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What's Wrong with Secretary Kim korean drama review
Droppato 3/16
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by emberzmars
lug 23, 2024
3 di 16 episodi visti
Generale 2.0
Storia 2.0
Attori/Cast 3.0
Musica 1.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Can't stand narcisstic boss and doormat secretary

There were so many rave reviews about What's Wrong with Secretary Kim. I had never watched Park Seo Joon's dramas so this was my first. I also watched it for Chansung because I liked him in My Holo Love.

I gave up What's Wrong with Secretary Kim after episode 3. If you are looking for boss-secretary romance drama, go watch 'The Secret Life of My Secretary'.

What I liked:
1) Supporting cast - Many wonderful actors and actresses in this drama e.g. Pyo Ye Jin, Kang Ki Young, Chansung, Hwang Bo Ra (she was captivating)

What I dislike:
1) Male lead characterisation - I couldn't stand his narcistic personality and arrogant attitude. So self-absorbed.
2) Female lead characterisation - She was a doormat. I don't understand why was she still in touch with her ex-boss after resignation. If she was required to train new secretary, then she should just handle training and not give in to boss's work demands.
3) Childhood connectrion trope - Why was this trope used when the trio had not even maintained friendship as they grew older?
4) Romance - I feel like Park Minyoung was wrongfully cast for this series. I couldn't see any "romantic sparks" between her and Park Seo Joon.

Favourite scene
The only memorable scene from the 3 episodes that I watched was the sports day.
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