I suspected things are going downhill, and yes they did! Did i really wait for a week for this? I really wanted to like this series but they are really making it hard for me.Cliches here and there, and oh my goodness, if i watch another Thai BL with the 'i saw my bf kissing someone so i hate him and i want to breakup' scene I will just totally give up THai dramas. Comeon, dont tell me this is the only way writers in Thailand know how to create drama? Create an eff*n real conflict and develop it properly. Now it feels like Im watching a high school film project.And who the f goes swimming wearing shirts and pants. My goodness, are Thais really this prude? Its the 13th episode and all couples werent even kissing or even smacking. What is this, another SOTUS? Finally i must say, awkward acting for everyone.