Korean Dramas Not To Miss in 2016
Novità - mar 9, 2016
Can 2016 become a better year for K- dramaland?
3 Unpopular Dramas That I Liked
Editoriali - feb 20, 2016
Can a drama be good even if the majority agrees that it isn't?
Popular Dramas that I Dislike
Riassunti dei Drama - gen 27, 2016
The unpopular opinion of the drama world. Let's talk differently.
Currently Watching: House of Bluebird
Editoriali - ago 15, 2015
A family drama that tells the story of bonds between family members that are not related by blood.
Kill Me, Heal Me' Leads to Raise Funds for Child Abuse
Novità - apr 4, 2015
Inspired By "Kill Me, Heal Me", Netizens Raise Funds To Support Victims Of Child Abuse.