
  • Ultima Connessione: 6 giorni fa
  • Genere: Uomo
  • Località: Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Contribution Points: 4 LV1
  • Compleanno: April 25
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  • Data di Registrazione: novembre 2, 2016


Dhaka, Bangladesh


Dhaka, Bangladesh
When Time Stopped korean drama review
When Time Stopped
24 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
by JubayerMahmudKhan
dic 2, 2018
12 di 12 episodi visti
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.0
Attori/Cast 9.0
Musica 10.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5
It kicked with a great start ! But gone to downhill in the middle. But it's still a drama worth of your time. KHJ returned after a long long break after his controversy. I thought it'd be a boring and not exciting one at first. But this story is quite good and had me hooked up to the finish.

I just wanted you guys to know that it's a good drama ! You've seen way way worse drama than this ! It's way better ! Specially what people are describing it from my point of view ! It has some peculiar theories ! lol ...
Casting was so good, everyone was professional ! And the music in it was a blessing <3 I really like those OST they were playing in drama !

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