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Maggy Moonchild

World --> Europe

Maggy Moonchild

World --> Europe
The Legend of the Blue Sea korean drama review
The Legend of the Blue Sea
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by Maggy Moonchild
gen 5, 2018
20 di 20 episodi visti
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.5
Attori/Cast 10.0
Musica 10.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0
The reason why I didn't watch LOTBS while it aired is simly because I was fed up with Lee Min Ho at that time. Don't get me wrong, I really really really love The Heirs (it was my first KDram, so forgive me, I still love it!), and after watching it I had to watch (almost) all Dramas with LMH and PSH. So I did. And then I was fed up with him because honestly, all the other dramas with him (prior to The Heirs) were just not as good :( So when LOTBS came out I wasn't ready to give it a chance. But now I did, and boy, where did I get myself into!? :D I bingewatched it over the last three days, I just had to! Let's see, why:

Love ties from ancient times are the reason for a mermaid and a human man to fall in love in the recent time. What follows is a hilarious and adorable story of a mermaid coming into the human world, making crazy friendships, falling deeply in love, and ultimately making a family (partly) reunite. Sounds like a great story, right? It is! Why I took half a point of is because I am not that much into these fantasy story lines. I think it would have been enough to just let them be reborn and fall in love again, without all this mermaid stuff. Some story lines would then probably not work anymore, but still. I prefer "realistic" story lines.

Full points! The characters were all perfectly depicted, and I believed them everything. JJH was hilarious, and thanks to her I burst out into laughter several times. Also, LMH did a terrific job! He's back on my favorite actors list. But also all the supporting characters were great, adorable, and some I would have loved to see more often (Shin Won Ho for example, who plays Tae Oh).

Well placed and alright, not disturbing.

Rewatch Value:
This drama is really beautiful and funny, but I don't think that I will rewatch it any time soon. Ultimately, I don't rewatch dramas very often. The only two dramas that I rewatched so far are The Heirs (and I only rewatched like the last 6 episodes) and DOTS (all of it). So I am simply not a rewatcher :D

An almost perfect drama, with tiny flaws, but great acting, and many (great) surprises =)
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