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City of Angels chinese drama review
City of Angels
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by cherishbabe
mag 12, 2015
38 di 38 episodi visti
Generale 5.0
Storia 6.0
Attori/Cast 6.0
Musica 3.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Decided to write here as no synopsis was mentioned and I really want to share with ppl what I watched and what is it about ^_^ My rating is strictly based on my age versus the matureness of this drama. :) Story: summary : mature story of this 3 women, whom have known each other since UNI and since then, how they have married and how's their life thereafter it may make you think that it seems to be in between "sex and the city"and "desperate housewife"but on a more mellow and low humour and draggy plot honestly, I do not like the story - maybe cos I am not married and cant unstand more on the problem they faced and find it boring on their everyday make endsmeet plot (if you know what I mean) I still watch till the end as I really do not wish to drop any drama if I can. Cast: The Cast was ok... they have very 'real' emotions and day-to-day life portrayed out to the audiences. Music: nothing special caught my ears .... Rewatch Value: NOPE Watch if you like :- :- real life couple/family making ends meet to this cruel but realistic society :- if you encounter such life happenings and would want to see and find an answer to life (maybe??) :- family oriented environment
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