejmé, ale já vnitřně moc s postoji Mishima nesouhlasím, ale nijak to neovlivnilo mé hodnocení. Je to jeden z malých střípků gay historie východní Asie, o který bychom neměli přijít.
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Tento film, alespoň pro mě, má velkou hodnotu. Je totiž úplně jiný, než na co jsem z Thajska s BL linkou zvyklý. Je o třech bytostech, tak rozdílných, z barmsko-thajského pomezí, konkrétně část děje zabíhá (i zpětně) do separatistické barmské provincie Šan (Shan), kde je pro některé život hodně krutý, navíc vše podtrženo i tím, že zrovna oba dva státy (Myanmar a Thajsko) nemají úplně ideální zahraničně-politický vztah, je protkán i ostatními postavami a příběh mě obohatil. Wan, později Sorn, má v Šanu tíživý život, nejdříve mezi mnichy, potom v barmské armádě, se mermomocí chce dostat do Thajska a co všechno musí podstoupit. Nevadilo mi ani to, že erotika se odvíjela maximálně doteky, což mi tentokráte hodnotu filmu jen umocnilo. Zajímavé hodně, i když snímek neosloví asi všechny diváky.
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Historický příběh z dávné Číny, kdy mezi dvěma muži vzniká něco víc. Byl natočen jemně, téměř něžně, i když v příběhu samotném nechybí zrada, potupa, krutost, bolest i smrt. Obě hlavní postavy Li Yu i Long Yang zahrány skvěle a bylo využito všech drobných možností, aby mezi nimi "něco" bylo tak, aby to nepřekročilo rudé "gay nařízení" (především i v závěrečných titulcích na malé obrazovce). Chang Quin, i když hraje v příběhu zápornou postavu, je také nepřehlédnutelná, díky své dokonalé kráse. Zpracování velmi solidní.
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I like pinoy movies
I definitely do not recommend this film to local critics, don't waste your time, definitely watch something else, because the camera work, especially in the first short story, is amateurish. But maybe it was on purpose. But that doesn't mean that I agree with the fact that someone's evaluation slips only into Buran homophobia, then the film is not evaluated as such, but an attitude towards something completely different. But for me, the film has its charm, above all in the fact that here I feel the pursuit of humanity, simplicity, the search for truth, what I like about Pinoy films, even if they do not reach the sky, the fact that Filipinos are open in the field of sexuality and above all, what I was very surprised about, several human truths appear in the translation, and I also appreciate that. I will definitely return to the film sometime and it was translated into Czech in the Czech Republic...Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Nepoštěstí se všem párům na světě spolu žít ve vztahu jako holubičky od začátku až do smrti. Tasuki a Yudai jsou párem, kterým se to podařilo a nastal soudný den pro toho druhého. Film hodně lidský, jiný, svým způsobem krásný až roztomilý ve svých šťastných vzpomínkách i dnem smrti smutný zároveň. Nemám víc, co bych dodal ...
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Dal bych nejraději "Určitě doporučuji", ale film je tak zvláštní, téměř o ničem a zároveň o všem, téměř nic se v něm neděje a přeci děje ... více nebudu prozrazovat, toto mohlo vzniknout pouze na Taiwanu. Skrytá nádhera od člověka, který tento malý příběh napsal i zrežíroval ...
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The plot of the film takes place in 2013, two years before this novel. Jim lives with Mike, who is from Malaysia, and subsequently everyone probably already knows what will happen.
Where the Taiwanese keep getting new and new actors .... very well acted, believable, natural, as if the two really lived together, only these two characters appear in the film ... and the ending (!)
V roce 2015 Taiwan schválil novelu zákona, že cizinci infikováni virem HIV a žijící na Taiwanu již nebudou deportováni pryč ze země.
Děj filmu se odehrává v r. 2013, dva roky před touto novelou. Jim žije s Mikem, který je z Malajsie a následně už asi všichni tuší, jaký bude děj.
Kde ti Taiwanci berou stále nové a nové herce .... moc hezky zahrané, uvěřitelné, přirozené, jako by ti dva spolu opravdu žili, ve filmu vystupují jen tyto dvě postavy ... a ten konec (!)
