I think I'll prioritize movies watching my absolute negligence to dramas since October 23, let see what we can watch given my clown license. But…
2023's dramas list separated by the ones that are "out already" with the date of airing and the ones that have "no airing date…
all the actor and actress that I like, those that I want look forward at they work, as I already watched some drama from themupdated 10/01/2022…
THIS IS A LIST OF DRAMMAS THAT ARE SUPOSULLY AIRING THIS YEAR, so it's a watch list of dramas that are airing and i want to watch in the airing…
dramas that I'm not sure if I want to watch now but they have a nice plot, any year, doesn't matter
any drama that I want to watch, from any year (THAT CAN BE AT THE CURRENT YEAR UPCOMING DRAMAS OR NOT), vulgo, plan to watch mas não na lista…
a list of the search results from the tag mydramalist (SteamyKisses) up to 35 episodes, 2018-2023This is not my personal list, just a colletion…
"Lista negra" de atores e atrizes que eu não consigo superar o ranço e curtir o personagem porque eles estregam toda a roupagem quando…