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korean watchlist
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chinese watchlist
new to watch
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japanese watchlist
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My Favorite Thriller/Melodrama Dramas
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thai watchlist
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long dramas i might watch eventually
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Favorite Dramas the top 15% of all the dramas ive encounterednot necessarily my highest rated dramas, but ones i remember well, enjoyed watching the most and…
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My Favorite Fantasy Dramas
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My Favorite Comedy Dramas
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filipino watchlist
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taiwanese watchlist
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Dramas to rewatch!
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My Favorite Historical Dramas
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Dramas I am hesitating to watch Dramas I want to eventually watch but am holding back from at the moment
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Some of the weirdest dramas I've watched
public list
Dramas I Need to Re-examine dramas i didn't particularly love and dramas i loved too much during watching that i think need to be re watched~