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Carmen Feaster

Georgia, USA

Carmen Feaster

Georgia, USA
5 Lessons in Happiness: Homebound
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 8, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0


As the first review, I wanted to keep things simple. Based on the description, you can gather your own idea of what the story will be about. Though this was only 13 minutes long, I do feel the story should have been much longer. I have gone through 4 out of the 5 '5 Lessons in Happiness' episodes and this is the first one where I genuinely feel this would do EXCEPTIONALLY WELL AS A STAND-ALONE SERIES. Picture this:

"A woman falling out of favor with her family. At a young age, she is kicked out of her home abandoned not only by those closets to her, but her lover. After the death of her father, she returns home- initially to prove she's done well in life making it on her own, but ultimately to claim the one person she regrets leaving behind."

I mean, if that's not a 12 to 16 episode series, I don't know what is. It's a drama waiting to happen! It should be filled with heart-ache and pain, fueled by amazing backstories eventually leading to what seems to be the means to being comfortable in one's skin. I GENUINELY WANT MORE FROM THIS- from one writer to another, DON'T LET THIS ONE DOWN.

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Five Lessons in Happiness: Baby Maybe
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 8, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Simple and Lighthearted!

The story is funny and as wacky as you'd expect. If you want a quick something to watch while on break, or need a good laugh- this would be the story for you. It's not too overzealous as it could be, and I think that's best. Could I honestly see this being an actual TV Series...yes! It would be one of those dramas you watch and say, "how the hell did they end up in THAT situation?!" It would draw you in to a point where you would have to watch the next episode just to know more. All in all, it's good for what it is.
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We Best Love: Forever the First
4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 7, 2021
6 di 6 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.5


I highly recommend watching this drama. Though it is only 6 episodes long, the story line is very sweet and beautiful. Both male leads make me believe the characters have this underlying chemistry. If you're looking for something quick to watch yet want to see character development, this is the drama for you. Amazing music is a plus as well. I can't stop singing the theme song. I's really excited to see where We Best Love 2 will take us (in fact, I've already watched the first episode.)

***Theme Song is "Will you Be My Love" by Kelly Cheng (***
**But beware, the MV has more spoilers than the trailer**

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Five Lessons in Happiness: Throuple
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 8, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5

My Fellow Bi's...THEY DID WELL

Though the story may seem outlandish for some, the premise is amazing. A woman who is married, falls for her publicist. Though she is an adult doing relatively well in life, she struggles with the idea of being in love with a man and a woman at the same time. Let's face is, bisexuality gets a bad rep. We're either seen as nonexistent, greedy, selfish, or cheaters. Though this story does deal with infidelity, what matters is the struggle the main character faces: realizing she her being in love with 2 people is possible. The idea of these two people making her feel her happiest, rather they are a man or a woman, helps her accept who she is. Now for the obvious, the '5 Lessons in happiness' series is a series of shorts; this episode is nothing new. Just like the rest, it feels incomplete, but I suppose that's the point. The writers give you the opportunity to decide what happens beyond the closing of the curtain. They give us the opportunity to finish the story. Overall 8 out of 10- well done.

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Sei no Gekiyaku
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 7, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5
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Give it a Chance! (BUT BRING HEADPHONES)

I'll be honest, the current overall rating from my fellow viewers (7.5 stars as of today) made me want to run for the hills, but I'm glad I didn't. Once scanning through reviews, though almost every one I read talked about the sex and explicit nature of the movie, the main thing I noticed was their overall rating on the story itself. I saw 9's, 9.5's, 8's, and even a couple 10's- that's when I knew, despite the graphic scenes I was going to see, THE STORY WAS WORTH WATCHING.

THE STORY follows a man whose parent's have recently passed away. As things in his life begin to crumble, he feels he has nothing left- so upon a drunken night he hastily decides to commit suicide. But before the act is done, a man saves him... and ends up holding him captive (wild, I know, but we'll get there.) While being held captive, and through unorthodox methods forced upon him by the savior, the man realizes he doesn't want to die. The savior soon lets him go upon realizing this, and the two end up having a detailed conversation about life and death itself. This is where we discover the savior has a few dark demons of his own. In the end, upon the savior feeling he has nothing left to offer the world, it is the man who saves him in return.

THE ACTING is absolutely PHENOMENAL! The commitment to the characters, their roles in each other's lives and the scenes themselves was spot on. This may be the reason why some people found most scenes too uncomfortable. Though the story might not be the most realistic, the acting was. I could feel the pain in their eyes, the embarrassment from some scenes and the hurt in others.

THE MUSIC was slightly above par. There were many times when an orchestra or violins began to play, which added to the mood of a scene.

REWATCH VALUE is definite. Once time has passed, and I'm in the mood to view something that makes me think yet still has aspects of a BL, this would be on my list. After all, in my opinion Japan just has a certain way with portraying love in its truest and rawest form.

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Five Lessons in Happiness: Little Man
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 8, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5

Size Doesn't Matter.

This is an excellent portrayal of being comfortable in your own skin. Though you may have your own insecurities and doubt there is always someone out there who loves you for you. Our main protagonist is struggling with confidence, and after a devastating blow, his confidence is shot even more. It takes the encouragement of a friend, someone who truly cares for him no mater what, to get him back out there doing what he loves. And while getting back on the horse, so to speak, he comes across someone who has always loved him for him- insecurities and all. The writers and director did well with the 13-15 minutes they had. If this was a longer series I would definitely watch it. Highly recommended.

