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Maggy Moonchild

World --> Europe

Maggy Moonchild

World --> Europe
2 Moons thai drama review
2 Moons
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by Maggy Moonchild
ago 29, 2019
12 di 12 episodi visti
Generale 4.5
Storia 7.0
Attori/Cast 4.5
Musica 1.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
This was my first BL drama AND my first Thai drama, so I was really hoping for something great, especially as the actors are really nice to look at. But unfortunately that's all about all they're good at...

The story itself is great, with some really nice twists in the end which make the story not your typical hate to love story.

The cast is, as I already said, really nice to look at. But the ACTING is a disaster... At least God is really a bad actor here. While Bas and the others do a pretty alright job, God is just so off.

The music is annoying as hell! I wanna talk to the editor... No, no talk, just take them and shake them so they stop playing these annoying tunes at the most improper times. Ugh!

Rewatch value - 0/0

Overall, Bas did a great job and especially Kim was really good (as all the side characters). Unfortunately, God disappointed and the conversations were sometimes so damn awkward, topped off with the most annoying music. It's a pity, it could have been so good!
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