Continuation of TTEOM❤️❤️❤️
I love the story Love Is Sweet ❤️ after the heartbreaking movie of TTEOM. The male and female leads are more compatible-looking at a glance. The chemistry between Leo and Bai Lu is just awesome. It was a great movie capturing the feelings of first love and high-school friendship. Bai Lu is a very talented, cute, beautiful actress. Her beauty is beyond words, she is truly a gorgeous girl. Her talent is unmatched. Blending humor, adult themes, and a sweet, artistic style, every page delivers. Also, unlike other c-dramas where physical contact is already rare, this series has more than enough non-public PDA moments that are spread pretty evenly throughout. Unrealistic of course, but good for viewership.Questa recensione ti è stata utile?
#白鹿 #任嘉伦 愿世间所有美好,都恰逢其时
他们严重影响了我的生活 ❤️ 时时刻刻都想看 ❤️ 希望任嘉伦每部戏的女主都是白鹿他们在一块太搞笑了。别的CP入不了眼❤️我的辰时啊,从此之后我的眼里没有哪对CP能超越 ❤️ 是唯一一对只能磕剧CP的CP吧 ❤️真的就一眼就看出来白鹿和任嘉伦的cp感更强 ❤️ 喜欢他俩剧外的氛围,只有他俩,别人融不进去。❤️ 希望他们可以再合作,有生之年。❤️ 屏幕上这么多对,演员这么多,唯独这一对,实在太搭太配了!❤️ 国超与其他女星的cp感已经down为0了。❤️ CP感真的就是玄学,越看越觉得他和白鹿更搭。❤️ 辰时现在就是一种情绪的存在,看了那么多类型的剧,还没有哪一部,让我觉得如此刻骨铭心,除了剧情的意难平和精湛的演技,成就了如此美好的辰时外,有一点可以确定,当下所倾入的情感是真心的,这也是为啥好磕的缘故!❤️ 这一部,他俩明明什么都没做,但我感觉他俩爱彼此爱疯了,神了!❤️ 他俩的眼神戏,真的是太让我心动了。我现在从早上到晚上,一直在刷他俩。❤️ 跪求二位再合作一部古装 ❤️ 人生的悲喜都在這麼優秀的劇組團隊實現了~超級好聽量身定做OST 醉了 愛了。 ❤️ 只能说周生如故和一生一世太毒了,我也出不来,不想看别的了。❤️Questa recensione ti è stata utile?