"If you like me, raise your hand. If you don't like me, raise your standards." - Unknown |
PREFERENCES Crime - Mystery - Thriller - Romance | Likes | Dislikes | - Mature, communicative leads
- Protective alpha male leads
- Sweet, capable heroines
- Sexy, steamy kisses & chemistry
- Action, crime, thriller with a healthy dose of romance
- Arthouse films
| - Simp male leads
- Love triangles
- Lack of romance where it naturally should occur
- Lack of natural kissing & other physical interaction
- Dramas about desperate housewives in acrimonious relationships
- Rom coms with no substance
- Sad/tragic endings & misleading endings
My average score for dramas is 6. For movies, it's 7.
A rating above 6 & 7 respectively, usually indicates something about the drama/movie stood out.
10: High artistic merit meets emotional resonance (Masterpiece)/Spectacular dopamine boost
9: Memorable, 8: Enjoyable/Enjoyable enough (8-), 7: Good/Decent (7-), 6: Mediocre, but watchable/OK
5: Problematic/Disappointing, 4: Waste of Time/Dislike, 3: Poor, 2: Piss Poor
1: Irredeemable Mess/Catastrophic Disaster
2020 Alphabet Challenge
2020 Watch Challenge
2019 Watch Challenge
2019 52 Week Drama Challenge