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That Man Oh Soo korean drama review
That Man Oh Soo
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by chimuras
apr 25, 2018
16 di 16 episodi visti
Generale 5.0
Storia 5.0
Attori/Cast 5.0
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
First of all, to be fair, this was done by Dramafever, so please don't say Korean dramas are shit.

This drama is a fantasy romance, between a guy who is an engineer and a cafe owner, and a woman cop. The barista has inherited the ability to see "emotion" aromas coming out of individual's body, and he uses pollen from an ancient tree to help them have nice consequences. The heroine was one of his customers, who accidentally drank one of his pollen mixed coffee, and their relationship builds up. Yeah, there will be the triangle relationship, accidents, something about their parents, and eating.

The following is the reason why this drama is receiving terrible reviews:
1. The story line sucks. It had a good build up, but some scenes were too random, or sometimes skipped, that it caused confusion. Some people complained about the slow pace and unnecessary interruptions.
2. The ending sucks. Cannot spoil it, but the ending wasn't surprising at all, yet it lacked explanation.
3. Music sucks. Some scenes had mismatched BGMs.

Personally, I like the first few episodes. Misunderstanding, cuteness, jealousy and cringe... these type of things. But after a certain point (you will know lol), you will be like "Wha?", and then starts commenting.
To be honest, it is fun too watch if you want to witness the cute couple, ignoring the story line. This is drama is for those who just want to kill time by watching drama, instead of watching YouTube.
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