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Somewhere I Have Never Travelled
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
Tak trošku "jiný" film oproti tunám ostatních. Lehký, jemný i dojemný, smutný ... Popisující lidské osudy, tíhu žití, touhu. Hudba příjemná, mnohdy dokonale ladící s filmovými obrazy, zpracování mě rovněž zaujalo, rovněž tak pohnutý příběh bratrance - postavu hrál Austin (Po Hung) Lin, který jako jeden ze dvou hlavních herců není v Podrobnostech uveden. Snímek, i když není zcela nový, stále může mnohé diváky oslovit.
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Ač se zdá být tento film jednoduchý, tak nese moc krásné poselství života samého. Použiji citát uvedený na MDL: "Je stěstí říci, když jsi už starý šedovlasý člověk, že ten, koho miluješ od mládí, stále leží vedle tebe". Hrají dva sympatičtí, ba přímo krásní mladí Číňané, a škoda jen, že LGBTQ+ tématika nesmí být v této zemi více propagována, co by to s 1,4 miliardy lidí muselo být za studnici ... když jen "mini Čína" s touto tématikou mává a obšťastňuje celý LGBTQ+ svět (Taiwan, 26mil obyvatel). Sděleno moc hezky, jemně a s nadhledem. To, co potká jen nemnohé páry, jako párek labutí, je nádhera, dar ...
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Complex excellent film
I didn't read the reviews and played the movie and after a while I wanted to delete it because I thought it was like snot dragging crap. I haven't done it yet!!! A difficult film and not for everyone... to perceive, to watch, but once you get on the ropes, you already know for sure that this is a completely extraordinary film. I'm still thinking about it, and the more and with the distance (I saw it two days ago), the higher I want to give it, and I gradually realize how much the creators of this film actually conveyed through the slow shell of processing. Relatively boring, dragging plot, impersonal and cold relationships, recurring pacific monsoons... and a high rating from me and you can judge me all you want.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
Excellent movie
In the beginning, I watched a "politically motivated" movie, the communist faction, and I thought that it wouldn't be for me. And damn it was.You have to work your way through that beginning. Politics gradually disappeared from the screen during the story and the deep life story of Jun (the great Sid Lucero, whom I also know from the excellent Filipino film Selda) came to the fore, as I followed him gradually over the years and other main characters include Errol and Roland (here on MDL, these characters are not mentioned by mistake) and the other secondary roles are also etched in my memory. When I thought about the political development of the Philippines and watched the GAY LINE OF THE STORY in particular, and we all know that in the past people of minority orientation did not have it easy (often even today), it was quite a strength, a deep experience. I understand that, for example, older generations will be put off by the "communist" beginning and or the heterosexual gay line, when the actors had to submit to quite sexually explicit scenes (somewhere I'm confused whether the Philippine censors didn't even ban or cut out a part in 2010), which were very convincing, I didn't mind that the creators couldn't "age" Errol more towards the end of the film, it didn't detract from the deep story, after all, Errol's older son at the end of the film was actually a year older than his "dad". A really powerful experience for me and it's a shame that 13 years ago technology wasn't at such a high level and the film has an "old" look ...
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Suddenly Last Summer
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Repulsion and attraction
Repulsion and attraction ... that's how I would characterize this "long" short film. However, forcing favor in such a way was too much for me, and I did not celebrate the very end in my mind as much as the other viewers. But it was played very solidly, above all I appreciated the character of the teacher, who found herself in a rather unsolvable situation. The second cheeky character of the student was also portrayed very well, but I didn't trust the "minor" so much when in reality he was ten years older. An above-average film for its time.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
This very special, visceral series, elaborated in detail, caught my attention right from the beginning. Processing one or two levels higher than other series from this area, especially the fights seemed more than precise, truly. Sky and Sun, two young men, so different in origin, in addition to the side couple Bank - Pitch and neither the two girls who did not act like bushes in the series - even though they actually played the poor girls (and with Toktaeng, almost no one would have guessed her real age , partly also at Pitch-e ?, that's the "secret" of the Thais...). I evaluate comprehensively how the entire series affected me, I overlook the little things compared to the whole (the "bad" mobster, the final completely unnecessary separation of several years) which are unimportant, I don't need to prove my smallness by constant criticism. On the other hand, Sky, who is controversial as an actor for some viewers, also attracted me, in an original way, in a different way, with his strange facial expressions, the fact that he actually looks completely ordinary, I believed him. Absolutely great experience for me.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?