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You're My Pet korean movie review
You're My Pet
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by kori
giu 21, 2014
Generale 7.0
Storia 6.5
Attori/Cast 7.5
Musica 5.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.0
I did not read the manga nor did I watch the drama, so watching this was from a completely neutral point of view. According to what I've read, it's far from it's roots, but as I know nothing of those roots, I'm reviewing this as a stand alone movie. Regarding the story, it was cute. The movie was extremely rushed, with little explanation for some things, and while there was potential be better, the time constraints really killed it. It was a cute movie overall; it's very lighthearted and good to watch if you just want a rom-com. I found it funny, and it was just plain fluff. But if you're watching for story, don't bother, as it was extremely choppy. The acting was good, and I thought both of the leads did well. I thinly both Kim Ha Neul and Jang Geun Suk are good actors, so um, yeah. Music was basically irrelevant, and other than one out-of-the-blue dance and song, there wasn't any music that stood out. Also, for him being a ballet dancer, there really was no dancing involved. I would rewatch this movie if I was bored. I enjoyed it because it was cute and it was funny, which is good if you're just coming off some romantic tragedies or melodramas. Overall, it wasn't that good, but it wasn't that bad either. It was fine, in my opinion and judging it as a standalone movie.
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