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TharnType Special
2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 13, 2020
1 di 1 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
What a wonderful way to end the Series! I'll keep it simple and short: 10's across the board! If you TRULY loved the story of Tharn and Type, then you'll love this episode. Seeing where they came from and where they ended up, is so beautiful. The character development has been amazing. Acting is amazing and let's not forget the OST. Oh, the music is phenomenal! Hold Me Tight (Acoustic Version) by Mew is so addicting. *The song that plays in the end credits*. I've found myself humming/singing the song all day. I've already seen it three times today- and will watch again! Overall, what a beautiful conclusion. Amazing story.

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AL and ER: Boys in Love
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 8, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5


This short film was an eye-opening experience. Due to the description not giving much, I'll do it for you:

"A couple finds themselves struggling to make ends meet during the Global Pandemic of COVID-19. Finding a way to put food on their table, the two are faced with a challenge to help them survive, but at what cost?"

The story behind this was phenomenal, which is why I gave it a 10. It's REALISTIC. Finding out what two people will do when faced with scrapping the bottom of the barrel. It's also haunting to know, this must be someone's reality out there in the world. The acting is VERY believable, hat's off to the actors for that. And kudos to the director! The fact this is all ONE CONTINUOUS SHOT with no cuts, chef's kiss.

Overall, amazing.

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Five Lessons in Happiness: She is my Father
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 8, 2021
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.0

Good Start, But It Feels Incomplete.

As there are no current reviews about this, I decided to give it a go.

I rated this an overall 8 out of 10 stars. It was GOOD but nothing to rave on about. I do enjoy the plot line and the premise of the episode: A woman who is deciding to live her life as she sees fit, struggles as her daughter- whom she hasn't seen in over 10 years, comes to seek help from her father after becoming pregnant. It's a lot more lighthearted than I expected- there's comedy, cute moments and somewhat of a heart-to-heart scene. With that being said, I do feel 13 minutes is WAY TOO SHORT to portray any kind of attachment with the characters. We don't really get the opportunity to sympathize with anyone because we don't really know who they are as people; we don't become invested in the story. They tried to cram TOO MUCH in TOO LITTLE TIME. I've seen short films go into depth with just as much time. This, ultimately, left the story feeling incomplete- which is a shame because this story REALLY COULD BE SOOOO MUCH MORE. What a shame.

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Something in the Rain
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 10, 2020
16 di 16 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler
Firstly, the acting was amazing! Something about the acting made me truly believe the pain and feelings each character felt. With the acting paired with the beautiful soundtrack, it is DEFINITELY a drama I will come back to. In fact, this is actually my third time watching it and each time I discover something new.

The story is amazing. It's about a woman in her mid 30's who is working at a tiring 9-5 (most nights ending the workday around 9 or 10) stuck without much, if any, joy and love in life. Her boyfriend/ex-boyfriend is no good (manipulative, cowardly and so much more), her relationship with her family could be better and her career is tiresome and often dreadful. When her best friend's little brother re-enters her life she stumbles upon that joy and passion she's been missing. With her family being the ones who cared for her best friend and her younger brother since they were in their teens, the family's reaction to the quickly budding relationship is more than what you'd expect. Eventually, this takes a toll on the two and their relationship, resulting in them thinking they can each fulfill a better life without the other- but in the end, they reunite once again discovering that fulfillment can only be reached when they are together.

As a frequent K-Drama watcher, this is a must-watch. Many people see the description and run for the hills, others have given it a try and find it long-winded due to the episode lengths (and I admit it might not be for everyone) but this is a drama you have to watch for YOURSELF!

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HIStory3: Make Our Days Count
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 7, 2021
20 di 20 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 8.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler


VIEWERS BEWARE! If you want to keep things lighthearted and fun, DO NOT WATCH EPISODE 10.

I originally saw this when it first came out, and I am rewatching it for the first time since. It is a well worth drama that's different from most, and it will definitely keep your attention. But as I have stated before, episode 10 is a page turner that didn't need to exist.

As a fellow writer, I feel episode 10 was a plot twist Gone Wrong! Some may say it was a final addition to the script that was meant for shock value, others might say it was supposed to come out of nowhere- as it says in the title "Make Your Days Count", but this by far was a terrible way to convey the message. I honestly do not mind the idea of one of the main characters dying by the end of the series, in truth, it does fit the theme/premise of the show. But with this being said, it could have been done a WHOLE lot better. For example, picture this:

"A pair of boys fall in love during the prime of their youth. Young and careless, the two shelter themselves from the world around them creating one of their own- that is until a terminal disease begins to rear it's ugly head threatening to tear the two apart."

This would have been MUCH BETTER; possibly having one of the characters being born with something terminal- he hides it from the second lead not wanting to spoil any of the moments they have left together. It could still have been a shock to the audience, keeping us in the dark as well. It would have delivered a softer yet still effective sting in our hearts wanting us to make the most of what we have.

But ultimately, it was the author's/writers' choice NOT OURS. But WE as watchers do have a choice So if you want to enjoy a beautiful story- only watch up until Episode 9. Don't worry, you don't miss much in Episode 10 that adds needed detail to the plot. After all, I pretend episode 10 doesn't exist. But don't just take my word for it, see four yourself.

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