Step 1: Find amazing dramas, both upcoming, released, and already completed.
Step 2: Always add more interesting series to watchlist.
Step 3: Read the descriptions AND watch the trailer if available.
Step 4: If no review, watch for yourself. If reviewed, check out reviews from most active or anyone for their perspective and checklist matchings with yours
Step 5: Regardless, unless necessarily bad, watch series (more positive than negative reviews)
I like to watch series based on their thumbnail/series picture and descriptions, I only sometimes checkout reviews if I'm skeptical of the series, maybe the thumbnail/series picture doesn't match it's descriptions....
Step 6: Give honest reviews without spoilers.
Step 7: Check if the series had (an) update(s).
Step 8: Restart the check/stepslists.
Regardless of whatever is listed above, Always find series interesting to your taste, and also always change things up to widen your range of taste in dramas.