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The Guardians korean drama review
The Guardians
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by CharityAmis
ago 15, 2017
32 di 32 episodi visti
Generale 9.5
Storia 10.0
Attori/Cast 9.5
Musica 10.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 10.0
I literally just took off half a point because Young Kwang smiled too many times. Until by the end, the impact of those smiles kind of lost steam. It just seemed a bit over the top for him to celebrate with that gorgeous smile everytime he advanced in his plan. Same with the evil kid. I just think they could have varied those facial expressions. Otherwise, fantastic drama. Young Kwang did great with his adorable self. Perfect for the role. Everyone else did really great as well. I love the story, marathoned this in like 2 days just because I had some work to do in between. Probably could have got it in one. Music was my favorite. And I am positive I will rewatch this several times over. Just a really great drama.
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