I rly liked this drama. Even though the story stands out & the actors were the best. I am just not sure if this can compare 2 other drama's that I have watched this season. I have 2 say that it fulfilled all my requirements 4 a good drama. Good story, amazing actors, but something was missing. I am not sure what, but something.........
I swear if Jang Geun Seok gets ne hotter the world will be n trouble ov being set on fire. His smile z just killer & when he z being arrogant....OMG his facial expression z just....IDK I don't think there r words 2 describe the feelings invoked by that man!
OK, now that I got all that out ov my system.
I think that may be what was wrong. Jang Geun Seok z just 2 good ov an actor. Not that the rest ov the cast wasn't good; I just don't think that some ov the acting was @ the same lvl his z & some ov it was kinda cheesy. Like the parts w/ Mi Ho didn't rly measure up. She either wasn't evil enough or determined enough 2 be a real prob 4 Ha Na & Seo Jun, & Hye Jung's character was just annoying. It's not like she rly did anything except make herself look bad.
All-n-all I loved this drama. When I have the urge 2 watch a heartwarming, love-filled drama I will come back 2 this b/c the ppl n love never stop loving each other. 2 me that z what love z. Overcoming those problems 2gether instead ov trying 2 solve things on ur own. Good job n making me feel comfort n strong love that z possible, instead ov a fantasy.
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