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Unicorn ni Notte japanese drama review
Unicorn ni Notte
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by L Nanon
nov 24, 2023
10 di 10 episodi visti
Generale 5.0
Storia 5.5
Attori/Cast 8.0
Musica 4.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.5

Like most startups, Unicorn ni Notte ultimately fails

It had a lot going for it out of the gate, the production looks very good and the most of the cast is pretty good. Where it falls flat is, first the FL doesn't seem like a leader at all...there's no force to her personality. Instead, she just occasionally comes up with an idea and otherwise runs around flustered. She is likeable for sure, but just slightly off the mark.

Second, she is constantly doe eyed over the older ML even though you know it's not going any further than that. To make it worse, the younger ML is constantly in the background making creepy expressions. Sure it's supposed to be jealousy but he just looks like a creeper.

Finally, there really isn't anything that leads you to the think the FL and younger ML should be a couple but at the very end that is exactly what we get. Zero romance, zero build...nothing.

The portrayal of the older guy's difficulties adjusting where a bit ham handed as well. "old school" snacks, doesn't know how to react to a "give me 10" gesture. Then the constant "at my old job" scenes. Like seriously, someone's doing a presentation and he's going to make corrections and then print it and leave it on their desk!?

It's not a bad watch and at 10 episodes it doesn't drag too much . I guess the disappointment is that it could have been so much better.
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