Cute and Unconventional in Some Ways
I decided on the whim to watch this, I was not sure especially after looking at the Kdrama cutesy pink poster if it will end up being too childish. It is a light romantic comedy but I like some of the unconventional direction it has taken so far. It looks like the ML was picked for the mobster role cause well he kinda looks like one, his look is unique and not idol like by far. Doesn't mean he isn't good looking in his own way, he certainly fits the part of what you would think of as a villain bad guy mobster. Even the way he speaks, its like the Korean version of the Marlon Brando of Godfather! LOL! At times its raspy and with a slight menacing tone to it. He is in contrast to the cutesy bubble gum FL who is the typical cherry and kind hearted character in these romantic comedies. He was a former mafia boss who went to jail and is trying to reform by doing legit stuff like running a food company while she's a struggling social influencer/marketer with children. Somehow, through a series of fated encounters they end up meeting each other. While it is light and bubbly and not meant to be realistic, it does gently probe our stereotypes of criminals and mobsters, do our preconceived notions of them mean they are far from ever being reformative much less a romantic lead to a FL who is completely opposite of him? There are some plot holes and would have like to see the romance build up more slowly at least on the ML's part. The ML doesn't seem to carry the inner darkness that we typically see in mobster criminal types but this is a comedy and it is refreshing they are flipping it around with a ML who is anything but conventional.
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