I started watching Korean Dramas way back in 2014, because I wanted to experience a new style of story telling. I'm aspiring to become a screenplay writer, so I watched K-Dramas purely as a way of learning a new form of story telling and understanding what I like.
But...what was an educational venture turned into a full day obsession. I would stay up till 4 in the morning finishing dramas, stalk actors I like to watch more dramas of theirs etc. Now I watch all kinds of dramas, from J-Drama, to C-Drama, to T-Drama! In fact, it was C-Drama and T-Drama that made me interested in East Asian dramas in the first place- unknowingly, I became enthralled by the dramas I watched of it on TV and gravitated towards similar ones. It's been 2 years since and I couldn't be happier :)
Everyday is a new adventure; it's so damn fascinating!