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Angel Eyes korean drama review
Angel Eyes
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by L Nanon
nov 1, 2020
20 di 20 episodi visti
Generale 1.0
Storia 1.0
Attori/Cast 1.0
Musica 1.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

A lot of cliches with little else

All kinds of crying covered here. Misty eyes, stray tear drops, moderate crying, hysterical sobbing. Lot's of other cliches too, car/pedestrian accidents where the pedestrian stands an interminable amount of time waiting for vehicle to get there. Or the famous - I'll push you out of the way and stand still while I get hit. Character goes away without saying anything. All rescued by stellar acting...nah...the acting isn't helping anything here...just a lot of blank expressions in between crying sessions.
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