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Pit Babe thai drama review
Pit Babe
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by femslashedtires
feb 11, 2024
13 di 13 episodi visti
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.0
Attori/Cast 8.5
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5

by golly they had a Vision and they did it

I've watched Pit Babe twice through now, and I still think it's some of the most fun I've had in BL. I think what makes this show such a good time is that it absolutely nails a niche genre. While omegaverse fiction has a very particular... public image (?) there's a very specific set of tropes and tone to these stories that Pit Babe absolutely nails. From the over-the-top plot, to the fated connection of the partners, to the mostly silly half-explained powers, to family/pack dynamics, this team has done a pretty incredible job adapting what is largely considered niche porn into an entertaining story with pretty wide appeal. I have truly never had more fun tuning in each week to see what they were going to throw at us next.

-The Full Review-

Pit Babe is... a little silly. The story quickly assumes a soap-opera adjacent tone with several secret siblings and evil family empires and sabotage plots... you get the idea. Unlike many BLs, however, Pit Babe succeeds in consistent tone and commitment that allows the reader to get absorbed into this heightened world. There's an intentionality to the goofier aspects that lets the audience laugh *with* the story, not at it. It's not meant to be too serious.
Despite this, the show does a wonderful job of crafting some truly compelling characters (especially in Babe and Charlie). Where the omegaverse plots gets a tongue-in-cheek humor, the characters get absolute care and heart. One of the most intriguing aspects of this screenplay is the way the story does not allow you to celebrate the downfall of those who have betrayed Team X-Hunter, instead focusing carefully on the guilt and loss the remaining members.
My only wish for the Pit Babe plot is that it was a little bit neater. It seems like the team was trying not to acknowledge the more controversial aspects of the omegaverse, and frequently left important plot points unexplained as a result. Watching live, I got the benefit of information from fans who had read the source material. While the actors and production team clearly did intend to reference these events, I'm not sure the plot always made it clearly to the screen. Additionally, the product placement was simply insane.

I find it genuinely difficult to judge the acting of this show, so let's start with the basics: All of the actors are perfectly competent. As an ensemble, there were no weak links or irritating cast members. It was easy to see the genuine chemistry and friendship of this cast on screen in a way that served the story's focus on found/created family. As loyalties started shifting and we got some unexpected team ups, they ably carried a sense of history extending beyond the timeline of the show itself. Among the supporting roles, Garfield and Benz were particular stand outs, giving such a fun and complete life to characters that had a relatively small amount of lines.
Beyond this... I was a little torn? I was genuinely very charmed by most of the actors! In particular, Pavel, Pooh, Nut, and Spy have gained a very genuine fan in me. But I didn't always feel that they pulled off a natural performance. I was just a hair too aware of the actor making choices behind the character to be truly pulled into some of the most intense scenes. I would have liked to see the production take the time required to let these fairly new actors really get into the scene. I hope the success of Pit Babe allows their next productions (which I will definitely be watching!) a bit more room in the shooting schedules.

Pit Babe was making some strong decisions in the production departments, goodness. I should say first, it's definitely watchable. You won't find oddly empty rooms, terrible shirt mics, and other hallmarks of genuinely poor production here. But my god, did the design teams make some baffling choices. My personal beef lies with the props department that let that travesty of a gravestone get a several-minutes long close up without covering all the seams, but there is a special place in my heart for the costume team that put Way in three separate jackets on the same day too. While it doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the show, it *was,* at times, distracting.

Hm. Here's the thing: Pavel and Pooh have been open about the fact that the NC scenes in Pit Babe were not particularly thoroughly choreographed, overly relying on cast members in an already vulnerable position to essentially improv... and I think it shows. While Pavel and Pooh had some truly excellent scenes that clearly had a lot of thought and story behind them, Spy and Pon were treated to a very odd pose-to-pose montage without a lot of direction or purpose behind it.
I want to be clear here: I don't blame the actors at all. I mean to say that Pavel and Pooh have pulled off something beautiful in the face of unwarranted obstacles, not that Spy and Pon have "failed" in anyway. But on a personal level, I don't agree with this style of direction. It's the creators responsibility to support and protect their actors, and I don't like seeing signs of their insecurity and discomfort making it to the screen/BTS.

In all, I think Pit Babe was fun show and great stepping stone for some overlooked talents. I enjoy rewatching, but I'm looking forward to what comes next even more.
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